Stevie88 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is massively...

People are stubborn and they think of religion as being duped or falling for something, their ego just won't allow them to let go of their deeply held beliefs, which aren't really their own.

I threw myself down the rabbit hole of the depraved and evil aspects of our society and power structures, once I saw that I realized there had to be a counterbalance and hence the beginning of my transition to the lord.

May God be with you fren

Stevie88 3 points ago +3 / -0

yup, same here. hoping a placebo was given but I have spent the last year trying to mentally prepare myself, should I need to.

This time period has been hard, but our reality is dualistic in nature and I understand you can't have joy without pain, just hoping it's not too painful.

Stevie88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Payback is a bitch

Hoping for retribution by humiliation or tearful final words

Stevie88 4 points ago +4 / -0

The repercussions to the people or country had his stupid fake lie not been so obvious.... would have been massive.

The political, social and media pressure at the time was off the charts to the point where snake politicians (we know who you are) were trying to push draconian & tyrannical legislation through onto the people.

His actions had huge ramifications, I wonder if that gets taken into any kind of consideration?

The act of one trying to tear his country in half via reverse hate crimes... is that seriously a non-punishable offence?

Stevie88 2 points ago +2 / -0

The media really is the enemy of the people... imagine if you can how much better/different the USA and its citizens would be if we had impartial and factual information.

Side note...Funny that we call them programs and we watch something named tell a vision.

  1. Example - No vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan or Libya or Iran (back in the day Iran) that general we recently blew up had it coming.

Imagine the resources, technology and knowledge that could be hidden from us, whoever owns the 5 or 6 arbiters of truth and information must be extremely powerful.

Stevie88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rather belated, apologies.

If that scenario happened... I mean shit, I think I would go absolutely mental, like running up and down the streets shouting something to get the attention of all my neighbours.

Obviously positive but it ouldn't matter what I shouted, I would just want to share that insanely amazing moment with as many people as I could. Lol

Stevie88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Minus the color, that sculpture looks exactly like how the biblical text describes, exactly. 😏

I trust that evil is cunning and highly intelligent, which is why something doesn't feel right about this logic... I mean, you paint thar thing any solid color it immediately looks evil, especially so in black.

"Wow a uniquely perfect visual representation of evil quoted from biblical scripture"

"Yeah but its painted in very bright colors/patterns so it can't be"

Hope I'm wrong because they ain't hiding anything anymore but I feel like somewhere in the shadows evil is smirking and rubbing its hands together Mr burns style.


LOL... i used to be the most hatdcorest of atheists, watched/read everything by Hitchens, Hawkins and Harris and now look at me over analyzing statues and biblical scripture. (TBF subtlety is how evil operates)

Stevie88 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it turns out not to be a big fat lie… so what?! Shame on me for indulging.

If however it turns out to be true.. we’ll I’ll have to pick myself up off the floor, with the realization that real life is way more interest than anyone ever thought.

Stevie88 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel like the people who don’t objectively research topics, who don’t accept new information and are then willing to revise their opinion based on such, well they are always going to say Q is ridiculous and a LARP etc. etc.

I can’t prove I’m right or your wrong but why worry about people’s opinions when they aren’t even willing to engage in like an impartial adult?

To think a secret group is silently taking down the worlds satanic/ pedophile cabal of bloodlines is crazy on it’s face… for me the JFK Jr is not much of a leap if you give the information an objective chance.

Stevie88 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Q posts are a great source, the majority of which ask questions to get people pointed in the right direction. Trump and JFK Jr were very close friends. I personally think that after seeing his father and uncle murdered by the deep state, Jr would have been on high alert and would have known they were after him at some point. He’s death was strange in that they never found a body and there were a whole host of anomalies regarding the flight and subsequent search.

There’s some interesting channels that go deep, if you’re interested in pursuing I’m happy to shoot over a few links.

I’m not able to prove it fully, but the dots connect and my intuition tells me there’s merit to this.

