They were paid for 8 days of work. They were officially done working last July.
This is making sure they are paid for the months of overtime they had no choice to endure because their ride home was held politically hostage until the workplace boss holding them at work against their will was fired and replaced.
This is genuinely good and righteous.
They were stranded at work since last summer by a senile old man's puppeteering government for political reasons because their ride to work broke down and is too dangerous to ever use again. Meanwhile their ride home has been waiting patiently but the workplace management hates that guy because his ride is more efficient, cheaper, safer, and instantly available. So the managers had to be fired and replaced so a new manager could OK the ride back home after so long.
Of course they deserve overtime pay. Extra respect for not even taking that pay out of taxpayer pockets - above and beyond good person move.
The drone swarms were nation wide too, they checked everywhere. I drove cross country for thanksgiving and saw them in the midwest chicago farm highways area. That was actual months before they were on TV so we had no idea what it was except it was a lot of them and they were stopping and going vertical. And looked closer than they were because as we kept driving they didn't go past as quickly as we expected. They were bigger and farther than drones should have been if they were normal size drones.
These would be detectable. Nuclear material would put out small amounts of radiation. Although its possible if they are shielded by a large enough amount of water, radiation could be 100% blocked from nearly any scannable methods.
One completely unblockable nuclear emission is neutrinos. Those can't be blocked by anything - a neutrino can penetrate the entire planet. They pass through matter without interacting so easily they are also VERY difficult to detect.
I have been thinking about those drone swarms a few months ago with this in mind. Regular radiation sensors would work in planes. Satellites. Trucks. Drones wouldn't be needed. But neutrino detectors would have a very low chance of detecting anything so they would need to be deployed in large scale numbers. And if neutrinos are detected, capable of moving to zero in on the source to triangulate an unknown nuclear material source.
If I was searching for hidden nuclear weapons, I would build a swarm of large drones. Large size necessary for both neutrino detection - it can't reliably be shrunk much as they almost all need to be heavy and as big as possible - and for the longest loiter times possible because even the best neutrino detectors have a difficult time finding neutrinos. I would make swarms as large and wide as I could manage, as that helps increase detection through sheer numbers and area. And drones also make the whole detector array capable of moving wherever needed next, and adapting size/density when zeroing down on a suspect.
Also, I recall a story where one of those drones was shot down or crashed and first responders were told it was hazmat. Neutrino detectors at this size and distributed use would almost definitely include hazardous material, something like heavy water (hazard but mostly don't touch) to chlorine (very hazardous, don't be anywhere near). I never followed up on that story to see if evidence of what type of material they were worried about.
Literally only review. "Is that an executive function as defined by the Constitution? Is that an executive authority granted by Congress?"
When it comes to closing its own agencies, the Executive has all authority here. There is no law, no COnstitutional Mandate saying "President can't close agencies President has created. President cant fire people President has hired." The very idea of judges trying to pretend otherwise is laughable. They only prove they are unfit to serve.
Judicial have zero authority to do anything more than review. Activist judges melting down right now trying to write laws after their Roe V Wade hero story came crashing down. No law was ever passed making Roe a legal decision - and even after its overturn, where SCOTUS demanded Congress write a law just saying it on paper for real, Congress refused despite their party having the President and both halves of Congress.
They're impotent. And loudly announcing it.
It still amazes me that judges - the judicial branch - think they can overthrow the executive branch.
Literally this is their job to understand how they can't do that. Every judge that has attempted to usurp control of other branches of government should be instantly disqualified from holding any government position forever.
The Department of Education is an Executive agency. Every department of EVERYTHING, every agency, et cetera. All of them are Executive agencies.
The President, as the top executive of the executive branch, has the power to hire and fire every single one of his employees. Thats the Presidents job. He can't write laws or pass them, he can only rubber stamp already passed laws, or veto them for further review and be overturned if lawmakers outnumber his opinion. Thats the full extent of his legal capacity. No judge power. Limited lawmaking power to veto to request another vote. And then all the rest of his power is executive. Hire and fire, budget and spend, cut and dissolve.
