The work that James O'Keefe and his team do for the American public is unprecedented. I have, and will always, consider O'Keefe to be an American hero. He should receive awards for his work. God bless James and his whole team.
If this dude is legit and this isn't some psyop, then I fuck with him haha he seems like a good son, he just had to watch his mother suffer, watch her bank account drain for sub par service, lies, fucked up policy changes, battles with opiates (which I can definitely sympathize with). Idk that manifesto was a good read. Not some ramblings of some leftist tranny weirdo, but the thoughts and feelings of a young man who was pushed to the edge watching the greed and malpractice of the most fucked up health insurance company in America.
I could see them poisoning him before bed and a big announcement being made that Biden died peacefully in his sleep. Then Kamala comes in and the mainstream media and all the liberals celebrating like fucking retarded clowns. And then boom!!! FBI and CIA claim that Russia and engineered the election and it was completely stolen for Trump. The DOJ appoints an "independent" task force to "verify" that the election was stolen by Russia and Trump and they claim Trump was in on it so then he gets arrested and jailed. Fucking nightmare situation obviously but I promise you there's deep state spooks sitting in a room trying to plan something right now. They have 70 days left.
Saw this a few day ago, I was really hoping Oliver Stone was making a full length documentary on Trump's campaign, but I think this is a series made by Tucker Carlson. Anyways it's a fascinating look at the inner workings of the Trump campaign, I can only imagine what the administration will look like if they actually allow him into office. Word going around is they are trying to get Biden to step down and they want to install Kamala as the first woman president and then pull off an assasination of Trump while also claiming fraud happened in the 2024 election and Kamala actually won. Sounds like a fucking long shot to me but I wouldn't put anything past these criminals, I hope they understand that if they were to try that, the American people would rise up and they would have to deal with at least a million armed patriots hunting them down until order is restored. I could also see if a civil war did pop off because of them, Russian and China and Iran would all be emboldened and do whatever the fuck they want during our civil war. We all need to pray for this country and for President Trump. Only God can stop this evil.
Third time for me. I have a best friend though who was a hardcore anti-Trumper that I have since fully red pilled who will be voting on Tuesday for Trump for the first time as well as red all across the board. He is fully awake now.
I couldn't agree with you more. The deep state is panicking harder than I've ever seen them panic before, normies see it too! I read the comments, people are awake to their bullshit now, especially black & hispanic people I've noticed, they are done being used as pawns and they see right through the hilariously bad propaganda, they are fuckin done and so are we, the American people are uniting behind Trump and the deep state is shitting their pants. I expect to hear about lots of suicides over the next 6 months to a year.
OP is a dumb fuck. Down vote. Leave our community pussy, this isn’t the time for crying about 20+ year old pics of Joe Rogan, we have a fuckin election to win and you’re over here acting like a libtard over some old pic of Joe being a young idiot living in Hollywood before the great awakening.
Thank you all so fuckin much for your words of advice and not bashing me for having a moment of doom... I have never felt this way until today, I guess I just let the fuckin overwhelming amount of information and disinformation overwhelm me today. I am not proud of it. Especially having ancestors who were apart of the 3% of Americans who stood up and fought the British to gain our independence. I just needed my fellow patriots to cheer me up and you guys did just that!! Thank you all so much!! If everything does come crashing down I will unite with you guys and fight til my very last breath! WWG1WGA! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!
Are you guys sure it’s fake? I don’t know, a photo of this fucking loser got released today on the mainstream media and the tranny in the picture they released looks awfully fuckin similar to this tranny. What a piece of fucking shit.
Tampon Tim hahahaha that shit never gets old. Fuck that weird pedophile fuck, lock him up, we need speedy, efficient military tribunals and public executions for a lot of democrats and rino republicans. Hell Trump can make it a pay-per-view and id gladly pay the $50-$100 to live stream these filthy faggots getting sent to hell via military police firing squad. If I could make it there to see it live and in person I’d go too. And I’m not one to be fond of blood and violence but these disgusting, pathetic, traitorous, sociopathic, demonic pedophiles all deserve the death penalty for what they’ve done to our republic. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. Now let’s all enjoy the show.
Apparently she isn’t AI, here’s her at the White House: