Trump on October 5 2017 asks the reporters if they notice the Calm before the Storm. Reporters ask “what Storm?” “You’ll find out” he replies.
2222 days from You’ll Find Out to November 5th of this year.
Think V for Vendetta with Sidney Powell replacing Natalie Portman.
22 22 = V V.
Next years Election night is Guy Fawkes night. Bonfire night, when Catholic traitors are burned alive or quartered. V V takes place over the course of a year. Story also had a storm that Transfigures Evey.
2222 is an Angel number that manifests your hopes.
Coincidentally, from when Q went silent to this Christmas Eve is 1111 days. So the Q & A session with Q could be a Christmas Eve present.
I personally think the Tweet will be this Nov 3rd. But the Tweet would presumably be announcing the start of major military action and possible martial law. Like, recall the early Q drops discussing presidential war powers, the Civil War, and such. I’d recommend getting sleep, and maybe read my post history, watch V for Vendetta, and Interstellar. I think we have a few more months.
Someone else figured out the Queen died on day 1776 and I went from there. You can check my post history about Interstellar, Q post 14 that was on month 9 day 11 of Trump presidency and also 500th anniversary of Protestant Reformation. I also think the CIA and NSA were created on specific days to create 19,000 and 25,9xx day deltas. The 15th of this November is 8100 days since 911. 8100 has 45 divisors, just as 111,111,111^2 has 45 divisors.
Trump on October 5 2017 asks the reporters if they notice the Calm. Reporters ask “what Storm? “You’ll find out” he replies.
22222 days from You’ll Find Out to November 5th of this year.
Q first posted October 28, 2017
1776 days later, coincidentally, and in no way am I implying causation, the Queen of England expectedly passed away from natural causes due to her age. Q drops 100 and 620 are in regards to her.
Trump was arraigned on Q day 1984 Coincidentally, John Hurt stared in movie 1984 as the protagonist Winston Smith. Hurt played villain in V for Vendetta.
Trump announced he was going going to be arraigned a second time on day 2049 (a reference to Blade Runner 2049)
Trump was processed and released on Q day 2054 (Minority Report is set in year 2054, Spielberg made a point to talk about it)
Aliens is set in 2179.
If years equals days 2179 =Monday, October 16, 2023
Aliens has the following quotes:
They cut the power!
Seventeen days? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before.
What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Harsh language?
Game over, man. Game over.
So if something bad happens on October 16th we have to wait 17 days for rescue.
Which takes us to November 2. The following day is November 3, a Friday.
Trump can only post The Tweet of Annunciation of the Storm on a Friday. This is coincidentally the release date for Dune Part 2. Film is set in a world that had a Butlerian Jihad and is in the process of a Game Theory War to liberate the Galaxy from a degenerate pedophile cult that has been in power for Millennia due to their harvesting of a potent drug and warmongering.
The following day is the 4th, coincidentally the 71st anniversary of the NSA.
The following day is coincidentally Guy Fawkes Day. It also happens to be day 2199 of Q operation(the approximate year Morpheus frees Neo in the Matrix) This is also Angel number 2222 days since Trump said ‘you’ll find out’ Also, 22 22 = V V = V for Vendetta
Also notice that Q day 2199 is this November 5th. The Matrix, if not set in 2199 was damn closer to that date than 1999. Both the Matrix and V for Vendetta were written by the same writers. There are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidence. Recall that V for Vendetta started on the 5th of November with the bombing of Old Bailey and Evey finished the job the following year.
If the military takes out the deep state this November 5th, puts us under marshal law, and we have elections next year (coincidentally the 5th) , it would be deja vu with the Matrix and V.
I hope the military interrupts his mugshot and stands behind him.
They spend millions for election fraud in California. The D party isn’t competitive anywhere. It is ALL fraud, in EVERY state. IF THEY CHEAT IN CALIFORNIA THEY CHEAT EVERYWHERE. It’s 100% rigged everywhere. The Blue States are really radioactive red states. The Hispanics aren’t voting for tranny niggerfaggots. The Democrats just focus on the states with population density because it consolidates and simplifies their workloads.
When I saw it in theaters I was still in love with Bush and I thought it was faggot propaganda. I watched it recently and was in tears. I’m convinced now that the NSA had input into the script, that the NSA purposely removed the FATE super-computer plot, had the movie end on the 5th of November (the comic ends on the 10th). I think the NSA also altered the Finch character and introduced the virus plot for reasons that will make sense this 5th of November. I also think Alan Moore is doing kayfabe when he talks trash about Q.
