Tip-O-Matic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden didn't do shit. (well, maybe he did do shit in his pants.

This is still Barry O doing all this nonsense.

Trump needs to "kneecap" him early on this time around, and stop him from working against America.

Tip-O-Matic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Too bad the Republican legislators in DC can't work together like this, doing things that are actually good for the country. When they do work together, it's to only benefit themselves.

I've been proud of what our NC state congress has done with their veto proof Republican majority these past few years. It was perfect to keep Cooper in check.

Tip-O-Matic 2 points ago +2 / -0

The USPS needs to go away. What do they really do now anyways? What do they deliver that can't be sent via email? The private shipping companies are way more efficient, because they have to be. They'll go out of business if they don't show a profit. Name one government run organization that has ever showed a profit because they were efficient.

Tip-O-Matic 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I was young, my parents would 1/2 a cow from my cousin and her husband every year. My brother was in the military, so it was just the 3 of us, but that lasted through out the year for us.

Tip-O-Matic 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's amazing how lazy people are. When did it become law that all food had to have every ingredient listed on the outside of it's container? People still buy and consume this garbage, when they can plainly see it's full of stuff that doesn't belong in our bodies.

Tip-O-Matic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was thinking it was just because of the babe behind Rand Paul. Rand would actually move out of frame occasionally, but the camera never moved. It stayed steady, locked on keeping her in the left portion of the frame.

Tip-O-Matic 6 points ago +6 / -0

I may have misunderstood, but I thought Flynn had said Q-anon was fake and gay. He never said Q was fake.

Tip-O-Matic 5 points ago +6 / -1

I'd bet he's a little bit pissed having watched everything his Dad has gone through these last few years. Just like that one meme states, they don't realize they're messing with the wrong Trump.

Tip-O-Matic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder what that is in Trump's left hand??

Tip-O-Matic 1 point ago +1 / -0

True founding father mentality right there!

Tip-O-Matic 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is fucking outrageous that the biggest obstacle for our newly elected Republican President are the Republican Senators in Congress. Complete and utter bullshit.

Tip-O-Matic 2 points ago +2 / -0

LAVA!!! I got coffee dripping out of my nose now, thanks!!

Hilarious! You're exactly right!

Tip-O-Matic 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it's not completely dismantled, it will turn corrupt again. Hell, it started out corrupt. J Edgar Hoover had cabinets full of files containing blackmail information on prominant citizens and politicians.

Just do away with it. Forever.

Tip-O-Matic 1 point ago +1 / -0

When some of the highest paid employees at a pharmaceutical company are its attorneys, you know something evil is lurking within.

Tip-O-Matic 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wonder if any Democrat senators will vote for Gaetz, just to spite the Republicans?? They could do this to divide the Republican side of the senate, so it would be to their advantage. I know most Dems are idealistically idiots, but surely they're not all corrupt, like these 30 Republicans who won't vote for him.

Tip-O-Matic 1 point ago +2 / -1

One of the best things about bitcoin is that it is a finite supply. It can't be printed. Only so much can be mined, then that's it. It can't be manipulated into an inflationary state. The problem is when it is exchanged for dollars, it's value appears to change, but that is more a reflection of how much the dollar is losing value. When it first came about, I was hoping it would replace the dollar, so we could do away with inflation.

Tip-O-Matic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does anyone else find it odd that they refer to McBride as "first OPENLY transgender member of Congress"?

Are there others who are closeted trannies?? I know some of them look like they married trannies (ahem... Chuck Schumer), but what exactly do they mean by the word "openly"?

Tip-O-Matic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still believe that tampering at the genetic level is akin to playing God, and in my opinion, we are courting disaster if we continue to do so.

I know many cancers are due to outside factors (chemicals, radiation, drugs, etc.), many are viral, and now we're learning that some may be parasitic in origin. I'm not a scientist, and am certainly no theologian, so i can't speak as to why so many young children end up with horrible cancers and other diseases, but I do know that I do not trust modern day medicines, nor the pharmaceutical industries.

I'm not trying to belittle you, or your opinions, but just wanted to point out my take on things. It's OK if we disagree.

Tip-O-Matic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm pretty much right there with you. I like a lot of the things that Elon has done, but I don't trust him any further than I can throw him.

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