Some_other_dude 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was the "lack of will power", unless I had a spiritual change, I was always going to have a "lack of will power".

AA is like (at least for me) spiritual kindergarten, where I learned how to have an understanding of spiritual things on a daily practical level.

Some_other_dude 30 points ago +30 / -0

22 years sober, it took me 2 years of trying to quit to finally quit, with 2 stints in detox. If you are struggling, go to AA, it saved my life. No one has to know.

Some_other_dude 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nope, submitted my appeal multiple times

Some_other_dude 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is Vax status supposed to be kept on a phone? I thought they handed out cards.

Some_other_dude 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly, Con Inc knows it will be stolen and they'll blame voter turnout. Interesting that they are all getting behind Herschel, and not a peep about Arizona.

Con Inc isn't about winning they are about making money, in fact they prefer to lose, so they can rake in more money. And they don't care about your money, it all about the big donors. One big uniparty.

Some_other_dude 10 points ago +13 / -3

This meme is actually pretty lame and makes anyone with any technical knowledge roll their eyes.

There's better arguments against the moon landing based on more sound technical discussions.

Some_other_dude 9 points ago +9 / -0

There's several factors affecting communications distance, one is actual frequency of the transmission. Cell service operates at a above VHF and Ham radio operators regularly bounce comms off the moon in HF. It's called EME, Earth-Moon-Earth comms.


Some_other_dude 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not a doomer or shill, I just call out grifters. Gregg has been promising the goods since 2017, and has never delivered. Go read this for what anons found out about TTV

WHO IS gregg

Some_other_dude 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who's minding the store? The dems are, he should know this. They apparently jacked him too, unless that was all theater. He sure got a lot of money from it.

deleted 0 points ago +2 / -2
Some_other_dude 2 points ago +4 / -2

🤣 I don't trust Phillips, he's all full of sayings and no substance. Another post he talked about all these wins he's had in 40 years of combating voter fraud, weird he's never named one.

Some_other_dude 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read the TOS on his site. Also you have to provide your personal details like who your employed by. Totally normal for open source research from a guy who admitted he was a confidential informant.

Some_other_dude -6 points ago +1 / -7

I don't trust this grifter, especially now since Cates is all in on him.

Some_other_dude 2 points ago +3 / -1

Do any of these faggots have a truth account?

I found out Desantis does not this week, might be a huge eye opener to see who doesn't have TS accounts, they are not MAGA, I even have to give a smidgen of respect to Commie Gavin Newsom, who actually has a TS account. But if you claim to be MAGA or GOP and you don't support TS, huge red flag.

Some_other_dude 2 points ago +3 / -1

This is fake, go and look at DJTs timeline and he retruthed the first post not the comment. Several Anons already called out Clandestine in his fake post.

Some_other_dude 2 points ago +7 / -5

Has anything Cates predicted ever come true? This guy is the worse goal post shifter there is. He was all Rosenstein is a WH, Barr is a WH, and come to find out these were the biggest swamp monsters there were. He's also holding to Durham is going to bring it all down still.

Some_other_dude 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they could, then why didn't they do it last time? Since we still have no exposed voter fraud in the courts or to normies. I thought the point of letting them steal the election was to expose it? I have a hunch that we see massive fraud again, because there have been no repercussions from the last election. So we let them steal it again cause we are setting them up. 🙄

by BQnita
Some_other_dude 1 point ago +1 / -0

And still no indictments. Are we past the statue of limitations yet?

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