Judges can't. They can't force Executives to spend more money. Or hire more people. Or fire more people. They can only interpret law. And teh Constitution is very plain-law specific about the separations of powers and what the Executive Branch is, versus what judges are.
Congress might step in too, which will be interesting. Then again that might blow up in their faces if the usual loudmouths try to overstep from Congress because their control is limited to granting the money to fund executive agencies - because in the past almost all Presidents were on the "spend more, grow more government" plan. They have no prepared response to an executive branch exercising its authority to NOT spend money. And it can't be forced to spend more. Congress has always had the power to limit the President's budget - but they have never had the authority to demand a President do more spending than he has asked for. All they can do is approve requests for more money. maybe try to pass new laws... but since the Constitution is clearly defining what they can't do (and in fact in a recent SCOTUS decision the Court actually says Congress has to explicitly define an Executive Agency's powers - so unless the DOE is already clearly defined in explicitly written law its already unconstitutional making its downsizing a necessity and judges who oppose even less legally literate.
Depends. If its the same Daniel Defense AR in FBI standard delivery configuration as usual (meaning kitted out but iron sights because FBI supplies their own optic) then its just a regular old totally not suspicious shooting by a lone wolf for no reason whatsoever and we'll have a nicely written manifesto to prove it just like all the others that used that strangely specific configuration.
Did anyone happen to get photos of the proud boys atf guy that was also on trumps secret service detail on their dumbest day?
If it happened today, instead of a carcano oswald would use the same daniel defense ar15 iron sights fbi configuration as the usual shooters because thats how they get delivered to the fbi and for some reason they never bother adding an optic before giving it to the patsy, and the patsy never has one of their own.
Also, Israel is a nuclear superpower run by genocidal government employees.
Gaza is an occupied territory in a country that was invaded decades ago and has been subjected to such a long protracted genocide that the average age has been reduced to teenagers.
Pretending they are equals fighting equally is ridiculous. A nuclear superpower intent does not fight on equal terms with the few remaining remnants of those it is trying to annihilate. If they were equals, there would either be nuclear war fallout or cold war standoff. They aren't equals. Palestine stands no chance whatsoever of ending the invasion or genocide.
Hamas is violent edgy kids being psychopaths because everyone they knew has been killed; inevitably the slaughter of whole populations will create dangerous groups like them even without the perpetrators needing a propaganda target to excuse further slaughter.
The politicians in Israel that created Hamas don't even have an excuse for doing evil things. They simply keep choosing invasion, occupation, genocide, and slaughter. All the while pretending its a war.
VW's naked short situation started the collapse. The biggest banks never closed - they negotiated a closed-door deal between governments and Porsche to instantly sell everything - releasing all shorts - once they had legal control over VW. This was because the Porsche secret takeover process was probably very illegal - they quietly gained total ownership beyond short sellers ability to even pretend to close their naked positions (that were legal at the time) and no one knew until Porsche went public.
Then shortly after the big banking collapse was likely also a naked shorted to death situation, until the SEC made it impossible to short a bank.
Before 2008 naked shorting was illegal. Its what caused 1929 (on top of other issues like leveraged housing etc, basically everything you saw pre 2008 and right now). If you ever rewatch the Eddie Murphy movie Trading Places, the Randoph & Mortimer hedge fund crooks lost everything because they were overleveraged on bad insider trading info and naked shorting. They literally lost more than everything because thats how shorting works always, and naked shorting is even worse.
the Gamestop thing proved naked shorting is alive and well - literally the only possible way for the SEC to release proof the company was more than 200% short was if there was massive wide scale institutional crime at all levels happening.
The banks still own the SEC and its a criminal organization - the proof is not even one person or bank has been investigated for that naked shorting crime, and even during the faked hearings Congress held they avoided the entire topic of naked shorting and diverted the discussion to safe legal topics like "gamification" etc.
1929 will repeat. The recently fired SEC chairman was personally responsible for repealing Glass Steagall, which was the law passed after the Great Depression that was supposed to stop it from repeating. the only reason to repeal that was to make sure another Depression was possible.
