It's an extinction level threat to all cryptography, not just crypto currencies.
Password hashes that would normally take decades to crack could be done in days.
My feet aren't that big
I'm never gonna get over how everyones brains completely broke and everyone wore those stupid masks that any neanderthal knows do not prevent airbourne illnesses. I mean how could they? The air goes right through it.....
I already know the clip you are talking about.
That chick who asks him that has massive crazy eyes.
Works fine for me
Misquoted. Totally left out the 1st word.
These journos can't do anything right.
Needs shitpost flair
Wait, you mean destroying every cell in the body isn't a good way to cure cancer?
Who'da thunk it?
Certainly woke me up.
I was astonished at just how many good little sheep are out there. Questioning nothing, even when nothing makes any sense.
According to the shitlibs...
The walls are finally closing in and he has been arrested.
They always lie and decieve while being blatant AF.
That's the Satanist MO.
Wow, didn't realize VICE was so into fringe conspiracy theories
YUGE Qincidence.
Magic Potion is his phrase for vaccine, in case that's not obvious.
Some good clips in there that are hard to find now.
Obvious division tactic.
Also being pushed by MOSSAD AJ.
Ron's already said he won't run against Trump.
It's going as fast as it possibly can.
And we are in the best possible timeline.
To conquer, obviously.
We all know the phrase, "divide and conquer". They are taking it much more literally than most.
You have to be 21 to do whippets gosh darnit.
You extremist!
Stay comfy my frens.
No need for violence when we are winning so much. Violence would just make things worse for us.
You should re-flair this as topkek
Freaking Satanists.....
Sick doesn't even come close to describing their wickedness.
French Embassy US = Revolution
Yeah that's right.
Maybe whatever DNS server you are using is blocking it.
Try going directly to