Recall in V for Vendetta when Stephen Fry (Deitrich) invites Sutler on TV and V ties his shoelaces and then all hell breaks loose? Benny Hill slapstick skit with the dueling Sutlers? Recall when V created an elaborate ruse for Evey that included torturing her, shaving her head bald, and threatening her with death? That’s where we are now. The Q psy-op involves treating Biden like a Sutler with his shoes tied and simultaneously scaring the public, making everyone think they are about to die at Larkhill.
God save the Queen.
Q operation day 2199 is this November 5th, one year before election.
2199 is a Matrix reference, and V for Vendetta and Matrix were both written by the Wachowski brothers. No coincidences.
V for Vendetta runs from November 5th to November 5th of the following year.
Coincidentally Election night 2024 is 5th of November.
Recall how the V for Vendetta movie cut out the FATE super computer AI that ran Norsefire?
He’s had access to FATE since the beginning.
We have it all.
Now I want ice cream.
Matrix was presumably set in the year 2199 and if we are counting days since Q began, this November 5th is day number 2199. Now, the number 2199 isn’t really that meaningful, but November 5th is also V for Vendetta Night, and what a coincidence that this Guy Fawkes night is also day 2199 of Q and exactly one year before the 2024 election.
Both Matrix and V are adamant that there are no coincidences. And half the quotes of Q are similar to V and Morpheus.
Like watch V for Vendetta and realize that V starts the Storm on November 5th, and then completes his mission exactly one year later. As you are watching V for Vendetta, imagine V with an Orange wig and Trumps voice. Imagine Evey as an anon. Imagine Sutler as Klaus Schwab and replace London with DC. And realize that November 5th is Election Night.
We already passed Q day 1776. The Queen of England was executed that day. We’re on day 2098. Wait until day 2199. It’s going to be amazing.
Kinda sounds like a quote from Matrix or V for Vendetta. Like a few people will be afraid of true freedom and will want to stay in bondage.
Like think of the scene where Evey is told she is free, and she walks out of her cell. She could have stayed in her cell and waited for food, then starved to death. But she found the courage to walk out on her on volition.
Who imprisoned me here? Who keeps me here? Who can release me? Who's controlling and constraining my life
…. Tonight, you must choose what comes next. Lives of our own, or a return to chains. ….
sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, that there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
From Trump’s “The calm before the storm” statement on October 5th 2017 to this November 5th is exactly 2,222 days. Nov 5 is exactly one year before the Election 2024. It’s also V for Vendetta night. It’s also coincidentally 2199 days since Q started (2199 is the presumptive year the Matrix movie takes place). This is also the 9th anniversary of Interstellar IMAX. Election 2024 will coincidentally be on the 10th anniversary of Interstellar IMAX. The NSA was created on Election Night 1952. The 71st anniversary of NSA is November 4th of this year. If you look at the 5th of November you will notice this is the 45 week of the year. The center of the calendar for this November (the 15th) is dead center, and is coincidentally 8100 days since September 11th terror attacks. 8100 has 45 divisors. If you use the creation of NSA to create deltas, November of this year has five adjacent prime number deltas. 25931, 25933, 25939, 25943, 25951 that correspond with the first Friday, V for Vendetta Day, Veterans Day, the bullseye of the calendar, and Thanksgiving.
Queen died on Q day 1776
Trump was arraigned on Q day 1984 (think Orwell)
Trump announced he was going to be arraigned a second time on Q day 2049 (a reference to dystopian movie Blade Runner 2049)
Trump was processed and released on Q day 2054 (Minority Report is set in year 2054, Spielberg made a point to talk about it)
Alien is set in 2122 which if years =days corresponds with August 20.
This is coincidentally 100 days before November 5th (see below). November 5th is 2,222 days since Trump mentioned the Calm Before the Storm
Aliens is set in 2179 (corresponds with October 16) and has the following quotes:
They cut the power!
Seventeen days? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before.
(This would correspond with November 2nd)
What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Use harsh language?
Game over, man. Game over.
Also notice that Q day 2199 is this November 5th. The Matrix, if not set in 2199 was damn closer to that date than 1999. Both the Matrix and V for Vendetta were written by the same writers. There are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidence. Recall that V for Vendetta started on the 5th of November with the bombing of Old Bailey and Evey finished the job the following year.
