I think this balloon ordeal is nothing but a distraction. Once virtually every platform is talking about the same thing, it tends to be a psy-op, false flag or fake information. Because you have to consider who is disseminating this information to these platforms. We'd be none the wiser about this balloon had it not been for some major platform sharing that information. The world-wide-web 'narrative' is manufactured and its algorithm, manipulated. When things 'trend' they're not trending organically.
Social and network media are nothing but an arm of the military-industrial complex. It's all a psychological weapon run by the cabal.
Once the printing press came along.......the world got ugly and We The People became controllable.
Q is referencing future incidents because Trump's Twitter account wasn't taken down in 2017. But now that I'm reading this, I think he/they were referencing the Hawaii missile incident back in 2017 or 2018 (that hadn't happened at the time of that Q-drop)
(and the Whidbey Island incident hadn't happened yet either I don't think)
When Q first came out, reality felt like a sci-fi action movie (that's why so many claimed it was nothing but a LARP). But now reality feels like a cartoon with goofy characters! Not sure which I prefer.
I was banned AFTER Elon took over for flagging Valerie Bertonelli for impersonating Elon Musk's name/handle (like Kathy Griffin had done). I was immediately suspended!!! WTF???? I've been on 'read only' since. I lost all my followers and those I follow. I've appealed it etc and nothing has ever become of this. So Twitter ain't what people think. I know I've been very vocal on Twitter about vaxes and my support of Trump in the past but never did or said anything illegal. So I must've been flagged for sure.
In the 1990's Trump got a flat tire somewhere in NYC (Queens?). A good samaritan (a black dude) who was walking by noticed Trump was in a nice suit and asked if he needed help. Trump obliged and after he was done, Trump asked how can he repay him. The man said it would be nice if he can send his wife some flowers. When the flowers arrived at his home, he found a note that basically said Thank you for your help. By the way, your mortgage has been paid off.....
Trump has done so many good deeds for so many random people that I'm sure it exceeds what most of us have done in a lifetime. Although Trump can 'act' conceded and arrogant...he's a very compassionate and humble man.
They're gonna blame this for releasing another virus on us because there's no need for this narrative to go public. This is top-secret security intel but it feels more like some TMZ headline so..... looks like more FF incoming
These people (?) are filled with such anger, hatred, pretentiousness, issues, righteousness, problems, low intelligence, high depravity, godlessness, cunningness, snarkiness, unkemptness, apathy, greediness, chemicals, cocktails, lies, secrets, blackmail, promises and pure darkness............
You're right. I think he's being controlled.
I don't even think that's the same dude (yeah....what else is new in this "post-2020 thriller-movie" we find ourselves in?)
They're sending comms. Meanwhile, Elon Musk changed his Twitter name to "Mr Tweet" the other day too. What are the odds that two of the richest white hats changed their social media accounts within the same week?
Then Trump made an impromptu stop to get ice cream Saturday while Biden has gotten ice cream too in the recent past. I have no idea whose saying what to whom but I have no doubt, they're communicating.
Yes, I understand the conspiracy but I don't believe a single thing related to this story (or any story as of late....)
Unless his entire body is full of some secret 'youthful serum'.... how in the world could an 84 yr old alcoholic survive such a massive blow to the head that knocked him out cold......and yet he pops out of the hospital a few days later? (it's very reminiscent of the Hillary fainting incident on 9-11-16)
Whoever is writing this movie, keeps putting certain players in the spotlight for reasons unknown to us now but they want us to pay attention to them.
But I'm sure it'll all tie together beautifully once the truth gets out. I'm talking the WHOLE truth. Not the G-rated cushy truth of them hiding documents. But the moloch-worshipping, child-sacrificing, adrenochrome drinking truth.
Where's Nancy's laptop from Jan 6th? That disappeared from the headlines rather quickly.
If these people aren't really put away by now then I'm afraid Trump/military has no power. But I think they have been dealt with.
Did anyone catch Eric Trump saying his dad 'executed' more RINOs than anybody in history? I mean, how can that be interpreted any other way than what it literally sounded like?
