My father was given 1 year to live without intervention and 1 1/2 with. He said screw it and just cut sugar, juiced daily, avoided processed foods (he was an OG researcher) and lived 18 years! He knew about B17. I just wish he lived long enough to know about ivermectin, Fenbendazole and HCQ. I regret that.
In the old days (a week ago) he would’ve been Arkansided or discredited. Let’s see where this information goes from here because the next question is who would do this and how will it be handled. If the Colombian President’s recent management is any indication, then there is already a plan.
It shows exactly why we are where we are today. No strong leadership so those involved in making decisions are terrified to take real action. If you think your boss will fold, you will start there. You can see how this will set the tone for the next four years. Big changes.
That’s so beautiful!!!! No wonder the Colombian President sounds like a blithering idiot! He didn’t see this coming and had zero time to handle the consequences. Trump is a teacher in a classroom of out of control kids. The first one gets a harsh reminder of who’s in control. The next challenge won’t be as aggressive and soon it will all stop. Peace through strength. Love it!
Wow — I think as they said, he’s portraying himself as a modern day William Wallace. Didn’t he get the memo that the DS is dead? They’re not just hiding waiting to be inspired. He already had to send a plane to collect his rejected baggage. 50% tariffs might inspire him to work with President Trump oh and stfu. Nice to know who’s on our side.
Damn that’s disturbing. I’m interested to see what’s going on there. Whoever did that had the time and no one noticed who might have been holding them that they wrote help over and over? It’s very strange for that reason.
You can’t tell from the article but he looks like he’s possessed and has for a long time. Wouldn’t you love to see someone like this exorcised. Just the before and after pic. Not the event because that might take a mighty warrior priest days! He’s scary looking.
That is amazing! The letter is eloquent and accurate written in 2016 which means they knew then what President Trump was up against and planning for us and what it would mean to the world. It’s like the magic of Camelot coming to life and supporting the defeat of evil. John Mappin is interesting and owns the Camelot castle/iluxury resort.
Great visual! Sounds like this is the reason why a Presidential 3rd term is being discussed right now. It’s so we talk about the REAL ISSUE which is the length of Senators terms! Too much power for too long would corrupt anyone!
That’s amazing first because they’ve found 75-80k already and because it shows that Majorkas wasn’t trying! For me, Harris was not pro Trump (not that I watched really but it was my impression) so she sounds different. She’s making her opinion known which I appreciate right now but I disagree with news reporters taking sides normally.
So they are supposed have a warrant and the business/people should request identification BUT if they fail to do that then ICE can enter. We all know the round up is a big & important job so I automatically take ICE’s side. However it is a good reminder of what our rights are.
I agree and Mayor Bass did the same! She told President Trump that she’d have people back in their homes in a week which was totally different from what she told the people (18 months). DJT called her out on it and said let the people clean up their own lots immediately like they want to. You know the plan is to claim total loss and bulldoze everything. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Really?! I love the way your brain works! Double meanings are every where!