People, it can be all three. Just because the cabal used DEW doesn’t preclude them from also using arsonists and hackers. They run multiple ops concurrently so they can have multiple exit strategies, contingencies, and back up agents in case the plan diverges. The main targets were taken out with DEW, secondary targets taken out by hackers, and tertiary targets by arsonists.
Think past events. They had at least three teams that shot at Kennedy. The Kennedy Truth movement went nowhere because your retarded parents split into groups ‘The Mob did it’ and ‘the driver did it’ and ‘The intelligence community did it’ and ‘It couldn’t be a conspiracy because too many people would have to be in on it.’
Please fuck off with the dismissive sarcasm and one sentence replies.
Just because the Cabal used modified drone aircraft on 911 doesn’t preclude them also using DEW in conjunction with 1,000,000 explosive bombs with accelerometers masquerading as ceiling tiles and a mini-Neutron Bomb hidden in the basement.
They Juice enjoy their Rube Goldberg overkill death traps just as much as they enjoy listening to faggots argue how X couldn’t have been responsible because Y exists, and then another faggot arguing it couldn’t be Y because Z, and then retard #3 saying it can’t be Z because X.
This post was on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
This post was the first Q post with [ ] and first with a picture.
Was on month 9, day 11 of Trump's 1st term as President. This was made possible by the 20th amendment to the Constitution in 1933.
The picture is of Washington crossing the Delaware River to kill Hessians.
Hessians came from near Frankfurt and the Rothschilds made their dynasty from money lending and the mercenary business and financing Forever Wars.
Benjamin de Rothschild died Jan 15, 2001. He was a direct descendant from the Ashkenazi banking dynasty that began in Frankfurt Jewish ghetto in the 1700s.
Queen died on day 1776 of Q operation.
Trump was arraigned on Q operation days that match the year of famous dystopian fiction movies. 1984 (Orwell novel year) and 2054 (Minority Report year). Trump also announced he would be arraigned a second time on day 2049 of Q. 2049 is Blade Runner 2049.
Q drop 14 was very close to the 3rd anniversary of Interstellar (Movie has cryptographic similarities to Q - Watch Interstellar and think Trump = Cooper and Michael Caine = Klaus Schwab) When Trump wins in 2024 it will be on the 10th anniversary of Interstellar IMAX release. The first Morse letter sent in Interstellar Tesseract is the [F] found in first Q post with a bracket, the aforementioned post 14. Elon took over Twitter on the 8th anniversary of Interstellar. Other Morse sent in Interstellar corresponds to DEC[L]AS and ENOUGH is EN[O]UGH. In other words, the Morse sent in the Tesseract of Interstellar corresponds to the beginning, middle, and end of the Q operation, and the Morse sent in Interstellar can be inverted or mirrored into the Morse of the letter Q.
This November 5th is 2222 days since Trump said "Calm before the Storm, You'll Find Out"
22 22 = V V = V for Vendetta
2222 = Angel number helps you manifest the reality you desire. Symbolism will be their downfall.
November 5th is V for Vendetta Day, this day is also 2199 days since first Q post. There are no coincidences for either Morpheus or V.
2199 = Matrix Movie Year
2199 = 733*3
The Military released video of Isis being destroyed on day 733 of the Q operation. Trump had the narrative of ROE V WADE SOON TO BE OVERTURNED deployed on day 1466 days of the Q operation. Trump could have his greatest triumphs on day 733, 1466 and 2199 of the Q operation.
Trump could send the Tweet we are hoping for on the release of Dune Part 2 on November 3rd, two days before V for Vendetta Night. Dune is set in a universe were AI, robots, and computers were overthrown. While the Storm is going down in November, you can watch Dune Part 2 (I don't Care what you believe, I Believe!) , Hunger Games (Enjoy the Show!) and Napoleon (Shall We Vote?).
Floating Point Error (all over the world, computers get weird)
First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All the Lawyers
World War 3
Sick. Day Care Centers is checked off.
Good catch. There is a Las Vegas card, too. I guess we have to be close to the end, because 99% of the cards have been played.
