Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great song, but now I have it stuck in my head.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, I know. It's just irritating when it interrupts the chain of thought.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

He was shouting last night, for a good minute or two. I don't know if he's frustrated or what, but unfortunately whether he shouts or not, his information is highly repetitive, and those stupid ads disrupt any train of thought he might be building. I know he has to pay for his show, but there has to be a better way.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

LA used to be the coolest place to live way back when. Now it's one of the world's biggest toilets, along with Frisco and some others.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, this has to be scripted. There's no other plausible explanation for this utter and despicable lunacy.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's not a day that goes by without my wife and I being grateful we left that shit hole in 2019. Used to be cool, going downtown to see the symphony, walking the 16th Street mall, stopping for coffee and desert - and then they legalized pot. Homelessness skyrocketed along with housing prices. Vagrancy through the roof. You couldn't go anywhere without running into someone wanting money. You couldn't drive through the city, even on I-70 or I-25 without smelling the pot. Good riddance.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good thing I didn't fly my Learjet up there to watch an eclipse. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Vindicator63 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree. I spend way too much time on it anyway and have nothing to show for it. When I go work on our property or down in the shop, I'll usually put on some classical music and tinker around here and there. Quite refreshing, actually.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

It always amazes me seeing his motorcade and all the security that goes with it. What's even more impressive is the throngs of people lined up to see him.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every time I get a glimpse of Barron, I see someone who, even more so than his father, is the last person in the world I would want to fuck with. There's just something about that kid - tall, handsome, intelligent, great parents, quiet demeanor - that impresses me.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, for the last couple of weeks I have felt the same thing. Something is afoot. The fact that he remains so nonplussed at his rallies, and his ability to give it back just as much as he takes it, tells me I'm either living in an alternate universe or I am missing something obvious. I just don't know what the hell it is at this point.

Vindicator63 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just did taxes. Wife is retired, I teach in a rural district in Tennessee. Don't make much. And yet, I get stuck with $2300. Geez. People need to wake the fuck up. We're getting raped. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. The wife and I don't spend extravagantly, yet still it seems whatever we do isn't enough. I hope one day soon things will change, because this is wrong - but I'm also sure people will get on my case for whining about it.

Vindicator63 2 points ago +2 / -0

Always loved the story about Coolidge when he was approached by a woman holding a $20 bill. She says to him: "My friends over there said I couldn't get you to say three words." He looks at her, smiles, takes the $20 bill, and says "You lose." 😃

Vindicator63 5 points ago +5 / -0

Always good for a laugh. Thanks Fester.

Vindicator63 10 points ago +10 / -0

Sorry, I can't watch Faux News anymore. Stopped watching on November 3, 2020 when they pulled that bullshit early AZ call.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

If people put as much energy into solving the problem of animal cruelty as they do this stupid eclipse, we wouldn't have any of our furry friends suffering.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, they tend to make a big deal over a Venus or Mercury transit as if the entire universe was going to stop in its tracks just to experience it. Geez.

Vindicator63 1 point ago +1 / -0

That it is, and I will be glad when the whole damned thing is over. It's just a stupid eclipse. People are already gearing up - on the way home from Lowe's today, my wife and I saw some dude selling eclipse glasses out of the back of his truck, and people were stopping to buy them [not sure of the cost]. They're actually letting the school where I work at out three hours early so parents can "prepare." Prepare for what? We're only going to be at 80% here in east Tennessee anyway. When the 2017 one occurred, I was working in a school in Denver and it was the same thing, people were practically freaking out. That just goes to show that people will do anything to make a big deal out of something so insignificant.

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