This feels like a very big Q day. 9/8 is also 17 as pointed out by another thread.
I would love to know the numbers of people applying. I bet its a lot.
Yeah I mean English right is a bit more left leaning than US right but left wing extremist?
I mean how many of you Americans actually own "assualt" weapons and how many defensive weapons?
They want to get invaded so they can win next years Eurovision.
There was a walk-in vaccine stop by the bus station. Was tempted to start kicking off with facts, but I haven't rehearsed the talking points enough and have spent the whole day in court and wanted to go home.
I am in no way pro-abortion in any case. But I am just saying the man is also responsible. How much responsiblity the man holds can be up for debate.
It is unclear from the post whether they are referring to radical feminists or just every single woman.
If I get downvoted for saying two people are resposible for getting a woman pregnant then so be it.
Context from OPs deleted post
He called me someome paid to comment here. That he would bet shickels I was. That I was a female between 22-26 studying law and someome who hates Christians
Look at my post history, and you will see you are far from the truth. Not even an American.
I was educated with the International Certificate of Christian Education.
This seems to have the same harshness as the comments that blame Eve for the fall when Adam was with her and could have interjected.
It takes two people to be involved and this post fails to place any blame whatsoever on the man who 1. Didn't marry the girl, and 2. Didn't want to wear a condom.
Saying the woman should take contraceptive pills, why should the woman be forced to take drugs that can mess with her hornones and behaviour rather than the man wearing a bit of plastic?
In the Bible when the people brought a woman caught in adultery before Jesus where was the man?
The post heavily focuses only on the woman's pleasure and not the man's. It isn't balanced.
I beleive there were planes of some description that hit the buildings but that the towers were blown up via controlled demolition.
I am unvaxxed and only wore those blue masks once or twice. Used homemade cloth when I had to. Never wore it outside except to keep my face warm in really cold temps and when restrictions were not mandatory I didn't wear them.
I would really like to know severity of Covid to mask usage and vax status. We talk about the vaccine but I am sure masks are a main issue.
It's going to be wierd for Buzz when Woody gets arrested for feeling up Andy.
Don't know whether you would consider LZ7 not mainstream. They are Christian so some of that os influenced in some of their songs. And their content is clean.
If OP things Grogu is stimulating then perhaps he is the groomer and is projecting.
Execute Order 65.
He even looks like a pedo...
Are there links for articles/ news reports for both so can show side by side?
Modern interpretation of End Times is based on how we view history. The fact is the truth of human history and current affairs have been so censored we cannot truly understand these passages in context.
Article is 8 years old.
They were peaceful protests though.😅
It's all optics so normies vote for him and his candidates in November. If Trump came out pro-Russia the incoming red wave would cease to exist.
Literally, these Russians sanctions will make them all look like idiots. No one is going to sanction China who makes literally everything.
I think Russia are talking about the old Ukranian President who was overthrown and done for treason.
It was an Instagram ad. Imying all articles that have "Experts hiding stuff from us" are fake news.
I.e. Vaccine scandal
"Pride comes before destruction." The Rainbow is a symbol that God will never flood the Earth again for its wickedness. LGBT hiding under it is in of itself mocking God and the covenant made.