UpwardBound 2 points ago +2 / -0

Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. "I will repay"

UpwardBound 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy shit. This is soooooo sick!!!!!!!!

Like the Tuskagee experiment. And who went to prison over that crime??? Oh yeah. Nobody. Even though they killed people. And you would think that the media would be furious since they killed a lot of black men. Crickets.


UpwardBound 5 points ago +5 / -0

If income tax is eliminated, just consider the vast amount of money tied up in retirement accounts. All of that becomes instantly available to be used, without losing any of it to income tax. Wise people will still keep it in reserve, but some of it will be repurposed and injected into the economy. And then consider getting a 10-30% raise in your paycheck when withholding ends. And think if the joy we experience when the IRS beast has its teeth ripped out.

Next up: property taxes.

UpwardBound 2 points ago +3 / -1

A good analogy is a 5.56 AR round. Unlike an aircraft, this round is very heavy. Now shoot that round at a 1/2" steel plate. What happens to the plate, and what happens to the lead round? The round goes splat and the plate goes ding with only a splatter pattern left on its surface. If it's soft steel, there may be a small indentation in the surface. Steel practice targets are harder steel and can be hit with numerous bullets without any damage.

The videos we have all seen, showing aircraft neatly disappearing into the side of the WTC towers is pure silliness.

UpwardBound 4 points ago +4 / -0

I refuse to hit play on that video. Why should I give any attention to this stooge?

I will give him some attention when he is perp walked out.

UpwardBound 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here what my friend wrote. He was a Muslim and surrendered to Christ: Since 1979 revolution in Iran, many Iranians have converted to Christianity. Iranians have paid a big price since then. Many boys and girls, young and old have been tortured and executed for their political and religious views. Christianity has been one the most popular religion in Iran. The message of Jesus (Gospel) resonates with Iranians especially after Iranians tasted the fruit of the religion of Islam. Muslim people are open to Christianity more than ever. Iranians were not Muslim. Muslim religion was forced on them. As you read in many Old Testament books of the Bible, such as Daniel, after people of Israel were in captivity, Dariush freed them and helped them to go back to their homeland. Persians (Iranians) were Zoroastrian and later Dariush wanted Persia to follow the God of Daniel. There are many radio TV channels broadcasting message of Jesus to Iran. TV Nejat, radio voice of Christ, internet radio Sedayee Enjil, and many more are very active. Bible Is app and many other Social media sites offer Videos and Bible translated to Farsi and even so ethnic languages/ dialects. I am not surprised when I hear 1 million. I believe out of 80 million people that number is very conservative. Iranians want to follow the true God but unfortunately, the forces of evil blinded their eyes followed the false prophets. But as we both know, the truth will set people free. Jesus, the Way the Truth and the Life has been revealed amongst Iranians. Every knee will bow and event tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. The 1979 revolution in Iran had been a blessing for Iranian. We came to meet the true God. Thank you Jesus Light shines and darkness does not overcome it.

UpwardBound 4 points ago +4 / -0

But..... There's one video where the nose of the plane does poke though, and emerges on the other side for one or two frames. Oopsies! People use that as a proof of CGI. Just sayin. I wasn't there. I listen to everything and say, Hmmmmmmm.....

UpwardBound 4 points ago +4 / -0

In this case, I could retire. As it is, I have to cough up $850/month just to own my home that is fully paid off, after living here for almost 30 years.

UpwardBound 3 points ago +3 / -0

All I want is Jesus to say "well done, good and faithful servant", when I meet Him face to face.

And then to see my family there.

UpwardBound 30 points ago +30 / -0

There are idiots that will take the new vax. We call them useful idiots who self-exterminate.

UpwardBound 2 points ago +2 / -0

They take a sample, squirt bird flu into it and then scream to high heavens. It's contaminated!!!!!

UpwardBound 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah, they'd need a microscope for that.

UpwardBound 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly right. I drives me a little bananas how they whine about toppings. When my kids were young, I refused to conform to their fetish. They always got a load of toppings.

Never accommodate a picky eater. Hunger has a way of fixing that issue.

UpwardBound 20 points ago +20 / -0

Audit every one of them, and release their tax returns.

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