You know how that’s the “cool” place to be seen on New Year’s Eve and everyone always looks beautiful despite the cold? Did you see the crowd all dressed in plastic with ridiculous hats. It cracked me up! They looked absurd.
Awwww! Good for him and Good for you! We really have been on a roller coaster of hope and despair for 8 years. We had to stand strong like you did. I look forward to the day when I hear that from my friends and family. 🥂
Well said! This will actually blow her mind. And should wake them up (some) because she understands the EO and how there has been cheating in both elections. She just has the wrong candidate. This will be interesting to see who gets it and who clings to the matrix.
Damn you beat me to the post!!!
Glad I’m not in the courtroom because that infuriates me!!! What a pos that judge is. Time to look into her background. I can’t wait till this fabricated politically correct bullshit is known for what is, a distraction and a way to gain control and moral authority when you have none. I’m sick of it. It’s irritating when you’re with someone who corrects you if you mistakingly refer to someone who has changed their identity and isn’t in the room. Later I heard the same person screw up another’s gender to that person. That person said nothing but I called it out in my head. TMI but still so over the verbal land mines!
The taxpayer money that John Conyers used to settle his sexual harassment and rape charges was made through his OFFICE BUDGET.
In other words, A: it wasn’t even included in the $17 million total. B: more names just been added to the list.
Wow think how much money these scumbags used to cover up their crimes. Sickening!
Great points! I believe he is drawing attention to Denmark & Greenland so we will learn something about illegal activities. For instance, I believe Denmark is the seat of the cabal so he is drawing our attention there so we learn more and as a bonus trolls the DS. Same is true of Greenland. This is ALWAYS what DJT does. On the surface he sounds like a bully which is why the Dems I know, hate him. But in reality he’s acting ALWAYS as a lightening rod to educate us!
She’s right! I heard once that the cell towers current runs counter to our (and all life’s) electrical current and that’s why it’s destructive. They said it could run with ours and actually be helpful. Can you imagine if we could just eliminate the poisons in the air, water & ground, the difference we’d feel? Hopefully that’s just around the corner!
We have been waiting so long for all of this but why recommend signing before the walk? Maybe it’s nothing but I feel like the DS may try something on the walk. President Trumps safety is key. Maybe nothing —maybe just getting it done but too many years of double meanings.
Right! It is unreasonable for any country to force their will other nations! Individual countries are so valuable and need their autonomy and ability to put their countries interests first just like the US. This is what I believe will take place. This is what most Americans want as well.
I do believe Denmark is the seat of the cabal. It’s where their head operations are. We should not invade any country. I love all the individuals countries and the beautiful buildings, charming towns and the people. It has been the DS that has forced our will on others deceitfully and this is NO LONGER the way we want to work with other countries. Each country should be a form of MAGA and put their country first and work accordingly with others. If the USA has this policy, then others will as well. Back to my initial point of Denmark being the seat of the cabal and revealing and removing it will benefit everyone. I see it as removing the rot. And trust me we will see a beautiful world emerge!
Court fees…. He went from an odd, likable actor to an insane, rabid President Trump hater with it all being illustrated in his crappy art. Humor is disarming but when that drops you see the intensity that can be brilliant or cruel that fuels it. I’m sad to say. Will Ferrell is in this group too.
Lame duck! Not even trying to pretend. Good for normies to see.