The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ironically, I usually can't watch stuff on Instagram, but this time I could.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I should have said We instead of you my fren. I live in Texas and that's how we handle aliens here. Just a joke. I wasn't aware of your previous comment.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. I'll dig in to the links that you provided fren. WWG1WGA

The3rdKey 6 points ago +7 / -1

Hey Time traveler. I don't think that you're a shill, but it's too early for me to say that those are nukes. Time will surly tell. I've seen some massive explosions like that that were a result of a weapons cache being blown up. Since I believe that the white hats are destroying the cabals toys, I kind of expect to see things like this. Anyway, always love ya fren, no homo. I think that your information has extended my life so I am always curious to read what you're putting down.

The3rdKey 11 points ago +11 / -0

Exactly. Brilliant. This seems so minor, but it's a stepping stone for those just now putting the pieces together.

I live down south, so hockey isn't a big part of my culture. However, I feel like we've been prepared to act as goalies. We collect the trash and reject it on every platform offering truths to contradict that trash, giving those still asleep an alternative backed by facts. We really are the news now.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm feeling freaking awesome thanks to your advice. You have a fren in Texas.

I'm a programmer from way back in the early days and I still am today. I pre-date the PC. Titor's story of looking for a particular chip actually resonates with me. The engineers back then were under immense pressure to deliver useful software. They had ideas about what could be done, but they couldn't be fully explored because no one was willing to pay for it. However, It didn't stop them from implementing some undocumented capabilities because they knew they were exploring the edges of computer science at that time and their ideas could make them gazillionaires.

Given minimal resources with our capabilities today, a small team could create a virtual machine that could simulate any machine that they have a real world example of. Back in the 80s, people used to go into game rooms, go to a popular game, and plug in a device that would copy the game code from ROM. That's where most of the "classic" games that you might play on an emulator came from. (yea, they did the same for the home platforms like Nintendo, Xbox, & Playstaion too.)

However, I think that this is all a good versus evil thing. I think that we're on the verge of the greatest explosion of freedom and prosperity ever. Then, the whole end times prophesies execute. Titor may come from that brief period of peace, knowing that the shit was about to hit the fan and they needed something from the past to fight with. I'm most likely wrong, but it's just something I think of when I think of Titor.

Oh, yea... We won't have WW3 yet. That's Titor's time.

The3rdKey 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm gonna be pissed if they hid a cure for cataracts all along. I had to have laser surgery and it was expensive and non-permanent.

The3rdKey 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, they don't need to do anything because the black hats will vote for them via various means.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw a clip of his security getting off of his plane. I sure as hell wouldn't screw with them. They were in full tactical gear and it looked like they had to duck to get through the opening in the plane. Big, serious dudes.

The3rdKey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why? You know it's poison.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's your update fren. The Ukrainians have never stood a chance. The fact that you're asking this suggests that you believe the main stream narrative. Russia could destroy Ukraine and the rest of eastern Europe with no problem. That is not their objective. Putin is a white hat.

The3rdKey 4 points ago +4 / -0

All invaders will be met with #2 buckshot.

The3rdKey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Since the powers that be print money out of thin air. literally ANYTHING is possible when men's souls are for sale.

I can tell you this, Cats is a normal guy from Calgary that likes to ski and frequently sports a British type beret with a brim. It does look pretty cool to be honest. He hates American chocolate, but everyone's entitled to their preference. Super unlikely he's an operative for anyone other than us. I trust him and I have no reason to think the other mods are much different. I'd be more suspicious of you honestly, but you helped me clear up my vascular system, so you're a good guy in my book. I promise to be a pain in the ass for the cabal for as long as I breathe, and I'm certain that your information extended that time. Keep it up my fren. You matter.

The3rdKey 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hey time traveler. This is yet another great post. Thank you.

I don't think the mods are military an I don't think they have any special knowledge. They discouraged our discussions on chem-trails and have been proven wrong. They also discouraged discussion of energy weapons being used to start fires worldwide and the evidence is strongly suggesting that they are wrong about that too. I'm glad that we have them, but I'm pretty sure that they are civilians just like most of us.

The3rdKey 9 points ago +9 / -0

Nope. That would be the one and only Gerald Ford. Never ran for any office. Took over the VP spot when Spiro Agnew died. Took over the presidency when Nixon stepped down.

The3rdKey 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think this is a partial flight log of those traveling to Epstein island.
We have Ghislaine Maxwell's client list and that list is damning if your on it.

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