If the military takes out the deep state this November 5th, puts us under marshal law, and we have elections next year (coincidentally the 5th) , it would be deja vu with the Matrix and V.
Speaking of Deja Vu, actor John Hurt was protagonist in 1984, victim in Alien, and the villain in V for Vendetta.
That shirt with "There is greatness in our DNA"
Could be November 4th of this year. The day before is a Friday and could be The Tweet. November 5th of this year is day 2199 of Q operation. It’s a Matrix reference. This November 4th is the 71st anniversary of the NSA. And from Trumps “Calm before the Storm” statement to November 5th is 2222 days. That’s an IT reference maybe, lots of viruses use port 2222. Ten days of Darkness starting from the 45th week. Internet outage could end on the 15th. That’s dead center on the calendar and about a year before election. The 15th of November is also 8100 days since 9/11. 8100 has 45 divisors. One year of martial law before election.
BdR right after the inauguration and Queen on day 1776.
Fil em emphasis on M
Why was RC / Epstein & the [M]-Temple highlighted in the past?
B in overcoming Ignorant [A] or deliberate [B]?
Or emphasis on Phil M
jD79-x10ABy-89zBT 08:00 12:00 11_6_TP_Pub PHIL_B_O_Extract_Conf 02:00 Z
This Friday is 15 weeks before November 3rd. V for Vendetta is November 5th. November 5 is the start of the 45th week. It’s also the day after the NSA’s 71st anniversary. If you use the the start date of the NSA to generate deltas, this November has 5 adjacent prime numbers that correspond with holidays, and the possible Tweet on the 3rd, and the bullseye in the center of the month.
November 15th is exactly 8100 days since 9/11. 8100 has 45 divisors.
From Q start to November 5 of this year is 2199 days. The Matrix, according to Morpheus is closer to 2199 than 1999.
From Trump’s “Calm before the Storm” statement to this November 5th is 2,222 days.
From when Q went silent to this Christmas Eve is 1,111 days.
In Interstellar the government is publicly telling the world that scientists will find a solution to the blight. But Professor Brand (played by Michael Caine) knows that blight can't be stopped and everyone on earth is going to suffocate to death in about 100 years.
He secretly tells NASA scientists that there are two plans, Plan A is that they look for a new planet and move everyone to a new earth and build space stations and transportation ships. If Plan A fails, if they fail to move the people of earth to a new planet, the backup is Plan B, they use embryos, a population bomb, to repopulate a new earth but everyone on earth will die because they failed to find a new home for them. But Professor Brand knows that it's just Plan B, that Plan A is just a lie told to NASA scientists. Brand is lying to NASA so that they will build the Endurance and travel to distant planets, and work together. Brand wants to doom everyone on earth with a lie so that he can save the human species, and he thinks the best way to achieve his goal is to deceive and implement a Monstrous Lie. He knows that if he is honest, the odds of humanity surviving is much lower.
So Professor Brand creates a theory for using the gravity equation to get people off earth, Plan A, but the gravity equation is mostly bullshit. Brand has Murphy working on an equation for 30 years but it's busy work to keep her attempting an equation that is unsolvable, a logical fallacy and circular in it's logic. He wants her ignorant.
So how is Klaus Schwab like Professor Brand? Because Schwab is bullshitting celebrities and scientists and politicians that he and he alone has the science, policy positions, and artificial intelligence that can be implemented to save the species from global warming. He's telling everyone we have to abandon elections and embrace digital currency and social credit scores. We have to abandon consumerism and embrace scarcity. We have to embrace eating bugs, owning nothing, and embrace depopulation. The people in Interstellar are basically all believing what Klaus Schwab wants. They are a caretaker generation. They have abandoned consumerism, they are socially responsible. Government controls education and what is left of agriculture. It's an authoritarian nightmare. People are dying needlessly from cancers that had been treatable. The movie doesn't show how elections work or if elections are allowed.