I totally agree withcha in that we're watching a show. It's so transparent to me but yet I have no idea WHY we're seeing what we're seeing. It all feels orchestrated, deliberate, scripted, staged and fake. Everything. Nothing feels organic anymore.
Things simply don't make sense nor do they LOOK anything like the official stories. PP is ridiculously complicated to understand especially from a conspiratorial POV. None of it makes sense. How is it, the 3rd person in succession for the presidency of the most powerful nation on this planet, doesn't have an alarm system on their property? How did someone just 'walk in' after breaking a window?
Remember also.....Paul Pelosi Jr photos were found on Hunter Biden's laptop too. So maybe this is all to dissuade attention away from PP junior? https://twitter.com/TJWooster/status/1360789441393143808
The entranceway....where he allegedly broke the window pane to gain access.... looks nothing like the entranceway provided by the helicopter's overhead view.
It is difficult to make out what's on that surveillance footage but from what we can see, it looks NOTHING like the helicopter point-of-view. Where's the brick flooring?
We're being played BIG TIME and they're making it easy for critical thinkers to see thru all the bullshit now. https://twitter.com/elton_johnso/status/1619253330945134599?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
Lindsey Graham is an alcoholic pansy. Prove me wrong! PS- remember, we're watching a movie. don't overreact to this shitshow. It's all scripted and intended to spark reactions. Even the white hats are doing this to keep people distracted and gossiping. It's minion-fodder. Don't fall for it.
It seems the deep state is holding something over this entire military operation (that I have no doubt we're under). And it appears the white hats are carefully cornering Biden to where the public will demand he steps down. Of course, he's probably already gone (and this is all optics) but regardless, that's the gist of the plot. Biden will (optically) be gone by the end of January I bet.
We are in War Time. Spiritual, political, and informational. So it makes sense that this social confusion is a smoke screen.
It's quite obvious the West has been infiltrated at the highest level. Never seen before in (modern?) history!
I concur. It's in God's hands. Although I was born (not necessarily raised...) Catholic I've never felt more spiritually awakened as I do now. But with this realization/awakening, I also see all the evil crystal clear too now. It's as if a veil was lifted in 2020 and now everyone (good and evil) is obvious to me. Reality feels like a scene out of "They Live" https://imgur.com/gallery/40HRkIT
I agree however there are so many 'untruths' being told too. It's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff right now.
I mean.........how many globalists aren't even themselves any longer? If anyone thinks that's Joe Biden in the WH then, I give up. I know the alternative isn't any easier to accept but we need to face the reality of it all. Even Trump has eluded to that not being Biden: https://www.bitchute.com/video/6rUP5E1xS9Hi/
Something is going on behind the scenes. And we are being duped big time. I just hope the deception is necessary and humanity's vibration will rise. Because right now, the frequency on this planet is flat-lined. It's dense, heavy, thick and cloudy. We deserve better because we've done nothing wrong.
I miss the good old days when sanity ruled the planet!! You all realize, we can't continue like this, right? Media (social and network) need to be taken out.
I've never seen/heard/felt so much depravity in my life. It's as if the human race has been taken over by demonic entities and unleashed in 2020!
We hardly knew what "gay' meant. And practically no one was overweight. If they were, they stood out. I remember maybe 1 or 2 in my entire (Long Island public) school. And by today's standards, they'd be considered 'average'
Humanity needs some outside intervention soon!!
Yeah, maybe. The fact there was no mention as to what was ailing her back in November leaves me to consider, this wasn't "covid' related at all. Using my own intuition, I don't believe she's dead. Or if she is, it was something entirely different like perhaps diabetes (seeing they were both fairly overweight). Who the F knows what's what anymore. Reality doesn't feel organic anymore. Everything feels scripted.
I really don't know what to make of this (not that I've been paying THAT much attention to it) but she was asking for prayers in Nov. Then by December they appeared fine and now January she supposedly died suddenly. It all feels sketchy & scripted. https://imgur.com/a/nMDu520
Where'd you hear/read this?