Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hog= hang over gang. Was his group of friends when he was a drinker and the name stuck with his fan base

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oklahoma here. NE part of state and I'd say few times a year I'll see a day that has a few, just had a spell sometime in the past two weeks.

Stdh2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had so much fun with that as well. Came across my last few dozen stickers,few lgb mixed in. Past few years had some bright moments in it for sure.

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Had thought about possibly being trained for an uprising or domestic terrorist. They are children so easier to mold into these things then recruiting adults I would think. We know they have compounds were we can not gain access so it could be something along those lines. That's a lot of soldiers in a few years.this is a battle of long game after all.

Stdh2 7 points ago +7 / -0

All I have for you is my prayers. Hold on to that little one as they give us strength to endure and know that you have people who are keeping your struggles in mind when we pray. Good luck and gods strength be with you.

Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well my update... mechanic said absolutely not our van is not only out for the trip he strongly advised it not be driven on highways at all. 06:under 200k miles and it cost more to repair then it's worth....sad day in my house.

Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would think the guard will be shoreing up spots in the border. I would think the convoy is more for publicity and the organization says a revival.as we the people are doing nothing but bending over now. I feel if we where in the streets and vocal like all those other countries this would have been addressed long ago. And from what I read on this we will be near eagle pass but not at the site, think we are set to be a town over so once again it's more about the optics of people coming together for the country. And maybe 10k people filming what's going on will break through their censorship barrier, when people's convoy came through my state the highway Patrol said it was at 30k vehicles counted.. Either way sitting at home can't be the way out of this when shtf and it's military is the only way ok I'll get my popcorn and pull up my lazyboy but for now got to shout out displeasure at the system, peacefully,constitutionally...and I'm not set in stone on this as I do see a lot of ways this could go badly. As it sits I'm leaving it up to my mechanic if he says my vehicle is still up to cross country driving I'll go if not the good Lord has other plans for me.

Stdh2 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know when I drove in people's convoy it was 1200 miles and no exaggeration to say every single overpass we drove under had people maybe 10 maybe a hundred but every single one for 1200 miles. Maga is bigger then you'd think. And even non maga who share views but not the figurehead.

Stdh2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably yes but that's the guards jobs ours I think is to show the people's support.

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do have that concern of why now. I know they needed to have an evasion declared and the federal government to do nothing to protect their border opens up things constitutionally for states to get involved. But even if this is just an optics event we need boots on the ground and horns honking to be seen.

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are 3 different locations for the convoy all on same day. I don't think this will be a long haul event on our part. Saturday protest is all I know at this point. They are located near the pass but not at it so I don't feel like it will be a cluster of toes being stepped on. Hear same group that did logistics on the peoples convoy is running this one as well. And we where fed at every stop by the community we where in and had a clean place to park overnight. Think the freedom convoy and the farmers where being strangled out slowly so an abrupt shutdown was needed to show the world kinda like a frog in boiling water theory they needed a jarring event to take notice.

Stdh2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Had all those concerns with the last convoy but I won't sit and wait for some else to act. J6 got people scared to stand up and say enough and that is what they wanted. Granted this is bit different as we have states sending guards and also giving the ok for State militia to go. But we are being invaded and i can't pass the battle to my children because I was scared to do something...convoy states peaceful and I can't imagine it will be parked besides national guard. Got farmers protesting all over the place so this is ours.last count we have 25 states supporting Texas.

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Deleted comment about it being a year old as I didn't fully read the post but I was thinking they might have put out a new skit trying to be funny again not sure they recovered from the last time they accidentally did that though

Stdh2 11 points ago +11 / -0

Side effects of another illness interacting with jab side effects. As I've been through many doctors appointments with my mother and swelling in the legs. It is a vascular issue so maybe clots preventing the valves some closing properly to ratchet up the fluid? Kidney failure due to the spike shredding it's way through that system? I am still struggling with their plan and how those who are looking at survival are not ones they want. I do feel next wave of whatever will decimate the vaxed populace. Of course it'll be blamed on climate change or some such nonsense..the sheep are waking up to it way to slowly. I do feel that if it was a legitimate new something they wouldn't be hiding it they would be broadcasting it. unless they're trying to get it spread a little bit further before it's brought out for the public. No answers just more questions from me.

Stdh2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kind of has a hunger games vibe with the quadrants even though we all just looked at that White House celebration for Christmas and thought that's definitely district 1.

Stdh2 6 points ago +6 / -0

He sure does know how to put out media that hypes you up. Always walk away from these with a renewed feeling of nothing can stop what is coming.

Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

No just uneducated. Left school before I could drive to go to work so we didn't loose our home after father left. Back then you did things like that to keep food on table for the younger ones. And at this point in life just don't care about those details anymore, punctuation where it looks like it should be there and keep going.

Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

He did no state wide mandate and left it up to local level. Our town had no masks in schools as they took a vote from the parents of the students, we had a 78% rejection of the fear tactics.

Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of note, it seems to hit fighting aged males the hardest. Almost like it was intended to soften us up.

Stdh2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Had it a few times, if the eyes don't stutter then you're good. Yt the tests find wich side is affected and do the moves few times a day for few days, after you learn to slow down and go through the right head movements before you get out of bed, that's when they crystals come loos and set in the wrong place

Stdh2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Christian = bad. White = bad... if you look all the aggressor's are white and all the victims are of a shade. Not sure how long they have been playing this in the subliminal but I see it alot now. I point this out to my kids and their friends who are around when the topics come up n they say it's understood in their school that they are pushing racism against the Caucasians. some buy in and some see it for what it is..

Stdh2 5 points ago +5 / -0

We buy Goya any chance we get,,even if it's not needed as we do stockpile things.. our area has a Goya section in all the stores makes it handy to grab their options first.they are a good co n should be an example to the others as a alternative to go woke go broke

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