Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, couldn't she run in 2028 for President and then do an Executive Order to reverse Trump's EO on no Abortions? What's four years, darling? You in a rush to kill as many babies as possible within the next four years? I bet if she saw a single celled organism on a far off planet she'd call that "life". Yet a multicelled being in a woman's womb is only a bunch of non-life cells.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm amazed at all the fatties walking around the store I work at. How can they get so large? Only one thing can do that and it's sugar and carbs in abundance. I beginning not to blame them for over eating, but on Big Food for putting addictive substances within our food. These large folks are addicted to the food that is "said to be safe" by our government. If Kennedy says he can get Big Food out of our supermarkets that would be wonderful for the obese folks in America. You can preach to the choir, but they probably will get glazy eyed by hearing the same sermon every day of their lives. But take away their addictive substance and overnight they probably will begin to loose weight without even exercising. This evil has to end. I hope Trump stays safe through this election, we need him to be the glue that binds us together as anons.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was a prerecorded interview? Oh. Trump is doing a rally tonight at that time, I think.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had a medical situation and the doc put me some sort of anxiety meds to control my situation. Needless to say after a few weeks of taking this crap I began having suicidal thoughts. Driving home from work I wanted to crash my car into a tree or on coming cars. I told my wife and we came to the conclusion that I had to stop taking this stuff. Went to the doc who prescribed them and she was in shock I would stop taking it. She was almost apoplectic with my decision. Needless to say we walked out of her office and have never been back. Yea, those SSRI's are crap because they have unintended consequences. The medical community seems oblivious to that fact, and I bet Big Pharma knows all about the side effects yet they don't tell the doctors who prescribe them. Get off all drugs and you life will improve. Get off sugar and carbs and your life will be excellent. JMTC

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

This would make me wonder if living out in the sticks would be the best option. If a drone came over my cabin my 12ga would take it out nicely. But the satellites would be the main challenge with their heat sensors. I could build my own cabin, plant my own veggies and shoot and fish game. Better than living like a minion in a city with no opportunity to live a satisfying life.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

The left will say she is a hater. Sad, yes, but that is the mindset of the left. They think their ways are the best ways and if you stray from the path you are a bigot, hater, misoginist, or all around evil person. Put on top of that being a Trump lover and leftists will probably be at the stage to do you harm if they come in contact with you. Oh, don't let them have a gun lest they are tempted to use it. Wild times, yet Q has said there will be darkness before the storm. I guess this is the darkness and the storm is yet to come. Maybe around Nov. 5.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even the seeds you buy at WalMart or Lowes could be tainted. Unless you grew your own food and kept the seeds do you really know of how good it is.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why do the libtards keep shooting themselves in the foot with articles like this? Are they too stupid to realize that Trump is playing to small towns that are hit hard by declining production facilities? The allegation that he's using "sundown" towns is ridiculous because it isn't true. It's a lie to garner sympathy votes from minorities, thus they are trying to keep the blacks on the plantation. It's a stupid trope and it certainly will backfire in their faces. Can't the left see that? They cannot be that dumb. ugh

Tynyyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Plus the white dude is always protrayed as the idiot while the minority comes in to save the day! It's tiresome.

Tynyyn 5 points ago +6 / -1

The Wisconson DOT needs to tell the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections and the Senate to go pound sand. I'm sure in the DOT's bylaws it states that illegals will not be afforded state drives licenses because it would be an illegal act.

Tynyyn 14 points ago +14 / -0

Lefties tout their abilities to be artistic, with songs, dance, writing skills, painting, etc, yet these clowns cannot even pull off a simple double tap beat and toss it off to the next waiting imbecile. I'm beginning to think that all lefties are just plain dumb.

Tynyyn 6 points ago +6 / -0

Have you ever worked in the mail processing facilities of the USPS? I have. It's a lot harder than you think to do hinky things with the mail. There is just no time alloted for that kind of underhandedness. Plus it would take a lot of people to pull off something. The unions and management would have to work together to move containers around and then have someone do illegal things to the mail within those containers. Unions and management hate one another. There would be grieviences filed and it would be a fight on the work room floor. Naw, it wouldn't happen. I can see that after the ballots are released by the Postal Service that there could be bad things happen in the transportation process. Maybe the ballots get sent to a warehouse and then a team there does something. Then sends the corrupted ballots on to be officially counted. But not within the facilities of the USPS.

Tynyyn 14 points ago +14 / -0

I agree with this guy 100%. He's hit the nail right on the head. I, as a white dude, don't care about the plight of the black community. I have my own mortgage to pay, my own grocery bills to figure out how to pay, how to pay my utilities. After all that, I just don't have the energy to give to the black community. They need to figure it out that slavery was 150 years ago. They wouldn't even know a thing about being a slave unless they've seen Roots. But they are more worried about getting the latest pair of Air Jordans or who can rap the best. White folks just don't care!!! Get in the game of life and learn how to better your community. And trust me, it isn't by wearing a two hundred dollar pair of useless shoes. It's about getting a good job, showing up for work, and then doing that job to the best of your ability. Once you can accomplish that, then come see me. We will talk about your plight. Until then, I'm too busy working trying to feed my family. Heck for that matter, I don't care about the plight of the Native American Indian, the imported Asians who work hard and have become millionaires, or the dozens of other cultures in America. All I want to put my efforts towards is getting rid of the Deep State and putting this country back on the correct path our Founders wanted it to become. Outside of that one area, everyone else can go pound sand.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

A few days into the new school year and a student is already butt- hurt enough to go on a shooting spree? Aren't parents teaching kids how to take insults, ribbing, hazing and brush it off? Heck, now if a kid looks at another kid crossways that's grounds for full on armed assault? Ugh. In the end you will not be told this shooter was using PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES!

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Add term limits to your list. We don't need folks like Joe sucking off the public tit for over fifty years. He should have been in the private sector after four or six years.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are correct, but in the name of full disclosure wouldn't it be interesting to have the blood test available to see if any medicines were present in the individual?

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now we need to get Zuck and Myorkis in the same room with the congressional committies and see which one is the acutal liar. Once it is sorted out then one of them needs to be lead to the gallows for lying under oath.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't watch the vid, did he say he was voting for the commie?

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

But, but, but......she is a ........something. Oh, yea, our future President. Long live Mrs. Emhoff. She is such a strong person. No on could ever overcome all the negative in her path but her because she expemplifies what a real woman overcomes each and every day in this male dominated world.
Is this enough double speak for the day?

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good looking kid. He had great genes from both parents.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can hardly wait until Kamala MANDATES me to sign up for this program. Only she can write an Presidential executive order to force us to march in lock step all the way to the front door of Pfizer. Please, please, please, Kamala, just take out your pen and begin writing that order for all our sakes. We need your help to keep us well cause we don't know how to avoid viruses. (sarcasm)

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does anyone know if he/she/it was on any medications? SSRI's or mind altering prescribed drugs? Sexual assualt could make someone go off the deep end, but doctor prescribed drugs can do the same thing. When some folks take anxiety medicines they get suicidal thoughts. Maybe a couple of hours before this individual did the deed, he/she/it tooks a legal medicine that altered his/her/its brain function.

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