Hehe, yeah, since all their criminals in insane people are HERE now, it makes sense that those former s*#tholes are somewhat safer. Just wait until Trump deports illegals back to their home countries... any Americans living there will suddenly find themselves as shark bait.
I was stationed in the Panama Canal Zone (Marine Barracks, Rodman Naval Base) back in the day, and it seemed to be a fairly livable place. Admitted, I lived in the Canal Zone under US law and military UCMJ and the relative quiet in that area, but I've spent a LOT of time out in the city and up in the interior.
Before Noriega is was a rather wild place, but afterwards Panama seems to have gotten their act together and is striving to come out of the Third World; however, concentrated pockets of poverty and favelas still can be found.
On the whole, I'd MUCH rather live in America, my home, than to become an ex-pat, but if that's what (they) want, to move out of America, they could do much worse than Panama. Maybe we could set up a GoFundMe page to help finance travel arrangements, with the proviso that it is a one-way trip and they would have to surrender their passports upon departure.
File this story under "DUH!" Haven't we known that all along?
Consider it an IQ test and a means of cleaning the gene pool. The gullible, the credulous, the low-information folks... all of them a self-deporting from the human race. It's like "The Purge" but with Big Pharma and government sponsoring it.
Meh. By their fruits ye shall know them, and THIS fruit deserves the irrelevance that is coming his way. He can CLAIM to be a Republican, but I'm not sure anyone will take him seriously.
Well the timing of this is interesting... just at a time when "soft disclosure" is happening in Congress hearings and the public, this comes out from a "leaker." Um, maybe it's being deliberately released by the powers that be, so as to gauge the effect on the public.
Came here to say exactly that. And they're doing it out in the open too! This video will be Exhibit A at their military tribunals.
I think even ThEy are disappointed with him.
Really! Ancient history.
Tim who again? Ummm, didn't he run for some office or other in the past? Can't recall the name exactly, but the silly grin looks vaguely familiar.
That would be an absolutely GREAT appointment.
A Democrat, of course.
I nominate me. I totally believe in MAGA, looking out for America's interests first, have a fair knowledge of global politics, can speak truth to power, and frankly I could use a well paying job for the next 4 years.
Signed: Not holding my breath in Tennessee.
So what pretext did the FIB use to raid this guy? Public safety? National security? Bad juju?
Or is this just more weaponization lawfare BS?
She's not alone, an entire cadre of "teachers" just like her have been indoctrinating our kids for decades now. This one just got caught. Any educational reform worthy of the name would purge these people from ever getting near kids again.
If you want to know the main problem with Congress, it's right here... Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, McConnell, Graham and the rest of the Old Guard who simply will not go away, and who keep us tied to politics of the 1990s.
About 20 years ago in the early morning hours (still dark) as I drove to work, there was a huge rectangular object sitting on a hill about half a mile from me, a hill that was and still is not built on, just trees and a field. The object was dark but still observable against the dark sky, and there were four square windows along the side facing me with a soft yellow light emitting from them. The object was at a slight angle, maybe 3 degrees, off of horizontal as I was viewing it.
I pulled off the side of the road to watch for about a minute. I did not see any biologics -- human or otherwise -- during this event, but it just sat there, easily as large as 50 yards wide. I was just stunned by what I saw, but I realized that I would be late for work, so I put my car in gear and drove on.
To this day, I still don't know what that was, and each time I pass that spot to this day, there is STILL nothing built on that hill, still just trees and a field.
He's almost 70 years old, and like Mitch McConnell, he's captive to the old paradigm of politics of the 1990s. He doesn't realize, or maybe only DIMLY realizes, that time has moved on and the old ways are no longer viable in the 21st Century.
It's way past time for him and his ilk to return to private life and let the New Guard take over.
So you don't do this when in a new city, right?
So... I guess a date would be out of the question, then?
Heh, maybe... but nah, I've maintained much of my sanity by NOT engaging in social media. I did break down and join TRUTH SOCIAL over a year ago, but that's it. I already have WAY too many rabbit holes to explore without having more delivered to me via X.
Joe and Jill are not capable of making valuable or tactical information, so it was probably just measurements of the windows so the Trumps could order new drapes.
All true, but I too was raised in an age when roadmaps were widely used, and the Marine Corps taught me how to use them tactically and for using a compass to get from Point A to Point B. I could easily go back to using them... it's a skill you and I have that young people might find useful in coming days.
Pure fantasy, of course. I almost feel sad for these snowflakes. Almost.