Stevie88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Appreciate this insight fren. When we look at how much the media covers up and lies today, I’m confident they could have done the same regarding his death, you can’t have the son of a president you murdered coming up through the ranks of political power. I think JFK knew this and got ahead of it.

Stevie88 60 points ago +63 / -3

When you account for the strange circumstances around his death, the number of people attending his funeral… etc etc then add 20+ years of time, the potential use of prosthetics and one hell of a reason for revenge, I’m in.

I keep remembering that even the most red pulled and awake of us will be in shock when this goes down

Stevie88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice… I saw this the other day and thought… wouldn’t that be a fucking crazy situation? A guy few people have ever seen, the living hammer with one of the most important jobs in the US just hanging out at the Rittenhouse trial for moral support!

Ain’t Durham, but for a split second I thought I was living in an even better timeline than previously imagined.

Stevie88 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think you might be spot on here, somewhat poignantly I honestly hope it’s “I was just following orders” to be quickly followed by the sound of rope tightening real quick.

Stevie88 7 points ago +7 / -0

Microflashing googly eyes is the best darn thing I’ve heard all day!! Bravo

Stevie88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Big love to you fren. It’s hard to see it sometimes but there are millions of you/us out there, feeling the exact same way. It’s very tough right now and likely more challenging events lay ahead but I think we’re pretty lucky and I personally wouldn’t pick another time to be alive… I mean one can’t miss out on the greatest event in modern human history!?

P.s. I felt defeated when close family parroted the MSM and then ultimately got the Jab. I realized that with this whole spiritual war deal, you kinda have to let free will do it’s thing. Keep trying to convince those you love or who think are most receptive… it’s going to be intense, draining and feel pointless at times but then again we’re taking the earth back from evil, no small feat! 👍😎👊

Stevie88 2 points ago +2 / -0

POTUS was spitting straight fire as usual, calling it like it is and keeping the American people informed.

He cracks me up, man I miss that high IQ humor

Stevie88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember what’s at stake here and how much the rat infested have to lose? Trillions of dollars and thousands of years of power and control. The slimy see you next Tuesday’s are entrenched in just about every institution and I can only imagine the scale.

Just remember “sorry for wait folks, complicated business”

If it’s getting too much, step away, get outside and take a breather. This stuff is frustrating, unfair and nefarious when you think about what we’re up against.

Love you fellow MAGA patriots!! Look after yourself.

Stevie88 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fellow patriot,

I’m glad you’ve been able to navigate the insanity that has enveloped much of the US and the world over the last few months. We’re all one fighting the same enemy and the light is becoming more and more prompt. It’s encouraging to hear your words, it’s also a good reminder that the USA is the last stand, and comforting to know we have brothers in arms around the world. WWG1WGA

Stevie88 4 points ago +4 / -0

If he’s alive and its announced? we’re talking game fucking over for the cabal and their 70 years of occult rule (much longer in reality)

He’s an icon. A beloved Kennedy and he most certainly would cross the massive divide we see within out current political system between red and blue.

My faith is strong, Hopium is on full and I’m consuming more popcorn than I think is healthy for the average male, but fuck it... I’m gonna enjoy the show and relish watching the rest wake up. Will be beautiful

Stevie88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gravity holds our oceans to the earth while we rotate at 1000 mph on out axis... fighting the infinite vacuum of space... I can’t create a vacuum with my mouth and lungs and drink through a straw..., no issues

Also what’s protecting our ever weaker atmosphere the higher you go against said vacuum of space?

Stevie88 4 points ago +4 / -0

Few rings stand out as possibly being the case.

NASA is a billion dollar a year intelligence agency who is full of shit.

The heliocentric model was proposed and accepted hundreds of years before balloons or airplanes existed

Who do the stars circle above our heads with Polaris being the center point.

All religions and civilizations believed the earth was flat until Masonic scientists said otherwise

They’re trying to keep us from our creator and the heliocentric lie is an effective way to say we’re not created

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