StrzoksMangina 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sure, it could be that, but in the absence of evidence that he's a black hat, let's not jump to denigrating his service. Life happens sometimes. Maybe a loved one got a bad health diagnosis or something similar.

StrzoksMangina 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are wasting your time if you're searching for logical or moral consistency from these people. There is none.

StrzoksMangina 5 points ago +5 / -0

The thing is with these leftists, there is always a performative element to their communications. It is very reminiscent of people that I know who have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and other psychopathic disorders. The Marxist ideologies espoused by the left and cultivated by the cabal gradually condition people to become highly manipulative and to construct their own little safe spaces where their conditioned beliefs aren't questioned. So is the commenter really contemplating selling xim/xers house to prepare for an American collapse? Hardly. It displays to the think bubble that you're on the team and adhere to the orthodoxy. What makes it so corrosive is that they all know on some level that their belief systems are flawed, but every time they avoid using critical thinking or common sense it gets easier to avoid. At the logical conclusion you're left with an NPC. 4-6% lost forever.

StrzoksMangina 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now ban public service unions! Fuck the NEA, or as Rush called them, the National Extortion Administration.

StrzoksMangina 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ad hominem attacks are a sign you might be on the losing side of an argument.

StrzoksMangina 1 point ago +1 / -0

You called Indians monkeys, c'mon.

StrzoksMangina 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, but I don't want us divided either. It's about the end goal. The people united, defeating the literal luciferian enemy who is hell bent on our destruction. Ulitmately, I personally don't give a shit what you say, except on it's potential impact for victory. The impersonal nature of social media is a cancer for polite discourse. I invite you to read the rules:

Civil Discussion ONLY: They want you divided. They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc. Divided you are weak [no collective power]. Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].

StrzoksMangina 3 points ago +3 / -0

Keep in mind, the second you resort to racist comments, even in jest, you immediately lose credibility not just for you, but for all of us. Not to mention we are all children of God. It's not about me being offended, it's about changing this world for the better.

edit: Not to mention the fact the future second lady is Indian. Is she monkey? Think about it. Never miss an opportunity to say nothing.

StrzoksMangina 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you're not about treating people as individuals, you're not wanted here.

StrzoksMangina 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Come here Billy and take your d-bol+tren stack!" "Don't forget your clomid, either. You don't want bitch tits!"

StrzoksMangina 3 points ago +3 / -0

Debt will have to be canceled in some manner. Don't forget, the cabal also saw the necessity of it. Too much debt in an economy can bring about a total collapse. The cabal was going to offer debt cancellation for moving to a CBDC. Think about the incalculable wealth stolen from Americans through inflation, predatory lending, and outright criminality in the banking system. I think NESARA/GESARA is the only remedy to the current system.

StrzoksMangina 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was able to cast a provisional ballot, Thanks for the advice. I just went down there and they were able to take care of me.

StrzoksMangina 5 points ago +5 / -0

As a newly retired-Army and MAGA patriot, this is a nothing burger. First of all, marksmanship badges are very minor accolades primarily for junior enlisted and junior NCOs (they're worth promotion points). Second, DD-214s aren't always 100% accurate. Given the same situation, I wouldn't give a single shit whether a marksmanship badge was on my DD-214 as I left military service. This all being said, Walz is a commie, traitor, pedo, and a tremendous piece of shit.

StrzoksMangina 2 points ago +2 / -0

The worst thing about capital gains is that they effectively mean you don't own your house or land. The 2nd worst thing about property taxes is the same thing Kamala wants to do for capital gains: unrealized gains. How can you tax me on my home's value if I'm not selling it?

StrzoksMangina 4 points ago +4 / -0

Big Mike is blowing out Barry's chili ring.

StrzoksMangina 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm recently retired military, and up until recently I was active in the /r/Army and /r/military subreddits. A soy-boy mod over there banned and muted me because I thought that renaming our military bases was a best a misplaced priority and ultimately a meaningless gesture. I can't wait for these fucks to be confronted with how in the minority they actually are.

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