I think Pbman2 and I are saying it's more likely that China and the US worked together to not only covertly release information that HQC works, but that we worked together to destroy the really bad viruses so the Cabal was forced to use either a weak virus or a psy-op masquerading as a virus. So the video I posted shows US special operators in Biological protective gear setting off explosives, breaching buildings, and retrieving biological specimens. It's possible this LA raid wasn't a training exercise, but rather an operation that confiscated the doomsday virus in early 2019. The Cabal had a narrative already developed, and they had to do something to win the election, so they went ahead with the narrative even though their doomsday virus wasn't available. If there even was an actual covid virus, it was released by non-Chinese agents that had infiltrated the Army Games in China, and China is more a victim than anything. The Cabal was forced to deploy their virus and vaccine weapon in a way that wasn't ideal for them. The military destroyed the very bad virus and then the military delivered mostly placebos, and only a small fraction of the world population got the Cabal-developed MRNA vaccine.
Keep reading the posts that follow. I think Q was thanking Xi for canceling plans to import cars from ChongQing
I don't think these are references to HCQ either:
Thank you for posting. What about the 80s and 90s, and since the fall of the Berlin wall. Did Russia ever have a counter-coup? Did the Russians take back their country? Did the system just implode like the media tells us? Or did Jewish Bolshevism just rebrand and modernize?
Delia Surridge did have a red diary in V for Vendetta (the movie, I'm not sure what the color was in the Comic). The diary was a plot contrivance that allowed the investigators to understand who V was. Without the red diary, Finch wouldn't have known V's history, motive, or method. And by coincidence, this November the 5th is 2222 days since Trump said "This is the Calm before the Storm" and "You'll find out" when asked what the Storm is. 2222=V V
There is a Storm in V for Vendetta and it transforms Evey. And for significance, V for Vendetta takes place over 365 days from Nov 4 to Nov 5 of the following year. Election 2024 is on Guy Fawkes Night. V also knew about FATE super computer in the comic, so V had the equivalent of a NSA AI helping him. Coincidentally, the NSA's 71st anniversary is November 4th. This November 5th is also 2199 days since Q's first post. 2199 is a Matrix reference. 2199 is a composite number of two prime numbers, 3 and 733. Trump did amazing things on day 733 and 1466 of his Presidency. This Guy Fawkes night is 3*733 days since Q's first post.
I'm trying to remember if there was wokeness in Dune Part 1. I didn't notice anything other than they replaced Jihad with Crusade. I read the book 25 years ago so I don't remember much so I'm not sure what they removed or added. I think they removed all the degenerate homosexuality and predation the Baron enjoyed. Judging by the trailers it doesn't look like they added butch lesbians with purple hair or anything like that, so it's faithful to the book minus the Jihad references and minus the degenerate homosexuality. I liked part 1 and am looking forward to part 2.
Coincidence Election 2024 is on V for Vendetta Night?
Does V for Vendetta story / plan have a one year duration?
This November 5th to next year? Ends on Election Night?
Q said this will be on their time table. They knew this day would come.
This November 5th is 2222 days since Trump said “you’ll find out.” 2222= V V
Interstellar IMAX has its 9th anniversary on this Guy Fawkes Night. Murph’s watch is Q watch. When Trump wins on Election Night next year, think ‘Follow the Watch’ from Interstellar. Trump is Cooper. He gives the watch. TARS is military, a Marine combat robot. Cooper winds the watch. TARS feeds the data. Murph REMEMBERS.
Tenth Anniversary of Interstellar is on Election 2024.
This V for Vendetta night is 2199 days since Q started. Think Matrix. 2199= 733*3 What happened on Q day 733? Day 1466? REMEMBER Remember
This V for Vendetta night is 2222 days since Trump said “You’ll Find Out” when asked about the Storm. 2222= VV = V for Vendetta
Storm in V for Vendetta? Did V LARP?
“That wasn’t real!?”
Why? Did it work?
Did V have access to FATE super computer?
Movies in theaters this November?
Napoleon: Coup, “Shall we vote?”
Hunger Games: “Enjoy the Show!”
Dune:Part 2 “All my dreams end in horror, … because I gain [control]”.
I’ll point out that this November, in theaters, the following movies are playing: Hunger Games : “Enjoy the Show” Dune : “All my dreams end in horror… because I gain Control” Napoleon: “Shall we vote?”
And this Guy Fawkes night is 2222 days since Trump said: “You’ll Find Out” about the Storm. 2222= VV = V for Vendetta.
2222 days from Calm Before The Storm statement to this Guy Fawkes Night! 22 22 = VV. V for Vendetta.
