WakeUpWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or this was there way to get him into custody to make him go along with their story.

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was maybe 45 minutes of violent interaction out of a 12 hour day of protesting. It also happened before most if not all of the attendees of Trumps entire speech could have arrived after walking from Ellipse to Capitol steps.

Most glaring difference. Most of the violent or destructive people were wearing masks and once inside there was no one with destructive or violent behavior or wearing masks.
Why is that?

WakeUpWorld 2 points ago +2 / -0

But you can get any other drug in Cali. Make that make sense

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

Vaping got me off cigs. And I stopped vaping too.

WakeUpWorld 10 points ago +13 / -3

This was in Chile. I'm not even sure he was Haitian. Please be careful what you are sharing or believing.
Just like the lady eating the cat. She was not Haitian, she was an American high as a kite

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they are month to month with no contract. I believe they can start eviction process, which would be 30-60 days.
His story was different. He said he told tenant he could come back after remodel. Landlord obviously knew a loophole to get him out. Then raised the rent costs. Tenant could not afford it no longer, not really kicked out

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

They said before debate that this most likely was it, no more debates. I think Trump is horrible at debates. He repeats too much. He does not explain their lies in normie detail. He never defends J6 or election fraud the right way, even though last night he did slightly better on election fraud.
He really needs Vance & Rfkjr to pick up his slack

WakeUpWorld 1 point ago +1 / -0

He just makes money off our engagement. Just block and ignore their content. They don't have a real following. It's us pissed off at their biased bullshit and a handful of bots to keep us engaging.

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they can't isolate the virus and not detect a virus out of the human body..... how are they detecting the virus in the wastewater supply?

WakeUpWorld 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always got the good guy feel from him. I've always liked what he had to say.

WakeUpWorld 1 point ago +1 / -0

No tax on income is difficult to fix. Part of the tax is for social security and workers comp insurance.

WakeUpWorld 3 points ago +3 / -0

Warren is not losing. Massachusetts residents are willing to be bussed in to New Hampshire to fake support for Kamala. They will turn a blind eye to election fraud to keep their Socislist in power

WakeUpWorld 4 points ago +4 / -0

Plus your body does not absorb Vit C well thru ingesting Vit C vitamins. It needs liposomal variety or IV

WakeUpWorld 5 points ago +5 / -0

She was part of the Smollett hate crime against MAGA.
I don't know why this is not talked about more

WakeUpWorld 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree 100%. Over speaking a woman will look bad to undecided voters. Plus she will play the "dont interupt while i'm speaking" card w/black girl attitude. He needs to just debate on the issues. Aggressive won't look good against a woman
I also hope he has something up his sleeve

WakeUpWorld 1 point ago +1 / -0

It will have its use cases. As of now, US dollar is #1 instrument used for fraud, nefarious & criminal activities, and it's digital form is tracked. They also print more, non audited.

WakeUpWorld 5 points ago +5 / -0

They will only bring Mary Trump out then.
Just stick to their policies. They are horrible and dangerous. Dems have been in power 12 out of 16 yrs, they own this mess. Walz let Minneapolis burn for a political stunt, he is dangerous. https://www.thefallofminneapolis.com/

WakeUpWorld 8 points ago +8 / -0

You can meet Hulk just about any day at his bar on Clearwater Beach.

WakeUpWorld 2 points ago +4 / -2

Thank you for this. I am starting to believe like you and Dr Andrew Kaufman. My wife and I get sick every Aug - Sept, but mostly Aug. It's like clockwork. It's almost freaky, to the day or week over last 5 yrs. She gets sick a little more than me. I take vitamins & work out & non Covid vaxxed, but drink, smoke weed, she took Covid Pfizer shot 1&2 , does not work out, and does no extra recreational partaking. She has provably gotten sick 3 out of 5 yrs. Me only 2 out of 5. Her sickness is worse and lasts longer than mine. We also don't always get sick at same time or same yr even though we are near each other constantly. I'm starting to believe it's because Aug is end of Summer and near Fall. The Earth goes thru a change and so do I and my wife. Temps start to change and we start to detox. If it was a germ, wouldn't we get sick everytime one of us gets sick?

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