IMO part of the 2008 crash was a Fed ownership hostile takeover. I don't know if a new bank took out older ones, or if they just downsized Fed ownership. but thats my suspicion for why 2 banks were killed before the entire process by which they were executed was switched off.
Lehman Bros was an old powerful bank that was wiped out by competitors, as was Bear Stearns. They weren't JUST failing because of their naked shorting exposure, they were actively taken down by predators in the financial industry... who then made their captive agency the SEC suddenly make shorting bank stock - and ONLY bank shorting - illegal. Because those weakened banksters didn't want to be taken down the same way, but they still needed to profit of the collapse they caused by shorting every other company.
They even made naked shorting illegal after 2008, but made sure their SEC has never actually enforced the law because they commit that specific crime every single day... the law only exists to make sure they themselves aren't bankrupted the same way they took down Lehman and Bear. Lehman stock is still active by the way... 17 years after the company disappeared the comapnys stock is still active on the stock market which is very unusual. And it occasionally surges during unusual shorting events like the Gamestop thing. The interesting thing about naked shorting is it still needs to be paid back which can bankrupt the institution holding the shorts who owe more than the stock they need to buy to eliminate the debt. But an interesting way around that is to simply trade t he debt to the failed company and store its record of naked shorting in its own stock forever. The original company can't complain because it has already been eliminated. The killer simply hides the evidence of the murder in the corpse of their victim forever and hopes no one notices the corpse can't be buried and remains active, a zombie showing signs of life every time the killer is in distress.
One last observation: "Q" is the official wall street ticker symbol for a Bankrupted company. "Symbolism will be their downfall"
The interesting thing about that is US Patent # 7,279,327 B2 was filed in 2002 - meaning before the first SARS coronavirus in human history was ever discovered it had already been patented.
The second one ever discovered being Covid, I wonder if there are any related paptents equally suspiciously timed.
One thing is absolutely certain beyond all reason however: If a virus had existed in nature all along that was as rapidly infectious, capable of circumnavigating every part of the globe in 2 weeks, and prone to rapidly evolving new "variants" constantly as Covid... it would not have suddenly appeared all at once as only the second variation of its entire genetic heritage. It would have been referenced Biblicly throughout ancient writings and today there would be tens of millions of variations rather than only the two discovered since the genome popped into existence from nowhere in 2003.
Also despite various "omicron" etc variations claimed over the last few years no genetics have been published, and despite the 2025 flu virus shots supposedly being rendered ineffective because of interrupted funding thanks to efficiency office oversights those supposed variations did not require a whole new vaccine. Internal consistency was never part of that story, despite being an extremely important aspect of believable fiction writing. It's a shame Hollywood hates good writers so much they had to have a writers guild strike to call attention to how lazy and unbelievable the writing has become.
I remember that!
There was another missile launched from a submarine off the coast of California as well, back in 2010! It was clearly a threat and I remember the news varied from "it was just the US government testing" which was clearly a lie, to "it was china" but now I wonder if there was some sort of Samson related negotiation going on at the time.
The 2003 HCQ one makes sense because SARS was happening at the time. SARS outbreak was 2002-2004 and both HCQ and ivermectin were discovered to be treatments for it.
Covid is the only other SARS virus ever discovered (and thats why both are probably weapons - nature hasn't released a solo virus like this before, and we are pretty late in history for that solo to get a sequel naturally)
Its truly an exceptional accomplishment - especially in light of how the entire world claimed landing rockets and reusing them was an impossible pipe dream less than 10 years ago!
Heres an official video of FAILURE compiled by SpaceX itself:
because THAT is science! Fail! Fail! Fail! LEARN! Keep failing until you run out of ways to fail... then you can only succeed! Which is why SpaceX has the safest record in spaceflight and is also the cheapest way to orbit. Because they didn't "trust the science" they followed it. Thoroughly.
Also, this video highlights the "radid unscheduled disassembly" joke that they have always used every time a rocket failure teaches them a new lesson in how to not fail next time. I bring this up because right now political shills are melting down over this phrase because SpaceX had a test failure recently on their next-generation space ship that will not just land the initial 1st stage, but 100% of the entire thing making it fully reusable and reducing space costs yet again to the point where maybe regular people like us might actually take a space flight to the other side of the planet on work trips since it will eventually become cheaper to fly to japan through space than it will be to fly in a plane because planes have to burn fuel the entire time and space ships can coast most of the distance through vacuum.
