Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Christ is King, thank you for the chorus, it was up lifting.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our company went all in on hiring illegals? DACA ? Our company is flooded with non white people. Ridiculously so. The people hired are not even qualified. No schooling no training. It's scary to see the intent to disenfranchised the community.

Weneverleft 5 points ago +5 / -0

Quick, ahhhhh, my phone was stolen and used by whoever impersonated me. In fact they were a body double. Yah, that's it that's what happened. P.S. these people are stupid.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

My place of work has front page website proclaiming DEI. They also have programs/awards for brown and black only employees. Participation trophies ect. Remember the boeing meme. Planes n shit. It's like that.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

What your talking about is balkinization and it how you destroy a nation and make it forever weak and defenseless. DO NOT EVER GIVE UP LAND EVER!!!! ITS THE UNITED STATES NOT THE DIVIDED RETARDED EUROPEAN COUNTRIES.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just a comment, at work so many coworkers have people family fighting cancer. No one seems to realize that alot, I mean alot of people are now fighting cancer. WHY DON'T THEY REALIZE THIS!!!! Why are they like, yah my moms sister is fighting cancer. I could go to almost any coworker and ask, do you know anyone who is fighting or died of cancer. The answer yes. But I was teased as a conspiracy theorist that the jab was going to make every one a mutant. This was true I was just one voice at the time and publicly shamed for it.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, Don't like it when your own homes are the ones getting squatted on. KEK.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is so dumb and short sighted. We have all seen broken down electric cars getting towed by fuel cars. Jesus the dumb is strong. Get rid of these retards.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

So this is why they are saying Christvis King is antisemitic. What a catch all phrase. You can label anything you dislike as a racial slur.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

So many people die from the clot shot.

Weneverleft 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's nasty, remember how wholesome he used to be. See why these beautiful souls get corrupted. What is done to them. Next you see him tattooed up and talking trash. Because he was sacrificed, innocence lost. So many children, some Don't even survive. Jon bonnet Rhamsy, the little blond girl that Spielberg took a liking to.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am baffled. Not really just wanted to be first.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the list grows. What do we have here. Nintendo, bike rides. Running, Marijuana. Red meat, your window blinds???? Being white??? Some of these are retarded. Sneezing or coughing not sure which. Walking. Their were so many.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thinking the same thing. That's alot of farmland madeinto a glass parking lot. What a waste. If it happened once it can happen again. Don't rebuild this waste of space.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know what would be nice. Shut Down high speed algorithm trading. ITS STEALING. These fing, computerized systems are buying and selling faster than human beings could ever hope to trade at. It's scraping the top off the cash and siphoning hard working American money. It's a scam. Remember that time when the algorithm went haywire and lost hundreds of millions of dollars. This is what happened. Their theft machine broke down and they wanted their money back. Deemed it a computer malfunction. So your telling me that a poor stock choice is my fault but when a computer makes a mistake its a glitch that can be corrected. See the difference, all of these algorithm companies have our politicians involved in them.why, protection. They are in on the theft. This way they are NEVER GOING TO BE REGULATED. never. So common Americans work their whole lives building up a nest egg only for these thieves to keep draining a little bit at a time. Just a measly hundred million a day. Their are so many of these companies now. Even foreign countries are doing it. American wealth is being stolen.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is not going to end well. Also I'm on the exact other side of America away from the Mexican border. At Walmart today, in my once white community. The store was flooded with South American people. I was like what is going on. None of this is normal. Think of it this way. What if you lived in a country and suddenly your stores are filled with Americans. They don't speak your language. You can't communicate you don't even share the same values. Impoting votes for 2024. Living this is weird.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember Trump went to a presidential event with Barry as president. Barry kept making fun of and publicly humiliating Trump. Everyone was laughing. Ha, ha ha. You get what you deserve. I remember the pettiness and spitfulness. You live by it now you get to taste your own wickedness.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump curse, have you seen what has happened to this person. She looks like a blow up doll. And not a good one. Just a characture of a Bachelorette party. Gross.

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