The_Greeatship_Pilot 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's weird is that she's not being the least bit subtle. Nikki's just out there a'mongering with her war trumpets blaring, and, by the way, Trump is a bad, bad man who won't send any money to Ukraine. That's awful enough, but she's starting to look like a bitey velociraptor when she speaks. If she's trying to imitate Trump's bravado, it's not working. It just comes off as needlessly aggressive and unpleasantly toothy. She just doesn't get it. She's a neocon who has gone past her time, dragging baggage from the glory days of banker's wars, understanding nothing about how irrelevant she is becoming. I wonder what kind of parties she goes to?

The_Greeatship_Pilot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The one thing all gnostic philosophies all have in common is that there is always some secret knowledge we must discover in order to be saved, to ascend, to improve, or whatever, and it is knowledge that is never available to the masses. It is only ever available to a select few who must prove themselves worthy of it. In the frame of Christian religion, a gnostic gospel doesn’t maintain that salvation depends upon the death and resurrection of Jesus alone, even if it might seem that way to the casual observer. Ultimately it depends only upon what the acolyte knows. In the world at large, secret knowledge is the basis of every occult practice.

The fascination with secret knowledge is as old as humanity. The first man and woman were tempted with secret knowledge, which they were made to believe was superior to the knowledge they had. They were told it was knowledge that would raise them to a God-like level of being, but instead they fell to an animal-like state of loss, and death became inevitable. I do not believe God was announcing a punishment to discourage Adam from eating that fruit when He told him it would kill him. I think it’s more of a case of making it clear where the choice to seek that kind of knowledge would lead.

Don’t be too quick to dismiss the story of Adam and Eve if you don’t believe the Biblical story is literal. The metaphor holds true, and that means that in it there is something valuable to learn.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 6 points ago +6 / -0

They must get paid a dime for every lie. That would add up about right.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 11 points ago +11 / -0

Great work. You know, it's fascinating to me how these cultists tout their freedom, saying, "Do as thou wilt." They might have abandoned the moral restraints of conscience that come from God, but in reality they've become absolute slaves. The devil makes them do all sorts of horrible things in exchange for wealth or power, and he punishes them if they make a mistake or try to back out. What a stark contrast to the love of God, which you succinctly portrayed with clarity in your description of Jesus' immeasurable sacrifice of Himself to save us. The cultists think they know how the world works, but they were lied to, and sooner or later they will all find out how utterly wrong they were. (Another irony there. They trust someone whom they know encourages lying to tell them the truth.)

The_Greeatship_Pilot 5 points ago +5 / -0

ANY science that doesn't allow itself to be questioned is suspect and should be thoroughly picked apart. If a conclusion stands up to scrutiny, well and good, but if you can't even ask if it will, how can you be certain it represents truth? The balance of probability suggests that it doesn't.

Climate change/carbon is bad/global warming science is not just a little bit wrong. It is a massive deception designed to induce yet another end-of-the-world terror that will motivate you to give up your freedom and substance to the state. Only the stupidest people can hear that they fudge the data to get the result they want and still cling to believing they must be right.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well, that's it for State Farm. You won't be back.

It's been a long time since I could even watch this guy's movies. I sure don't want to see him in commercials. His vicious advocacy for tyranny during the covid scam proves he's in "it" up to his creepy eyeballs.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 3 points ago +3 / -0


Let the eradication of public nastiness begin. I mean electrocution.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Part of the banality of evil is that people don't know how evil they are. Now they have an AI that will help them not to know.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maximum enjoyment achieved.

And I didn't even need a hoe and some coke.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, the fit was upon me, so I cannot take full responsibility for any KEKs that might have resulted. BTW, Bill Gates has a franken-squito project going in my neck of the woods, too. I want to go out there with a vacuum before we get the dreadful disease he says we won't get because of the mosquitos he infected with the dreadful disease. Does UPS deliver boxes of mosquitoes? I really want to send them to his house so they can bite him in the butt. Really. I can imagine them infesting his technology to die in piles on his motherboards . . . Oh, oh. I can feel it coming on. I must go before someone gets hurt.

Peace to you, as well. Thank you for your kind words. Be skeeter-free, and, aloha.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a lot of truth in this. To my mind, Tucker’s most profound statement was about how he has come to evaluate people, giving his trust only to those who know they aren’t God. He shies away from people who think they are God, and that division between the humble and the proud is the very essence of the struggle between good and evil going all the way back to the Garden of Eden.

