Trying to blame the inflation, wrought by xiden's shut down of the oil pipelines, on the Ukraine. These ppl are fucking jokes.
That article was pure bullshit because it doesn't make sense on countless levels.
Another fake moonlanding
BLM trying to make a home made bomb is my guess
I did hear the Russians claim that the cabal controlled Ukrainian army is rocketing their own cities and then blaming Putin. In any case, whatever the lying stream media shows, I'll know it is just fake or psyops.
Well, whatever the case, he failed before he even tried.
The Federal Reserve, fucking the ppl over since 1913
"All options on the table" Another lie because domestic oil production sure isn't. The U.S was the biggest oil supplier in the world in 2020 and now in under a year, and under that wretched non-president xiden, we are begging other countries to take our worthless currency in exchange for it. P.S the reason why Xiden destroyed our domestic production of oil was because clowns like Soros make billions every year acting as middle men. Said country sells these guys the oil and then they sell it to us at inflated prices. These ppl are truly utter scum.
Well whether this is true or just more bullshit, it's simply the cost of doing business in a war zone. End of story.
Strangely mute when antifa or blm burned down whole neighborhoods
Too bad their money is near worthless
Lights being shut down at the White house was most likely a black hat psyop in order to accuse Russia of cyber attacks.
The OP is posing as a patriot. Yeah I ain't gonna fight Russia for Soros and crew. So fuck off.
We will never know. What we do know is this "Dr. Michael Buschmann was the chair of the Department of Bioengineering and Nanomedicine at GMU"
Ultra mind fuck assassination?
A damn break starts with one small leak.
I can ask the exact same question and make the exact same statements about this cockroach and the ppl that work with him.
There was an emergency?
Great, when can we get the first shipment of SJWs out?
But but the pedo-gon said their were animal hospitals....
I see those other ppl who pushed this scamdemic as PURE SCUM. Xiden can get fucked with his unity message. I won't unite with satanic scum.
and it only took two years...what bravery.
If they would of done this when the kill jab was first rolling out, then I would applaud them but, instead they do it now when the vast majority already took it. Like I said nothing but theater.
Coolster move