Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact that they need to do this personally is telling of the lack of depth and strength of their position. Know this, when you are slamming some troll on here or X or where ever you are, for whatever stupid shit they are spewing, you could be slamming a top level shitbag like her!! Personally, live. Is that motivating and exciting? Hell yes! Now go bash those trolls!!

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Grand ol Paytriots. Never give them a dime. Watch the funding to keep them going. It will flow from 'independents'. Dems fund the rinos, same team.

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Savings and Loan Crisis was thei plan to kill off independent banks. It worked.

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love the smell of Trump in the morning, smells like, victory.

winning, haha.

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

No entity should be reading private communication. full stop. nothing else matters.

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great post. Love your breakdown. This fills in a lot of gaps for me. Never really went down this rabbit hole - thank you!

Waybackwhen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have done a fair amount of research trying to find causality within the results of available studies (NIH.Gov) mostly. The reports of harmful effects are things like lost IQ points and other 'impossible to link' conditions to substantiate claims. I can not find any study that directly links naturally grown (not chinese gmo weed that is then produced and sold for legal or illegal recreational use.) to any physical or mental condition that does NOT contain words like, 'suggests' (a link between said condition or result, and clean natural cannibis. Words like 'may' 'could' 'seems' might', etc. This is fear porn from the Sacklers. I am talking about a plant. Grown and cultivated by a free Patriot, for their own use. Compare that to studies on Flouride, alcohol, or any of the common medications in use today. Look up the side effects of the top ten medications is use today. It is horrifying. Cannibis treats many of these conditions, and does it better, cheaper, and with far less damaging side effects.

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would rather have my loved ones on weed than on on all these vaccines and medications. Statins, antidepressents, holy shit. Those are what are melting brains.

Waybackwhen 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not a lot of sauce on these comments. Does someone have actual data to back up all these weed is bad claims? Or do we use what our flawless mass media has fed us for generations? Asking for a friend because there are a lot of folks that would say the health benefits will put a real dent in the pharma profits.

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not sure which of those dudes is uglier.

Waybackwhen 6 points ago +6 / -0

put a dab of horsey paste on your finger and apply to each armpit. Report your results here please. You will be shocked.

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