She’s working full time for evil.
And now I could surmise PDJT has access to interesting technologies.
Something awry in Colorado…+DIA
I think the UN,WEF,WHO,CDC…all of them… are conspiring against our well-being and those individuals must be held to the strictest form of justice for what they have perpetrated on us.
Erdogan and others are pressing into the Israeli Khazarian Mafia to keep them from carrying out their plans.
Maybe a white hat cover to take out the Khazarian mtrafficking tunnel network
She and hussein had some nasty plans for us as part of their 16 year plan to destroy america and force a Dystopian future. But Trump yay.
How about quit the charade and admit your company is a massive child trafficking operation.
PDJT He said 5 months a month ago!
Turdo is actively destroying Canada for his boss Klaus.
Yep, Conservatives rightfully turning their back on that corrupt, satanic cesspool Khazarian Mafia stronghold. Russia is defeating Khazaria for the 2nd time. Thank God for Putin.Turdo and his Liberal gang of thieves supports criminals.
romano didulo= i am our donald
I can only say Thank God for Trump!
The Precipice is fast approaching!
That movement unfortunately is the embodiment of Satan. Baal/molloch was trans and desired little children to follow him. Evil wants an upside down world! God will win in the end.
Now go drop it on the effing UN. One down 33 to go
The demon spawn criminals are all being allowed to commit their crimes, then its hammer time for all of them.
Your onto something…
That dude can shove it
One bunker buster… problem solved!