Farage would have been the best option for Britain and probably still is. Unfortunately his only goal was to get us out of the EU. The next best option seemed to be Boris, unfortunately it doesn't seem like he wants to do anything that might rock the boat, has already buckled to the French on fishing and listened to his "scientists" about covid despite thinking it all bollocks as per leaks. There is still a chance he is good if the purpose of this scenario is to wake people up but its seeming less likely. Oh and took the piss out of Donald when he "lost" the election in Parliament.
Donald is probably the greatest political leader the west has had in a long time.
Unfortunately us Brits are cucked and will only get up out of our comfort zone when we are forced to, which is when it will be too late.
China has already infiltrated all of our educational institutions, there are very few people in the UK that aren't completely brainwashed by the beeb.
Interesting .
On a separate note we have alot of air activity in the UK today, F15s flying off the east coast of norfolk. Europe has alot of military craft up today aswell.
More than I usually see anyway although admittedly I don't check every day.
Government organisations, at least in the UK use software like Blancco to wipe disks before they send them off for destruction. It basically just overwrites the disk several times. Probably similar software that Hillary got her cronies to wipe her server with.
Obviously in this case they wouldn't be able to do that, as they need to at least present a working machine, I guess they panicked and just deleted the files and didn't have time to do it properly.
I was explaining this to my mother, who said oh they know because of statistics. I was like OK, so how do you know those statistics are accurate. Oh because it came from the ONS (UK statistics authority), so I was like and what you know all the raw data they used is untampered and accurate, the exact method theyy used to extrapolate the data. On top of that you know exactly who was responsible for organising and working on the research collecting the data etc and that they are not corruptible by any means, such as perhaps 10,000 bonus in their back pocket. She couldn't answer.
People don't get it. Many people will do anything for money, hell people will inject themselves with unknown substances for money.