Do you actually think this is feasible...that an unpopular person such as Cheney could be elected speaker?? Didn't she lose her race by double digits and her name is being brought up for this?
It's so off the wall...
I can see why POTUS Trump's name is brought up, but no reason to bring up Cheney's name.
Not sure what to make of MTG talking about this?
On the board of Fox News...this tells you everything, especially why Fox is covering the same stories, the same way as CNN and MSNBC,
They have a few Trump supporters, but overall not the same type of coverage they had a few years ago when Ailes was in charge.
I don't watch it (since November of 2020), but my parents do sometimes and from what they say, it definitely seems as though they are skewing more left and now the fact that they are controlled opposition is more out in the open.
I would add the RINOs, also.
Not just Democrat. I think they are more damaging because they claim to be for you, but are working against you behind the scenes.
With the D party we know who/what they are and learning more as to what they do to cheat in elections.
POTUS Trump was never just "a random ex game show host"...he was famous in the 80's for being a very successful real estate developer in the US and abroad, was in magazines, rap singers would mention him in their songs, he wrote a book.
Do you really believe that his claim to fame was his The Apprentice show?
He was well known before the tv show, which most people on here probably have never seen. I have never seen an episode of it.
I remember a few years ago when people were saying that some of the Q drops were different and many were bringing up the fact that it's a team and maybe it's not always one person dropping these.
Not sure, but right now I tend to believe it is the Q team because it's about exposure and starting off with Runbeck seems to be asking anons to start researching this.
I have never heard of this before.
Interesting, if true.