Q also points to this Bonfire Night because Q start to Guy Fawkes night is 2199 days, a Matrix year reference.
No coincidences to Morpheus or V. I, like God, do not play with dice.
Any way, from September 11th 2001 to this November 15 is 8100 days. Both the product of Nine Elevens and 8100 have 45 divisors.
So if the Storm starts on V for Vendetta Night this year, and 10 days of darkness follows, the Cabal would be defeated on a delta that has 45 divisors. (The Cabal worships the 45 divisors of 111111111*111111111 because it equals 12345678987654321. 1 conjured the other 8 symbols. And the 17 digit number is as above so below.
Coincidence Election 2024 is on V for Vendetta Night?
Does V for Vendetta story / plan have a one year duration?
Why did V decide to return the following year?
This November 5th to next year? Ends on Election Night?
Q said this will be on their time table. They knew this day would come.
Interstellar IMAX has its 9th anniversary on this Guy Fawkes Night. Murph’s watch is Q watch. When Trump wins on Election Night next year, think ‘Follow the Watch’ from Interstellar. Trump is Cooper. He gives the watch. TARS is military, a Marine combat robot. Cooper winds the watch. TARS feeds the data. Murph REMEMBERS.
Tenth Anniversary of Interstellar is on Election 2024.
This V for Vendetta night is 2199 days since Q started. Think Matrix. 2199= 733*3 What happened on Q day 733? Day 1466? REMEMBER Remember
This V for Vendetta night is 2222 days since Trump said “You’ll Find Out” when asked about the Storm. 2222=VV
Storm in V for Vendetta?
Did V have access to FATE super computer?
Could you imagine, during the trial, as Trump is giving his defense, the military interrupts and stands behind him? Like they did at the inauguration?
This November 5th is day 2199 of Q operation. The Matrix was set in the year 2199 (Morpheus said it’s closer to 2199 than 1999). 2199 is divisible by 3 and 733. On day 733 of Q operation the Pentagon released the video of the raid and death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr. 733 days later Trump deployed the narrative that the Supreme Court would soon overturn Roe V Wade. This November 5th will be the third and final iteration of 733 days.
The Matrix and V for Vendetta screenplays were both written by the Wachowskis. November 5th is V for Vendetta and exactly one year before the 2024 election. There are no coincidences. Vendetta runs from the 5th to the 5th of the following year.
Think about Evey and what happened to her before she experienced the Storm.
What did V say to Evey before, during, and after the Storm?
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 Is Election Day. Since when is a Presidential election held on an odd year? My point is from this November 5 to Election Day 2024 is one year, and by some weird chance, from Trump’s ‘calm before the storm’ statement to this Guy Fawkes night is 2222 days, and from Q start to same Fawkes Night is 2199 days, and the Matrix is set in year 2199. So this Bonfire night seems to be alluded to by the start dates of Trump and Q’s cryptic comments.
Both V and Morpheus refused to believe in coincidence. Morpheus also likes triplets. Trump also had amazing wins on day 733 and day 1466 since Q began. 733 is a divisor of 2199.
1466+733 = 2199. And 733*3 = 2199
So whatever happens this November 5th is on a 733 day count-up from the Roe V Wade repeal narrative, and that was 733 days from the military releasing video of the destruction of ISIS. This Nov 5th could be the third 733 that surpasses Trumps other amazing narrative deployments.
So if Trump initiates martial law or gives some kind of TV address this November 5th, it would be a one year countdown to election night. Just as V for Vendetta is a one year countdown; V destroys the Old Bailey and then one year later he delivers a mask to every citizen and asks them to come to parliament so they can watch the world change. This V V one-year countdown perfectly maps onto next years’ election. Trump could have a military-civilian alliance in real life, on Election Day, just like the ending to V for Vendetta. Instead of a Guy Fawkes mask, Trump could mail WiFi jammers to everyone to take to the precincts to enforce all voting machines aren’t connected to internet.
My point is that Trump could have picked his Storm statement and Q start dates to make his enemies at the CIA think he is going to LARP V for Vendetta. Right now, anyone could say to Jack Smith or Fani, “Have you noticed this?”
The CIA might even think that Trump is LARPing the imprisonment of his supporters and he is treating them like Evey from V for Vendetta. Like, Mar-a-Lago has jail cells for psychological operations like V’s shadow gallery.