Tewdryg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Dead Sea Scrolls, also called the Qumran Scrolls are touted all too often as definitive proof. Yet, what people don't realize is that there are portions of the Qumran Scrolls withheld from public viewing. I don't put a lot of emphasis on them. However, I do understand that what is available provides more authenticity to the Septuagint (circa 265 BC) than the Masoretic Text (`circa 1000 AD).

Tewdryg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sad, but this reminds me of the original RoboCop movie, where OCP was demonstrating a "new and improved" version of RoboCop.

"Behave yourselves!"


Tewdryg 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Democrats control both houses, which was a "historic power shift" in MI. It was the first time the party secured a majority of seats in both legislative chambers in nearly 40 years.

....... It's because of election fraud this occurred. They know it and we know it. This is why they are desperate.

The question is, What can be done about it?

It looks like this impeachment bill has an uphill battle. How do you remove a bitch like this when all the avenues of remedy have been fraudulently stolen? Even the MI Supreme Court has been fraudulently flipped to democrat.

Tewdryg 1 point ago +1 / -0

You said, "Honestly, why do you trust anyone?" You are correct in what you said and raise a very good point. In thinking about my wording, the meaning of the word '"trust" is not literally intended, but rather a 'gut feeling' about Rogan's rise and dominance in the podcast sphere and the narrative he seems to espouse. You are right about the word, 'trust' because it has to be earned... and that requires it to be on a personal level, in which IMHO all 5-senses are at work. Trust should never be an ambivalent decision. It takes time. I've actually commented on this very thing over the many years using an IFF approach.. Since public figures like Joe Rogan are strangers, trust is really an impossibility.

In terms of a stranger, which Joe Rogan is, and as you inferred, we don't know him nor should ever trust anyone [i.e. public figure]. Having been in the military, I've learned from it, and always liked using the IFF (identify friend or foe) approach. I like for example using it on the telephone. Obviously, a stranger is never a friend. We may listen to a stranger frequently, but have no way of knowing them personally. Therefore, trust is not earned.

Tewdryg 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's more to Joe Rogan than you may know...... Controlled opposition.

Tewdryg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't trust Joe Rogan and here's why.

Joe Rogan, when given the chance will show his true colors as a liberal social Marxist. The New Jersey (and later Boston) boy has been bathed, toweled, and dressed in liberal surroundings all his life. He self identifies as being 3/4 Italian and 1/4 Irish and there's actually someone pitching this story on YouTube!. I've never seen this type of thing before. Why is this important? You tell me. Who the hell gets a near top of a Search Engine listing (placement is #4 highest) when searching for "Joe Rogan Jewish" only to find a video dispelling this rumor? One way of getting a near top of the list search posting is by paying for it. I suspect this video dispelling Joe Rogan as being Jewish is paid for.

I don't know about you, but this screams out someone is covering their own tracks. But why? That's a good question. It sounds somewhat similar to the Alex Jones story, who happened to fill the void left by the murder of William Cooper. Cooper warned us all about Alex Jones. Is it a coincidence that Joe Rogan had Alex Jones on his show? What does Joe Rogan have in common with Alex Jones? Joe Rogan is controlled opposition.

This knucklehead didn't get to being #1 podcaster in the world without cutting a Faustian deal. I don't like him simply because I don't trust him. He's too smooth. There's too many people who are willing to follow this pied piper. Just wait for it. He'll have his moment when he betrays everyone.

Tewdryg 18 points ago +18 / -0

How many lies can you find in the following statement?

"While the COVID vaccines were not considered to be experimental and do not contain fetal tissue, cell lines developed from abortions in the 1970s were used in the testing or development of certain COVID-19 vaccines, according to the National Institute of Health and the Associated Press."

The media keeps repeating lies and need to be held accountable.

Tewdryg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. Yea, I understand that part, but didn't see it on the page. I had hoped there was certain code we could use, but I guess not. Previously, I contacted one of the mods by messaging them, but never heard back. I thought, "Oh well....."

Tewdryg 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what I thought, but didn't see it. I had hoped there was certain code we could use, but I guess not. Previously, I contacted one of the mods by messaging them, but never heard back. I thought, "Oh well....."

Tewdryg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks, I have gone through this web page before and interpreted the GIFS displayed there as ones people can use. I found on the Internet a Charlton Heston Gif and could not get it to display on GAW, Here is the GIf at, https://media.tenor.com/Vl9mM854ftIAAAAC/damn-you.gif

If you could show me how to display it with the proper code, it would be fantastic and I'd greatly appreciate it.

Tewdryg 3 points ago +3 / -0

The question that keeps begging for an answer is. 'What can be done about it?' Otherwise, it really becomes Einstein's parable,

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted,” -- William Bruce Cameron in his Informal Sociology (1963).

Tewdryg 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is from 29 Dec. 2020. What became of all this evidence? Where is it now?

Tewdryg 5 points ago +6 / -1

Imitation has always been a form of deception used by Lucifer himself.

No one said Ramaswamy is not cunning. He most certainly is.... Just don't be deceived by it.

Tewdryg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Quite right. I mentioned election fraud in the comment section. In order to get traction on this, it starts with the removal of Ronna McDaniel, who is covering it up.

Tewdryg 1 point ago +1 / -0

What plan are you talking about? The one that the DS is running?

Tewdryg 4 points ago +4 / -0

A new poll in five toss-up states, by Siena College, commissioned by and published on November 7th in the New York Times, shows that if on 5 November 2024 the U.S. Presidential ballot will list on its Presidential line not only Joe Biden and Donald Trump, but also Robert F. Kennedy Jr, then Biden would, as-of now, get 33%, Trump, 35%, and Kennedy 24%, which 24% is by far the highest percentage that has yet been shown for Kennedy in the polls for the prior hypothetical Democratic Party primary contest that would show on the ballot Biden and Kennedy but (since that would be a Democratic Party primary, instead of the general election) not Trump.

With the across-the-board losses to democrats in yesterdays elections, we all are wondering WTH is going on? This can't still be happening. But, it is!!

If RFK, Jr. is polling at this level.... and I know its just a poll, but polls are still effective in seeding doubt, it presents trouble to the Trump ticket. IMHO, the recent outcomes are mired with election fraud. You know it. I know it, but nothing so far has been done about it. It's all the same..... And 2024 will have the same results as the last two election cycles. Furthermore, the House will be lost as well. To start, Ronna McDaniel needs to step down. This way messaging will improve in regards to the election fraud.

Tewdryg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think you and me are on the same page... It is indeed a spiritual war.

Tewdryg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Paul Sperry is a good reporter and he points out the Islamic infiltration in the United States and its dangers. This is all good indeed. CAIR operates as an un-registered foreign lobby and get's away with it, it seems. However, they basically have taken a page from AIPAC, which does the same. Denying this nation as a Christian nation is denying its Western origins that created it. It was formed for a Christian nation. Not what we are seeing. Until Christianity is recognized as this nation's 'heartbeat', we'll continue to whither away and all rights based on Christian prefaces will be erased.

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