Watch_TheKarma_Burn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Houses passes bill to arrest lawbreakers only after second time breaking the law.

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 9 points ago +9 / -0

Still got two years to go to make it 30 years

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember just up to a couple years ago you could go to the whitehouse website to view the birth certificate but if you downloaded it and opened it in photoshop the layers were never married when they created it and you could still move around all the "signatures." May still be the case for all I know.

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get the position but also, if he were a globalist cuck, the MSM would be tripping over themselves to prop him up. Instead, they are pushing Nikki Haley as the "victor" and pretending like Vivek didnt humiliate the whole field of RINO gaylords.

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think he's a plant by Trump's people. He came in and eviscerated the RINO cucks at the debate. Trump is the only man to figure out how to be in telwo places at once. 1. Doing a calm interview with Tucker... and 2. (Essentially) Being on he debate stage calling out everyone.

We will see where Vivek's loyalties lie once Trump is nominated.

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 6 points ago +6 / -0

The problem Bud Light has is that their product was entirely built on branding. It is neither particularly unique nor high quality. When people left the brand and started drinking other light beers which are (arguably) only marginally better or worse, it makes it all the easier to leave Bud Light for good. If their product was unique or of particular high quality, people may have come back around... but its basically the same swill that they can get from non-tranny endorsing companies so why bother?

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know the guy is a total faggot, but Stephen King has an excellent short storey called "The End Of The Whole Mess" that is shockingly pertinent to what's happening with the vaxxed

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 14 points ago +14 / -0

Spoke with Butcher Box and they stated they don't, and won't, have mrna in their meat.

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kennels in TN are now requiring your dog to have a canine "flu shot" or they wont take them. Wtf is the canin flu? Have had dogs my entire life and never once heard or seen evidence of this.

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Frankly, RFK has more value sticking as a Dem or even an independent and stripping votes from the left while also bringing vax danger awareness to the national stage during the campaign and debates.

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 16 points ago +16 / -0

I would also like to add that anons discovered Keith Ranier's initials branded into Stormy's stomach... the same brand Raniere would onitiate his female followers in the NXIVM cult. She had attempted to hide the brand under a shitty tattoo.When called out, Stormy claimed it was from a "surgery," inadvertently verifying the scar was real. When confronted wjth the fact no surgery left a scar like that, she deleted the photos and laid low for quite awhile. Also, anons had dug up tweets from her past where she joked about how "she thought she just joined a cult.'

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 1 point ago +1 / -0

For bland domestic beer its better than Coors or Bud heavy.

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I admit I may be out of the loop. What did they do?

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sam Adams still family ownded (and not woke to my knowledge) as well as Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 2 points ago +2 / -0

If only there was someone in a position of power who could do something?

Watch_TheKarma_Burn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, went with the faggy "UN Blue," who would have thought....

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