Sounds like they're leading and anti tax revolution
I'm all for it.
Thank God for his protection because we added five to our family since covid hoax started.
Maybe he didn't have a choice!! Let's hope 500 people are the first arrest.
Giant honeypot maybe?
Wouldbt be surprises.
They have the next iterations of tech already, they always seem to wait for the Old one to collapse before using new stuff.
Imagine buying your lead this way. I own 10k rounds of ammo, see this paper says so. It's all in some vault in NYC.
Yeah, paper gold is more worthless than the fed reserve note.
They also sell gold that doesn t exist. O different that the fxp guy
As long as it's still accepted.
Lol, mine got spent surviving covid ;)
Not until we ahve a generation of flyers without rhe jab. You?
"There are many things we do not understand ,but through it all the faithful will see the Masters hand."
"Those who have believed have entered into my rest." Hebrews
Normalise... normal lies
Removing you from the planet solves the problem completely.
They should nuke the place
They will wait for the bulk of them to die then pull an agent orange on them and pay the ones who took longer together sick.
Camp Lejeune, Iraq burn pits etc.
You know Osha would shut the military down. So i o ow something gs are preventable by just giving a shit.
Agreed. Perhaps those where all like operations by the good guys to find the weak spot. Probing the enemy amd after 5 attempts the find the chick. Almost a Trojan horse with trump being a Democrat all those years.
Any chance you live near sarasota florida?
No, he had to go left to go home and i had to turn right, he cut through a school yard where the line was. His normaL route home. It was getting dark and we were coming home late from basketball practice there was another kid with me going tje same way. I heard the pop, looked back. Saw him fall and catch on fire. I ran that way and somehow saw the wire and understood what it meant. So I stopped and we ran for help. Couldn't believe it and the whole time I was frantic to get help because I thought someone else might go down there amd die. Later in life while stationed in Germany I had a similar experience with a guy who climbed train wire tower and got armed with 50k volts.
He actually lived though because it blew him away from the wire. But he was a mess.
I like a little holy spirit Dove symbolism myself.
I'm gonna just be thankful for God's grace that somehow I saw through this.
Ok. Now that's significant eh!!!