That would be paganism. False idols. There is no mediator between The father and the saint other than the Son. The papacy is not scripturally sound. In any shape or form. When comparing and contrasting with what scripture teaches I am told by the spirit to run from that teaching and to have nothing to do with it because it is another gospel. Paul would say it is accursed.
Mary’s dead. She’s in heaven with the father. She is not a deity. She is not omnipotent or omnipresent. She simply gave birth to God. Mary’s divinity is not taught in the Bible either.
Lol, dang does he look like Trump?
Where is this taught in scripture? Chapter verse? I want to read it in the Bible.
Nothing except bank accounts growing?
Yeah he’s like some invisible man or something right?
You look like melania? You wanna go get something to eat fren? 😉
Did mommy take a belt to his ass is what I want to know. Did she make him go pick a switch?
I hate to tell you this but maybe you would be better off moving. I know it can be difficult but there is nothing worse than being surrounded by nosy degenerate Libs. I prefer the country. But neighborhoods that won’t allow you to put up a privacy fence? What if you have children swimming in a pool. Any ole perver neighbors can grab the binoculars? Crazy. See if they will allow you to install a vinyl fence or something like it. You back yard should be private as it is an extension of your dwelling. Or if you can move to the country.
F that traitor!
Yeah they cannot do that to him because fox broke contract not tucker.
He is wrong. There is no nda and he can go to any network he pleases. They broke contract not tucker. Tucker is only going to grow in popularity and he will probably take his 60-100 million and turn it into a news network. I think he should creat a new EIB
You get an updoot for common sense!
I don’t think it was intentional and I think you are feeding too far into this.
She needs another hot pocket maw
They are the most dangerous. Carrying rifles to intimidate. No respect for law enforcement and yet the news always say they are mostly peaceful. They wouldn’t last one hour round my parts . Patriots would squash them and blow their knees off with their own guns.
The 1/3 Reich. Robert Reich III what an evil scum he is
They just don’t want Biden. Michelle or any other tranny would be fine but just no old white man.
Over the age of 7. There is another docterine that cannot be found in scripture. Nowhere in the Bible is an age of accountability mentioned. What about the retarded? You think God would send them to hell at the age of 40? No offense just pointing out how easy it is to create docterine off man’s opinions. Sorry if that came of confrontational I meant no harm. All in love fren!
Christians will be killed for the cause of Christ. And pastors are not warning people to strengthen their faith. It’s coming and if you cannot see the birthing pains of this then you might need to wake up. Not you op but anyone in general. Christianity is under attack like back in the Roman days. It’s only going to get worse. And no DJT is not going to save us. I hate this world. It is a miserable lonely place full of crooks looking to take advantage. A roaring lion seeking who’s he may devour. We are a bunch of sheep in the midst of wolves. Come Lord Jesus Come Yeshua!
Boy oh boy. Pentecostalism is mostly a health, wealth, prosperity scam. They cherry pick verses like nobody’s business twisting scripture at every turn. Just as Q said, “ be careful who you follow!” I can spot it a mile away. And as far as this rapture, Jesus does come gather the saints but not at the time most evangelical pastors would have you believe. Jesus said it would come after the sun and moon are darkened and after that man of lawlessness stands in the holy place and proclaims to be God. His image has, at that point of time along with his mark, already been established. This would be in a 75 day time frame after 3 1/2 years of this Great persecution (tribulation) of Christs church. Such as the world has never seen before. Jesus told us that we would know as the days approached but no man knows th the day or hour. Not even himself. He told us exactly what to watch for. When you see the abomination that makes desolation! The reason nobody can agree on this subject is because a false docterine has been pounded down our throats for over 200 years now and there are a lot of pastors getting rich selling the world and not the gospel. Ci Scofeild was a heritic who made millions selling his reference Bible full of his opinions that are now considered facts. Truth is ci Scofeild was a pervert. A homo. Look it up. The whole rapture docterine came from a 15 year old girl who had a fever and started hallucinating. This image she saw became what is known as the pretrib rapture docterine. It is false. Once you learn to study scripture what you find is that over and over and over again the Bible confirms everything it says. It is actually phenomenal. The understanding only comes from the spirit. Jesus gave us the timeline yet 90% of modern evangelicals do not believe what Jesus said. This tells me two things. 1.) they are being misled. 2-) if the pastor says it it must be true. 3.) repeating a prayer does not get you saved. There is nothing a person can do in their own will or power to enter the kingdom of Christ. One must simply turn from self and turn to God. You wouldn’t believe this talking to most “Christian’s. You would think self is the only thing people think about. Sad reality. Most professing Christian’s are not born of the spirit. Now back to understanding scripture. The number one thing to always remember is context. The Who, what, where , when, why, and how. Ask it with every verse you read. Who wrote it, who are they speaking to, when and what was the time of writing and the customs of that time. Once you do this and realize it is written mostly in chronological order then whe you read revelation it becomes clear. It opened my eyes when I realized everything I have ever been taught is a lie. Government was not my first awakening. The church was. Once I woke to that I became the biggest conspiracy theorist I know. I am a fundamentalist when it comes to church. I don’t like titles. Baptist, Methodist, ect. I believe it all started with Constantine and his desire to keep Rome in power. They were loosing control of the people due to this, “Jesus” speak and they couldn’t have it. So Rome adopted it as a state religion and added paganism in order to appease and control the masses. History is long l, but you can see the same evil then as now. The difference is we are starting to enter a period of time where the beast will wage war on the saints and most are not prepared if even saved. They have been taught that Jesus gonna rapture you out so you don’t have to face the devils wrath. False. It’s Gods wrath we are safe from, not satans. Persecution is another word for tribulation. Why would there be tribulation or persecution of the saints if all the saints disappeared. It makes no sense and people just write it off as, “revelation is too scary to understand, but I know what my pastor says and he said if I give him more money then God will give me 100 fold and I’m gonna get to buy me a nice car with a fancy house and live my best life now in prosperity cause Jesus wants me to enjoy all the pleasures of this world.” That is 100% antithetical to scripture. Jesus said be seperate. Hate the world and all the things in it. We are not of this world. We have been born again a new creature. We are to worship the creator not the creation. Food for thought fren!
Nothing new in there I didn’t already hear on Benny yesterday.
Thank you. Yes this is the right way to put it. We send ourselves by rejecting God. Thanks again.