And we know that Klaus Schwab is evil and Malthusian. He's on team Georgia Guidstones. He tells us. He hates democracy and grass-roots governance. He's Mao. He's a collectivist that tells us he has already conquered the world. He's a James Bond super villain. He wants all the money and power. The rubes, the hicks, they have to be subdued, defeated, imprisoned. Klaus doesn't care to save the human race or alleviate human suffering. He wants to cull the population and put the lower classes in concentration camps. He doesn't even hide it, he's so power mad he thinks he can tell us all about his demonic plans and there is nothing we can do to stop him. He's worse than Professor Brand, because at least Brand had some humility and at least believed he was acting altruistically, and at least he never publicly talked about his Malthusian plan to eradicate 99% of humanity.
And Trump is like Cooper. He hates the lies and Malthusian belief that humanity has to be culled.
I think Interstellar was written as a primer, introduction to understand Deltas and basic cryptography used by Q. I mean, the movie came out 3 years prior to Q. How anons don't see this is a surprise to me. The function, form, and purpose of the Tesseract Watch is almost identical to the back-channel communications of Q. I mean, minus the part that you need a black hole. Just about every anon has been treated like the ten year old Murph. “You don't believe me”
Cooper has to navigate these competing narratives (Plan A and B / Plan B only / Gravity Equation can be solved, Gravity Equation can't be solved, the Blight will kill everyone, the Blight is no big deal. Earth is doomed, Earth isn't doomed)
Trump has to navigate these competing narratives with different groups and have back-channel communications and certain people are kept in dark (Go Vote, Election fraud is real, Elections are secure, Trust the Plan, Devolution, Declas, the Storm, Durham is a dud, Durham is key.)
Gargantua Black hole is Washington DC.
Like Interstellar is comms. It has to be. lol. I'm asking Q during the Q&A session.
I think Trump brokers peace between Russia and Ukraine in late October, and then he gets arrested November 3rd or 5th. I think that would wake up all of the Americans that are still asleep.
He would look sane, rational, diplomatic, presidential, and then he gets arrested by the Biden administration for ending a war. It would be so blatant. Bonus points if he brokers peace with China/ Taiwan too. lol.
The 3rd of November is on a Friday and that could be the Tweet day. November 5th is a day that looks like it could be the day of Trump's arrest. It would allow the military to deploy under the narrative that they are quelling violence that could be perpetrated by Trump supporters. This allows the Military to deploy under the most ideal circumstances they could hope for. Symbolically, it's the 45th week of the year. It's the 71st anniversary of the NSA. It's exactly one year before the 2024 election. The middle of November (the 15th) has a bizarre delta with 9/11 (8100 days since 9/11) note that 8100 has 45 divisors). November 5th is V for Vendetta Day and also 2199 days since Q started (Matrix was set in 2199 - Think arrest of Morpheus). Trump's You'll Find Out/ The Calm before the Storm statement was 2,222 days before November 5th of this year. It's also the 9th Anniversary of Interstellar IMAX and I think that film is comms. The 10th Anniversary of Interstellar is election night 2024 (also V for Vendetta night). Also, if we do ten days of darkness, that would end a week before Thanksgiving so everyone would be talking this Turkey day about the Storm/ Martial law and next years election.
Also, I think I'm the only one, but I'm convinced the NSA was purposely created on November 4th 1952, for a specific reason. If you count the numbers of days since the creation of the NSA and mark them on the calendar for this November and circle the numbers that are sequential prime numbers, 25931, 25933, 25939, 25943, 25951, they correspond with Tweet day Friday the 3rd, V for Vendetta day, Veterans Day, the bullseye of the month with the 9/11 delta of 8100 days, and Thanksgiving. I really believe that when Q said "This will be on our timetable" he meant that the NSA is a 71 year long Q operation and Trumps contribution is the final 6 years. The creation of the NSA is the Start of Q and the End date for the Q operation is its 71st anniversary. I also think the NSA has recorded archival video addresses that were made by Eisenhower and Kennedy that will be broadcast as emergency addresses during the Storm and Darkness.
I think the military has a plan to relocate all the Rothschilds to Cuba, strike all 100+ Reserve Banks this November, do martial law for a year, and have military supervised elections in 2024. And to drive the point home, redirect the Potomac and turn DC into a lake and wildlife refuge.
