Thank you.
If you can search and nail down the date that would help.
Also, try "Liberty Channel" on Bitchute.
Great Tucker Carlson archive.
Hurricane Erin was directed deliberately on September 11th. Came up the coast and was forced to take a hard right turn by firing up power plants to the east so it wouldn't interfere with the events of the day.
I am "pro-choice," and I choose to be born.
The simple fact that I do not yet have a voice in no way changes that.
Please do not make my choice for me.
Incompetence or accidentally is never an excuse.
Thank you.
Check the enlargement.
True. But as this fabric was probably manufactured and installed after the 1940's one might think they would be a little more careful.
Thank you.
Downvote. Perfect example. My thought doesn't count.
Night light maps tell the tale.
Whole lotta dark areas out there.
This should never be...
Why is it that they never respond, "how do you figure..?"
Blight on the landscape.
What happens when you ask the kiosk for the bathroom door code?
We Are The News Now. Dammitt!
Q or not, we have a job to do.
Learn the news, spread beyond our circle.
And Paul Singer.
Once a month whether I need it or not.