He can probably afford a lot. I can't find people to work jobs for my company but know 3 friends who's unemployed kids just bought houses with all their stimulus $. Joe is making unemployed glamourous for some. *Note, not assuming your son in law is unemployed btw. Just saying if the unemployed can buy houses, anyone can find joy in government hand outs.
I read this yesterday and called several people I know in many towns within Saginaw County and none of them had heard of this locally. The county is large but the towns are not. I figured someone may possibly know the child. Not a single person I spoke with will let their children receive this shot. So that is my happy ending to this very tragic story.
Probably getting an excuse lined up for all the kiddie porn on his laptop. Now MSM can say "He isn't a pedophile. He's an artist." You know, the the producers of that Netflix show "Cuties" or whatever it was called. The entire Biden family makes me sick!
Wait. What? Did he really tweet that?