Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Knocking on the door, hello, hello, somebody please explain how firefighters and police work. Just imagine your home or business was on fire. Now what?

Weneverleft 8 points ago +8 / -0

Alot of post's are about cleansing and detox. Do a search, you should get good results. TBH, giving in was her downfall. She will no longer be happy in retirement. Her struggles are many and will last forever. I hope God can lift her suffering. She was so close, She should have walked away.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

AMERICA, Fuckya!!! P.S. corporation dicksuckers. GFY.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy shit that looks good and properly placed in the time frame of what the prequels should have looked like. TBH, Aniken Skywalker should have been Older. His interactions with Amadala would not be so pedo.

Weneverleft 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's amazing how liberals seem to benefit every time something wrong happens. It weird, like, so one sided.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

This clip is short, the original had lots of video and was more in depth. It talked about the greays and their need to have this happen. In order for their future to exist. I just can't find it?

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Paging Darwin, please remove genetically defective specimen from gean pool.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you see how jacked the executive was. That man could really pull off his tie. With that suit, Jesus nothing says hardened criminal like an executive. Open fire dammit!!!

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hahaha, they are just going to put a replacement selection in office. Here's the results, selected liberal compromised pedifile will be installed. The MAGA candidate will loose by. Just enough to avoid a recount. Democracy wins again. WISCONSIN IS STILL USING DOMINION FOR ALL ELECTIONS!!!! It doesn't matter what you vote for.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their is a weird little story about a project called Looking Glass. It's hard to understand because the narrator is trying to explain but not divulge information. I know speak plainly but he doesn't. Look up youtube video on Project Looking Glass. It's a far out their quantum super computer that HAS PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING. This computer has already spit out dire predictions that the DS, and elites don't like. So using this machine built form backwards engineering from a UFO they have been able to ( predict the future) but they fucked up and they have a cross point. All the futures converge. And it has the masses rising up and killing them all. And the world burns. Back to the dark ages and possibly extinction. It's not a good outcome. But their is a sliver of chance we can thred the needle and turn dark to light. Avoid the death and destruction and bring about a new real golden age for mankind. We have traitors to mankind amongst us. They want to continue to serve mankind to their overlords. The lizard people. So the whole film is bizarre and I have watched it on two separate occasions. Everytime I see it I am conflicted. And it sends me into contemplating, what am I seeing.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Japanese prime Minister in this photo. He was assassinated right? See his stance and body language. Can't have that now can we.

Weneverleft 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have to nerve myself into knowing. I don't want to. The movie seven stayed with me for weeks. Ever since I avoid Saw movies. I don't want to see the depravity. I also don't want to be head in the sand guy. So give me a moment.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Size and age of attacker? What's going on. Is that a student or an adult. But hey massive size on small boy. WTF

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kek, you asshats get me every time. We was kangz.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good Riddince, just a quick note. You reap what you sow.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pucker moment, secret service had their heads on a swivel. They really go into hyper awareness when GEOTUS walks into random milling public people. The people love it but the SS has to protect their charge. It's their one job, the only one that counts. As a citizen who supports my president who has been attacked financially and politically. I need you to keep him safe. I would be devastated if the Deep State could send a Mockingbird puppet at him. Keep him safe.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Handing out free things will only make more of the same problems. STOP HANDING OUT FREE THINGS. O yeah, your busy adding congress seats but destroying your state. Fing communists.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

I loved watching the intro to Howard Cosell. The imagery of victory and the agony of defeat. Image of skier getting absolutely wrecked while attempting a ski jump. Sports back then was absolutely gladiatorial. An amazing age.

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