If you buy two, you get 2020. ( $20 + $20 )
Really, the authors name!? Faggotrotious piss ants. It’s AL GORE and JOHN KERRY for sure. If they want to take the limelight let’s see them take the entire lime. What’s say them? Do they have the audacity!? 👀👀
Ok enough it’s blatantly TELLING you. No question. But the tittle? We didn’t really see Trump until lately-ish. Past year. The REAL DC CLEANER. 😎
All the $ for climate change goes to this stuff. Start talking loudly, watch the MSM and socmed will start their fact fagging, and whatever they say, it’s the opposite.They shouldn’t exist if anyone has an issue with that tell me. Cheers
I didn’t think of that. Very nice!
Then who’s the “DOO”? ( offense ) 👀
They burn it and deem it inhabitable. Then it’s theirs automatically. 👀👀👀
There they had TWO hurricanes at once. It split off into two. Never before have I ever seen that. Storm chaser licensed federally for 27 years. Those are gale force winds.
Obama sure hasn’t said shit
They want everyone on the mainland. 👀👀👀👀👀
When the land burns, the government then declares it inhabitable and contaminated / too dangerous to rebuild. Then they get that land naturally and / or take it. Maybe they buy it in peoples disparate time easily. But, they declare it. And then they take it for whatever reason they want.
Anyone have eyes on the guidestones? Are they there or not? So set up it’s almost like it never happened.
We certainly haven’t had anyone attacking us and taking credit like the olden days of yesteryear. Like ISIS ect…all attacks are blamed on nature, God’s creation. Trying to fabricate the rapture. Discernment is highly advised.
Bill Gates. Fact. Hydrochlorqine - answer
I’m down where do I visit first?
Tons in CA every month or so
Get the right people to buy the drugs and destroy them secretly, continually.
Why the fuck would one join the army.
That’s not how we do things. That’s not tolerated. Who is in charge of this shit? Someone can flush it, someone. Why would anyone not? ( unleeeeesssssssa itssss ffaaaayyyyyyke! )
Reagan!??? Damn it