Don't forget Bush and Clinton meeting up in Chicago (for no apparent reason) on the 18th, to lay sunflowers at a Ukrainian Church in Chicago. No MSM press, but they had private photographers film it and posted it to social media. Obama likely was in DC with the coof.
I'm sorry to hear about your mother. My prayers for you and your family.
Since the vaxxs came out, I have a daily routine of checking the obits. Usually, there's a charity or local service agency designated---today, a family wrote that, in lieu of flowers or donations, please practice a random act of kindness for someone in need. I thought that it was a particularly nice way of sending out positive acts in a grim world.
Funny you should bring the topic up. . .I was listening to an interview on Tru.News today, and the host (anti-vaxx) said that over Christmas, 22 people in his office came down with COVID on the same day. Some of the cases were really bad, which seems unusual for an unvaxxed crowd.
Then sometime last summer , Sherry Tenpenny said there was a suspicion of an aerosol let out at one of their rallies---she got sick with upper respiratory symptoms, as did others.
I have no doubt that Pharma has some strong, mutant varieties for "special" customers, given that it was excellent PR when someone refusing a jab died of COVID.
Just an FYI. . .the flu shot this year did not match the circulating strain. (Just more toxic soup to strain people's fragile immune systems. Or maybe they really wanted a "Dark Winter.")
From the most recent MMWR:
Interim Estimates of 2021–22 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness — United States, February 2022
This interim estimate of 2021–22 influenza VE suggests that influenza vaccination did not significantly reduce the risk of outpatient medically attended illness with influenza A(H3N2) viruses that have predominated so far this season.
He may want to stay out of sight, since the National Pulse reported that he was over in the Ukraine negotiating a lab for dangerous pathogens.
So, who is the "they," who convinced Bourla to go down the path of making MRNA vaccines for COVID, when their expertise was more in the traditional formulation?
Full transcript of interview:
More than likely, the eggs will be carried on plants in warehouses, destined for the "big box" stores up north. Looks like they don't make it past the "hard freeze and don't appear to have a significant environmental impact.
I've always suspected that there's been some sophisticated brain entrainment messaging going over mass media, via TVs, phones, radios and the internet. I guess it wouldn't be beyond comprehension that a message to say "COVID is finished" went out over the same pathways.
OP, did your wife say whether the woman was really gung-ho about the Ukraine?
Sounds strange---so, a professor of genetics from Chapel Hill now is "under supervision" for plagiarizing from the introductions of some articles? He had to have some big ties to the DS w/$1 billion in grant money. I'd bet it has to do with something big, like China.
I don't think it will come out for a long, long time. There's too many different symptoms and conditions which manifest in an Acquired Immune Deficiency, so the CDC can just continue to have them treated as cases of cancer, Parkinson's, MS, etc. Perhaps sometime down the line, researchers will be able to publish links to the jab, but I don't think it will be soon.
Whatever the "Z" means, the NY Post just put a story online: "Terminally ill children told to form letter ‘Z’ in snow in support of Russia"
"A group of terminally ill Russian children have been forced to stand outside in the snow in a “Z” formation in a desperate, Vladimir Putin-inspired propagandist show of support for the Ukraine invasion.
The children and their mothers were made to pose for a photo outside a hospice in the city of Kazan, in southwest Russia, over the weekend, the Telegraph reported."
The letter “Z” has become a pro-war symbol in Russia since President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Obama's mentor, back in the days when he squatted in Chicago & the IL Legislature:
I wonder if he's dumping stock in the vaxxes, but of course, the article doesn't say. Edward Dowd has been trying hard, to get the word out to Wall Street, that Pfizer and especially Moderna ("one-trick pony") will be dropping. He expects that info on their fraudulent practices will emerge soon.
Just a thought. If mass formation theory is correct about people being hypnotized by maintaining an intense focus on a topic, then we may have more success at red-pilling them now about the dangers of the jab. Slip into their vulnerable mental space while all the energy of the MSM is focusing on the Ukraine.
Seem like a good time to bring the whole topic of "Q" back into the picture. It raises our "war-weary" spirits and causes panic in the MSM. Incidentally, it also creates a lot of publicity in the Normie world for Truth Social. "@q" has real possibilities for spreading the original Q narrative, real or joke.
A co-worker got vaxxed, and a few months later, had several fast-growing squamous cell cancers suddenly pop up. I told her that people had reported squamous cc as a side effect of the vaxx. Then she told me that around Thanksgiving, she had COVID, but it was a mild case---it would have been much worse without the vaxx. I think she believes that cancels out future problems with skin cancer. (Can't win with these people!)
Something's happening with Edward Dowd---he was supposed to testify at the Corona Investigative Committee Grand Jury yesterday, but Reiner said he would reschedule for a later date. I assume his testimony was going to be about the unacceptable quality controls used in producing the jabs.
Not pointless---why would Clinton & Bush fly half-way across the country to lay down sunflowers? I checked. . .no local papers said why either one was in Chicago for any other events. White flag to Russia?