WakeUpWorld 7 points ago +7 / -0

That is not why they are hiding it. Plenty of other kid killers in history. This is 12,000 yrs ago. Amazing huge blocks cut & sculpted in amazing ways. With the infamous bags/man purses of Ancient Sumeria. That was deliberately buried. Most likely to save the Great Deluge or Younger Dryas event of 12,000 yrs ago. It's important

WakeUpWorld 9 points ago +11 / -2

Why would we ever care about a highly advanced site 12,000 years before the time of Biblical Jesus or 10,000 years before Prophet Abraham or Egyptians or 8,000 years before Ancient Sumeria. It's so stupid, who cares about why those people lived, who they were are, and how they could cut and move such enormous blocks of granite and earthworks. Not important at all. Only finding how many genders we are is important.

WakeUpWorld 21 points ago +21 / -0

Jimmy is awesome. Served in Gulf Wars and realized we were there for wrong reasons. He may have found the real Atlantis location in the Eye of the Sahara. Guy is a cool patriot. I'm sure he lurks here

WakeUpWorld 7 points ago +7 / -0

Do a credit lock on your credit so no one can open anything in your name. Just have to release lock before you apply for anything new

WakeUpWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

We don't think voting matters. We just know we have to or we make their cheating easier. Our side has morals and patience. They just better beware the man that wants to be left alone

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

His track record was pretty damn good and that was with fighting orchestrated riots against him from Day 1. A 93% negative press. 2 fake impeachments. Attacks & back stabbings from the Uniparty. And then a global pandemic exercise that obviously in some manners, handcuffed him from doing & saying everything he wanted

WakeUpWorld 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is worrisome. We don't put walls up except the Southern Border. Democrats are the ones that put the walls up to protect themselves. Did it in 2020 Inauguration and DNC convention

WakeUpWorld 5 points ago +5 / -0

How does an "advanced" society get turbo cancers? Should we not be getting less sick as we advance? Or am I just crazy and expect too much

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

It has nothing to do with illegals voting. Its about the number of registered voters. All they need is an inflated # of dirty voter rolls. They just use all those dead people, people that moved, illegals, fake people all registered to a vacant building, etc and create bullshit ballots to give them the number they need. That is why citiies are their stranglehold. They have a higher population, transit population, homeless, and dead people. Tons of registered voters who dont vote or cant because tbey are dead or moved.
If they did a forensic audit of an election, I'd guarantee they would find so much fraud

WakeUpWorld 6 points ago +6 / -0

So crazy the Democrats act so green and for the environment, but don't bat an eye to Nordstream or their favorite celebrity jet setting

WakeUpWorld 1 point ago +1 / -0

Farts are like blow horns.
Edit: so I heard

WakeUpWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read on X that the DDOS attack was on Trumps side. They had to have Trump enter in on some low latency bandwidth that can make s & sh sounds, sound weird. Something like that

WakeUpWorld 6 points ago +6 / -0

I thought same thing. Told my buddy it sounded like he had a lisp or Nancy switched his Diet Coke with hers.

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