Even if you don’t believe the Biblical story of our first parents is literal, the metaphor is still true. People want to be gods. We want to be in control of the world around us, and we want to be able to define right and wrong for ourselves. We even want other people to worship us, but there is never really an "us." Evil never shares what it gains, and in the end there will always only be "me."

There are shades to this from seeming white to darkest black. It is a condition we all have in common, and the darkest end of it is reaching its peak historical expression right now among the rich control freaks who want to own the world and everyone in it. The only problem is that people are not gods, and the ones who want to be gods need the help of evil spiritual entities to support their fantasy. Thus the globalists became the useful fools who do what the evil entities cannot legally do to affect the world of matter.

"Legally" is the right word. The reason these evil spirits (or multidimensional entities or whatever you want to call them) can't do whatever they want is because they are interlopers who were not born into world in human flesh. Humans were given the dominion here, and so whatever a spiritual being wants to do in the world must be done through a human if it's going to stand. That's the real reason things like witchcraft and Satanism exist, and it's why demons try to inhabit people. It's also the reason Jesus Christ had to be born into the world as a real flesh-and-blood human. He was an entirely spiritual being before, and even though He was every bit as much God as His Father, He had to satisfy every legality if the salvation He was bringing to humanity was going to stand.

The opposite of light is darkness, the opposite of something is nothing, and the opposite of truth is a lie. That is the bedrock of reality, and the evil spiritual entities know that the people they lie to are dooming themselves when they lift themselves up to compete with the God of heaven.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Watch the sun. It is monitored all the time, and the information is public. Even a casual familiarity with solar events and how they effect the earth can show you pretty conclusively whether someone is lying about that.

There was a brief X-class flare on the sun, along with an M-class flare, but no coronal mass ejections. There was enough energy to ionize the upper atmosphere in places, but it was only mildly disruptive to radio transmissions. It was certainly not an event that would cause the kind of widespread cell phone disruption people have reported.

My guess is that they are using an actual sunspot event as a cover for having to shut off service, most likely to accomplish something they can't do with a fully-buzzing grid. Whoever they happen to be in this case are counting on the fact that most people will just believe what they are told, and that if any start to look into it, they will find evidence of a real event that seems to confirm the official story. It doesn’t, but most people won't know that.


The_Greeatship_Pilot 2 points ago +2 / -0

If this happens, would it be wrong to pray that God sends all those Franken-mosquitos into Oprah's house? It's just that I can't seem to bat away all the soothing images of hungry genetically-modified mosquitos biting the faces of evil celebrities, and some closure would be nice.

Yes, I do know it's only the female mosquitos that do the biting, but hear me out. Considering how these crazy people think, it's likely that the alphabet mafia has put an unscientific demand on the science that will defeat its primary goal. I'd be willing to bet that there will be no mating because all the males they are modifying will have to be gay for the sake of diversity. But that will not be gay enough, so the sibilantly-buzzing gay-squitos* will have to break gender barriers in the insect world to bravely identify themselves as female. (This is despite the fact that they will have to spit when they suck because they lack the lady parts for mosquito reproduction.)

With mosquito diversity thus achieved, it won't be long until these trans-squitos demand that all binary (formerly, "normal" or "regular") mosquitos respect their chosen pronouns, bzzzzeeee and bzzzzerrrr, and force the females to include them under the leaves they formerly used for places to hide from pestering horny males.

After this Mosquito society will begin to break down, not that the trans-squitos will care as long as they can have their nasty fun, and the true females will fly away in disgust, heading for Oprah's house where they know they can dine for years on the luxurious juiciness of her corpulent body. Of course, they will not know that Oprah's blood is full of a substance that will give them Satanic hallucinations, and in the ensuing confusion they will kill themselves, littering the floor of her house with their tiny corpses. Meanwhile the trans-squitos, who think male mosquitos can get pregnant, will die out, too, and the humans will have to import new more robust mosquitos from Russia, where boy-squitos are boy-squitos and girl-squitos are girl-squitos . . . Oh, dear. I might have gotten a bit carried away with this.

*Is it "gay-squitos" or "homosquituals?" I can never get that straight.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Catturd is right. It's insane to think you can safely operate a legitimate business in a state that can charge you with something that is not a crime, find you guilty, and then take all your money.

The_Greeatship_Pilot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not all of it. They make a big deal of the little bit that comes back.

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