I can see people waking up and questioning everything. I keep saying this, maybe its this way to wake people up.
Then my own doubt sets in, all of this is to calm everyone down, while plans are enacted. NCSWIC bold statement, either because whatever it is has already happened OR there is nothing anyone, good or bad can do (cataclysmic event).
The weather where I am has been insane for the last two years I mean blue sky 90% of spring and summer. Its not normal, the war the pandemics the controversies... distractions?? Its hard to stay positive when people keep saying stuff is happening in the background, and things look like they are changing but also lots of doom signals.
Still I'm hopeful.
To artificially inflate everything, not enough houses to go around, not enough food for world, not enough medicine to make it free. Look how many people have died of covid, look how many people got jabbed... you better get jabbed too.
Why would they fake population numbers... Well why would they fake twitter accounts...
Slavery, mind control. The more people they create the less control the real people have.
Isn't there some kind of law about if a presidency is sabotaged the president is entitled to another term? Given Trumps entire 4 years was sabotaged by the media and the Democrats isn't he entitled to another 4 years?
Happy Birthday, its my birthday too.
We all want the end of this movie, all of my family are vaxxed except my partner and our daughter.
Hope and faith is keeping me going. You just have to hold on, its clear there is a battle occurring I am in the UK and seeing members of the herd start to question everything they all think I'm some crackpot conspiracy theorist but at least they are beginning to question the narrative.
Soon they will have to decide, many are in denial and don't want to admit the truth. To be honest I still don't know exactly what the truth is, except something is happening that will change humanity forever and I may survive it, perhaps I won't but I have faith that i am doing what I am meant to do, and I have hope that I will be able to see better days for us all.
Sometimes I feel like this is a plot like the Manchurian Candidate x100.
Celebrities or politician's taken to manchuria, lobotomised (black eye club) and brainwashed into creating a communist world order.
I actually get choked up thinking about this.
We are moving into a disturbing future. I mean 20 years ago I would have thought this is cool.
Now, I just can't fathom the depths of depravity this "science" will lead to because there are some sick people out there.
This sounds more like they have no control and are now having to stand up armed enforcement in random government departments, to cover their asses.