VeilOfReality 1 point ago +1 / -0

No physical evidence of mass graves were ever found, so photos which could have been for anything is not solid evidence. Zyklon B was a delousing agent, and the gas chambers would have never worked as designed nor were they known about until well after the fact (conveniently). You know how they could have killed them? Stopped feeding them. But instead they had all these fanciful stories which were cooked up after the fact and "witnesses" who only confessed after torture. You know who did not "witness" it? Anyone who was writing diaries at the time (not to conjure up the image of Ann Franks diary which was proven to have been written by her father after the fact as well). Hollywood, the education system, and various governments who made it illegal to question this event (hmm) really did a number

VeilOfReality 0 points ago +1 / -1

Pretty crazy how there was no physical evidence of all that and how the physics and arithmetic of it just don't add up, but I'll take your word that you don't have an issue with those or logistics. The camps were for containment, like the camps used on the Japanese in America, or transport. Isn't it funny how the population of Jewish people remained stagnant based on census data despite those crazy numbers and then the birth rate immediately plummeted to keep them at a relatively steady level? Crazy. Maybe the data is changed by now, all I know are the numbers I looked up in high school in an old book on a curious whim. Also crazy how newspapers had been reporting the deaths of the same claimed number for decades before the event

Your insistence on calling them death camps shows that you're too indoctrinated to want to have a conversation. Even the people pushing the Holocaust narrative usually refer to them as concentration camps.

There are scenarios I could see where the Nazis were still the worse of two evils, or the other side of the same evil. But why don't you tell me what kind of society they had and what values they were fighting for?

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Such are the games these people play. Remember when everyone was trained to ask if you got your vaccine "yet"? Semantic games to subtly program people

VeilOfReality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you? Do you believe crematoriums in 2020 couldn't nearly keep up with numbers being done by the engineering feats Germany supposedly had in the 40s which they were wasting valuable war time resources running?

VeilOfReality 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep, politicians have been playing that scam forever. So many people claim to have "awoken" to that trick, not trusting politicians anymore, and yet you have a billionaire do the exact same thing and they're falling all over themselves to support him yet again. What did they really wake up to?

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no way he'd say this if he had any intention of doing anything about it. Isn't this site always prattling on about the Art of War?

VeilOfReality 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's because things are bad and some people need a hero so desperately that when Musk was presented as that hero they grabbed onto him and will not let go. Any evidence to the contrary is to be ignored to keep up the hero illusion

VeilOfReality 3 points ago +3 / -0

They don't need to, who's doing anything about it in light of this information? It's not a failure it's a flex

VeilOfReality 4 points ago +4 / -0

Apparently according to the letter he wrote he declared this in November of last year. So ten months to install some razor wire. Government efficiency

VeilOfReality 5 points ago +5 / -0

He just wants to blanket the world in Internet, make X an everything app like WeChat (social credit scores) and put a chip in your brain. No way someone who is (at least nominally) heading up all those things could possibly have anything nefarious in mind

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where is there ever a plan stated for 10 year lockdowns? The only plans I'm aware of with lockdowns (besides SPARS which had lockdowns roughly on the timetable we saw) involve climate lockdowns, which seems to be what they were setting the future stage for early on, way back in April 2020, saying the climate was doing better with people locked up. That and the lockdowns were over long before the vaxxes were even available. So what evidence is there to suggest such a thing? I see it said here all the time but have never seen even a hint of evidence

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see, I assumed you were the same person and still would have assumed you were representing the same viewpoint had you not clarified. I'm unclear what point you are making though, did you just chime in to defend the vaccines? We'll see what happens with some of the theories regarding the children of those vaccinated and their sterilization. A childhood friend of my wife's (in her 20s) dropped dead mysteriously a week after her second shot and I know personally someone (early 30s) who also died of a turbo cancer, as well as hearing many other strange stories. Then there are the metrics coming from life insurance companies which corroborate that things aren't nornal. But they obviously couldn't just have everyone drop dead who gets vaxxed. So you have a few people dying, illnesses etc and then you potentially have the future fertility concerns. Then you consider the Kalergi plan of white replacement and how the millions crossing the border were not made to get the shots but the citizens were highly coerced into doing so. If you think the depopulation via vaccines would involve everyone taking the shot immediately dying you're not thinking very hard

VeilOfReality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Differs depending on your source. How close did they get with lockdowns that were already over long before the vax was available?

Your whole argument hinges on population reduction not yet having happened to the scale described by the elites but you somehow believe this is due to lockdowns which no longer existed by the time the vax was released being thwarted by said vax. It's nonsensical and nonfalsifiable

VeilOfReality 0 points ago +2 / -2

Which is being done through vaccines and migrants, that's not really an answer

VeilOfReality 0 points ago +1 / -1

Where does that idea come from? It was not in SPARS, and the country was open before the vaxxes. Sure a couple blue cities kept their offices closed (everything else was open though, I was in one of the most liberal cities at that time and even hair stylists were back working by June at the latest) but there was no indication those long covid lockdowns would happen. Even early on the media was pushing how good lockdowns were for the climate, it was clear if they wanted more lockdowns that's the angle they'd go for (and that I believe does line up with Operation Lockstep). I don't understand where this idea comes from besides a desperate need to see Trump's actions as virtuous which doesn't seem like the most robust truth seeking attitude

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