Remember this the next time you see an indoctrinated political victim repeating propaganda about how they hate cheaper space flight because a test vehicle exploded. Science is all about learning from mistakes, pushing the boundary, failing, and learning and repeating until you can't fail any more.
Trusting the science on the other hand is about suppressing science and replacing that with indoctrinated political commandments that can't be questioned. And those commandments have shifted to "the environment must be destroyed" now that recyclable space flight is the enemy. The irony of the party that supposedly wants to protect the environment now taking a hard stance against both electric vehicles and recyclable space ships shows just how illogical tyrants are when they need to use their hate machine.
Meanwhile whoever was marionetting Biden left the astronauts stranded in orbit because Boeing not only couldn't take them home safely, they are so dangerous they had to assasin ate multiple whistle blowers in the same month which meant risking another high profile Boeing explosion taking out the entire space station was off the table... and allowing SpaceX to do it effortlessly is just an admission that cheaper and safer would be the nail in the coffin for their politically bribed government income stream... the launch tower that Boeing rocket that stranded the astronauts used on their way to being stranded (once - that isn't a landing tower like SpaceX's new one that catches rockets & refuels them for another launch) cost more than the most expensive skyscraper on Earth. Not because it actually costs that much, but because space used to be an industry where corruption was ridiculously profitable for criminals in power... and now SpaceX has ruined it. And Musk's DOGE will probably expose the spaceflight corruption in due time as well.
It still boggles my mind that a private server kept completely for the purpose of evading public FOIA oversight that was completely hacked by foreign powers, and was administered by an IT guy so incompetent he actually went on reddit to ask how to wipe hillarys name out of anything illegal was Ok'd by the department of justice. And that same DoJ went on to imply they were not going to okay anyone else doing teh same thing, so even they admit it was a crime. DoJ itself fears being arkancided.
When I worked at a University the director of my department would tell people she wanted to hire directly that they were the perfect person for the job and based on qualifications should get the offer, but because of their skin color and ethnicity they were not eligible for the position and were only interviewed to meet diversity requirements.
She would then advise them to resubmit another application with a different ethnicity on the diversity paperwork but we never had a single person interview a second time. I don't actually know if thats because smart people don't make extra effort to work for racists, or if HR actually checked that sort of thing since they would have had the earlier paperwork too.
What I do know is that director was an amazing person. She was this tiny, well spoken, and dark skinned woman whose authority and position were hard earned and she didn't like the university's blatantly racist hiring practices making it seem like she only had the job because of her DNA and not because of her MBA, PHD, MDO, and who knows what other degrees she earned that matter a whole lot more than ethnicity. She wasn't afraid of university officials pushing back against her and used their biases against them, because what were they going to do? Fire her for telling the truth? I think she actually wanted that fight but they never challenged her, at least not that I knew of.
They are literally engaging in war against their own government, physically destroying pieces of that government to protect enemies of the united states.
This qualifies for more than just a life sentence in prison. The crimes they are committing are actually the only federal crimes that are defined as punishable with execution. So yes, while punishing them appropriately for their crimes does carry a life in prison punishment, that lifetime itself shouldn't be very long. Again, purely based on the law as written, and the definition of the crimes committed, they have earned the death penalty already.
That would be hilariously on point. I've been pointing out that Obama is the one that created DOGE and the only thing new this year is it was renamed and is actually being utilized. Politically indoctrinated people don't seem to be able to handle that already.
Having Trump literally just do a word for word remake of Obama here might actually get through to a few people.
You can make a large distributed detector and put the individual nodes on drones each node not such a great detector, a swarm of nodes multiplying effectiveness. Each drone would still need to be fairly large. And likely hazmat. Something like this could conceivably scale to the largest neutrino detector in existence easily.
And you would need to spend a large amount of time trying to find neutrinos. The odds of people noticing an operation like that are pretty big, I suspect it would make national news after a few months of flying under the radar