White slaves were also brought to Canada, my grandfathers side of the family is descended from that. Some of which ended up with last names that are french words referring to being a slave or being owned.
White slavery in North America is something they keep trying to remove from the internet
i'd hate to be antireptilian but lizardpeople
It doesn't matter that they ""DONATED"" money to anyone or anything, the way the LAW sees it is they made Donations, and they are still on the hook for the Laundered Monies they were given....
sounds like a way to give the money back then get tax credits from the donations, so essentially they lose nothing.
There's a very good chance the money given to these charities will just end up right back in their pockets
look at who owns these charities, of course its going back into their pockets.
its part of the gaslighting these abusive plgbt groups do. they'll target a kid someone thats a loner or whatever. they'll befriend him then try to push them into being gay, they dont like that they'll push them to be trans. but its okay to be trans anon you can be a lesbian the girls will think you're so hot. there'll also be girls in the that anon likes and they'll tell them they'll like them better as trans.
theyre abusive gaslighting cults, and why men cant be lesbians. the actress is calling out the abuse and gaslighting .
its part of the gaslighting these abusive plgbt groups do. they'll target a kid someone thats a loner or whatever. they'll befriend him then try to push them into being gay, they dont like that they'll push them to be trans. but its okay to be trans anon you can be a lesbian the girls will think you're so hot. there'll also be girls in the that anon likes and they'll tell them they'll like them better as trans.
theyre abusive gaslighting cults, and why men cant be lesbians. the actress is calling out the abuse and gaslighting .
this is the list that never ends (sung in the tune lamb chops song that never ends)
"normal" would be holding hands or her grabbing his jacket sleeve, granted he'd most likely get shit for holding her hand as well. this pictures wrist grab doesnt say anything good.
looks more like a neckbearded dragpedo
there was a bunch of evidence showing theyre a man a few months back on the boards, poal and here. stuff like this magically coming out today with its release i kinda have to be skepitcal of being "true" we already know its a man, a post like that is just trying to take credit for "outting" them.
can someone explain what griner is 9 months ago
i bet griner is a male in prison 9 months ago
Brittney Griner should just "identify" as MALE and tryout for the NBA.... Problem Solved! 8 months ago
Russia has named it's price for the release of Brittney Griner. The Russian's want convicted arms dealer Viktor Bout. 7 months ago
pretty sure Russia was keeping Griner in a mens prison as well, theres 2 years of posts on Griner on the .win boards. they just oddly lack all the Griner is a man threads other places had.
If you're """hiring"""" Mexicans for minimal pay is that not partaking in modern day slavery?
last i knew about her is that she had some no show job with comcast, never hear much about that one and the few times she actually tries to take the stage she basically gets booed
climate change is easily classified as it snowing in colorado in September when it has historically normally snowed. Or 2 feet of snow dropping on Vail pass in August like it has many times in the past.
I hate watching weather reports in colorado the last couple years, anytime it snows you hear them cry CLIMATE CHANGE!!
no btch its always done that,
Katie looks like a man
Sooo many pedos in my public school system growing up. They all refused to do shit despite all the complaints from kids and parents.
"Sorry you can't prove it"
That pissed me off so much coming from the principal.
They also didn't start getting caught until police and smart phones came into the schools.
i see someone read "the puzzle palace"
social worker....
yeah no one voted for it
think everyone stopped with the drag kids but theyve been powering ahead full force.
same, anytime ive seen her recently is in that bathtub. i get vibes of a suicide in her future, I could be wrong but her bathtub thing and what she says while in it are not right.
youd just need the sniffing and groping pics and clips
im assuming "the experts" are made Elon shut down their sources?
and so is Greta, theres a thread about it somewhere
i hate this so much
they were also rehearsing before Jan 6th if i recall