You can check my post history but I’m convinced that it’s coms and I’m shocked no one sees the parallels with the Tesseract & Murph’s Watch and how they are similar to Trump’s Twitter /Q/ Clock/ [Watch] / Deltas. The only difference is Cooper used the second hand and Q uses minute and hour hands/ digits.
Also, the film had an IMAX RELEASE on November 5th, so the 10th anniversary aligns with next years election. And the 9th anniversary of the film is this year, and it coincides with day 2199 of Q.
Like I think if we are watching a movie, we are at NO TIME FOR CAUTION in Interstellar, and the Tesseract part of the film has already happened.
Character Key:
The Blight destroying crops = election fraud
The Blight is just temporary = the media lies
Murph = Trump supporters and anons
Cooper = Trump
John Lithgow = Prudence in the Declaration of Independence
‘They’ = Military
Anne Hathaway = Trump’s spokeswoman Kayleigh ‘Milktoast’ McEnany and the hope of a second term.
Find a new planet or system = we need to drain the swamp
We need to get off earth = we need to get the cabal to GITMO
Michael Caine = Klaus Schwab
Mann = Mike Pence / Biden Presidency
Sci-Fi terms from movie and the real world equivalent:
Gargantua = Washington DC
Tesseract = Q and Twitter platform
Gravity Equation (1st half) = Declassification/ Durham Investigation
Gravity Equation (2nd half) = Getting Cabal to GITMO
Wormhole: Trump’s 2016 Crossroads Speech posted by the Potter County GOP.
I think Q is a 71 year long military operation and Eisenhower made addresses to the Nation that were filmed and archived. Probably Reagan and Kennedy too. So when the internet and TV and social media goes down the only thing you can watch for TEN DAYS is old archival films straight from Eisenhower why this took so long, the dead-man switches they needed to disarm, and that they needed 71 years to invent the cell phone, internet so they could spy on everyone, and then use the internet as a back channel to Awaken the US and break the Collectivist mind-control. Also they needed to make movies over the course of 71 years to psy op the world in a positive way.
The Manchurian Candidate
V for Vendetta
Notice how he mentions Matrix.
Matrix is set around 2199 (Morpheus didn’t know exactly). From Q start to November 5th is 2199 days. From Trumps “You’ll Find Out” statement to November 5th is 2222 days. From when Q went quiet to Christmas Eve of this year is 1111 days. From September 11th 2001 to November 15th is 8100 days. 8100 has 45 divisors. November 5th is the 45th week of the year. November 5 is V for Vendetta.
I’ll have to fix that. It’s supposed to be line. I guess copy paste didn’t work for some reason.
I think it might be a reference to the V for Vendetta graphic novel. I don't see how it fits, but maybe.
“I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish. Except one. An inch. It's small and it's fragile and it's the only thing in the world worth having. we must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us.”
I never implied that but I see why you would infer that.
I said sequential prime number [Deltas] established by the creation of NSA in 1952.
I even list the deltas I’m talking about:
25931, November 3rd
71st Birthday of NSA
25933, November 5th
25939, November 11th
25943, November 15th
25951, November 23rd
I never implied that but I see why you would infer that.
I said sequential prime number [Deltas] established by the creation of NSA in 1952.
I even list the deltas I’m talking about:
25931, November 3rd
71st Birthday of NSA
25933, November 5th
25939, November 11th
25943, November 15th
25951, November 23rd
The NSA was created in 1952 to take back control of DC. I think the military knew in the 40s that DC was occupied territory and was captured by foreign Anti-Constitutional forces. The NSA needed decades to get the retards at the CIA to get addicted to NSA technology. Also, they had to find and capture the dead-man switches. Also, they had to seed narratives that would eventually help with the great awakening. They also needed to develop aviation and satellite comms so they could do the coup world wide. They also had to play dead. On September 11th they played possum. The CIA walked past what they thought was the corpse of the NSA. But really the NSA was acting dead so they could sneak up from behind and go for a stealth attack 15 years later.
Most of the military action and arrests have happened. The explosive devices have been placed near the C6 vertebrae of every cabal member. The surviving members have seen the technology displayed and are now playing their parts.