Christian, but I don't follow any particular sect. I read the Bible as it is and come up with my own thoughts. I'll read others opinions and think the gnostic christians were at least partially right.
Reminds me of James Corney
I feel you brother (0311 as well). Lone wolves accomplish very little though, and give our enemies excuses for their actions.
Whenever anyone calls any one a racist I've had some success going on the offensive with "stfu, he/she isn't a racist and you have no hard reason to believe so. What you just pulled is why no one is taking racism seriously anymore."
They genuinely don't seem to know what to do when you're not immediately defensive and cowering against racism accusations. I look forward to seeing how it works on the other -isms
Sue. Someone needs to start setting precendent
So glad I started doing cardio again as soon as we learned what covid was. 3 mile from 38 minutes to 27 in a little over a year
Shouldve done it anyway. It's your very last moment with them. Dafuq are they going to do?
Why do we give these people attention. It really feels like a waste of time.
There isnt even a "studying my enemy" benefit here as every master scheme I see sounds like the diabolical plot of a bullied middle school nerd. Let's direct our focus back to research
I think that's the bigger driver of health issues. Everyone thinks it's okay to be a complete fatass these days, and the human body wasnt meant to exist like that
And theyll bring suits to courts who will just refuse to hear them. Wow..
I have a theory: Wray must be a very committed actor. It would explain the delta. Only way to be this precise. Nothing stopping a bad actor from saying "moving now inspires the Q crowd, let's do it next week so that doesnt happen"
Dude, I got into a disagreement with my grandfather 3 days ago. He openly says the news is fake these days, but insists it was legitimate in his day. They've had a long time to program people
We had a couple in Michigan too
Why would Trump hype us up on people that were this corrupt? I'm starting to feel like part of the plan now is to show us that we can only trust each other
This isn't a new opinion, nor one that should be ignored. We should think for ourselves. I personally don't think so but I agree it's something we should ALWAYS be considering
They're probably fine, I readily accept that. However, the fact that they're saying theres no risk when there clearly is gives me hesitation. And for a virus that poses no risk to me, as a 30 year old man who exercises regularly, I'll pass
Sometimes I do feel like the plan is to wait for all the morons to cannibalize each other and then have us inherit the country. You're not alone in your frustration fren
Taking a family trip tomorrow. Bringing a sharpie in every public restroom I can and writing this url on the inside.
Give people something to look at in their phones
Its not. It's a handful of officers in specific positions against the entirety of the enlisted force
Having been there too, I'll agree. But the key difference is all those people CHOSE to be there and have that mentality
Is this reminding us of Q telling us to archive everything offline?
Exercise 3- 4 days a week, drink water, regular sleep. I haven't taken my ADD meds in 2 years
Don't forget Christianity was once just another sect of Judaism. The foundations are similar. Our faith is pretty explicit that Christ didnt come to abolish the covenant of the Torah, but to simply fulfill it so a new covenant could be made.
That's blatantly untrue though. Plenty of R's have been called out. Paul Ryan, Romney, basically everyone I georgia....
Men need to know women support them. That's the way its always been. Women need to get other wives telling their husband's to fight back.