Witsend 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let it go fren. Everything might be one big psyop. Everything. It didn't effect you in ways you understood before you knew the truth. Don't let it do so now. Fight when you can fight. Put on rose colored glasses to view the world when you can't. Go somewhere majestic. If even for a day. Go where there is a sky full of stars. Become humble and thrive on the grandeur. If you are religious, do it for God. If you are not, do it for someone who cares for you and helped you along the way. This world, this country, is so full of remarkable beauty. F#$k "em all. The chips are in the air. Let them fall where they may. It is possible to be both humble and selfish. Don't squander it. You are doing yourself, or someone who cares about you a great disservice. You are letting them win. You walk with the answers. Just ask the right questions.

Witsend 3 points ago +3 / -0

Try to find love. True love. It's out there. Every ounce of the bullshit she mentions carries purpose when you do it for someone else. Nothing else is real. Time is our only commodity, and it is spent on it's own budget timeline.

If you can't find true love. Spend the time on yourself. Happiness takes effort and is likely to leak out the windows if you let it. Find something you love to do and do that. Try something knew that has always intrigued you. Build something. Buy or rent a kayak. Get a dog. Drive to the mountains or the ocean. This is a beautiful place. It's a shame to waste it. Look inside, not out.

Witsend 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't believe that you can just go and "identify as Jewish." I may be wrong, but they sure seem to have a lot of rules about that sort of thing.

Witsend 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not hard to imagine that a dude with a dead intern in his office just may be compromised.

Witsend 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's nice professional language. Definitely someone you would want in a high level position.

Witsend 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need to decriminalize criminals.

Witsend 2 points ago +2 / -0

Self-employed. I haven't hardly looked at a clock with purpose for twenty-five plus years. No skin off my nose either way. Just a preference if I had to chose.

Witsend 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm with you. Although, I, unlike 99% of contractors, go in late and stay late. The evenings cool down, so I hit most of the heat and enjoy the cooler temperatures regardless. Problem with the very long daylight hours is I tend to work too many hours. I love to build, and without darkness stopping me, I tend to press on. Down in Texas it's always crazy hot. I have made my peace with it.

Witsend 5 points ago +6 / -1

I would much rather they keep the clocks forward, though.

Witsend 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does this scare anyone else?

Witsend 2 points ago +2 / -0

To whomever took the time to downvoat these comments. You are a sad person who needs to find laughter. If I bring levity to a comment, it is for me. Because I think it's funny. Others may also think it's funny. Others may not. I don't expect you to think anything that I find humorous to be funny.

The fact that you would go out of your way to downvoat such things indicates to me that you live a sad humorless life. This messed up world is going to eat you alive. A sense of humor, regardless of whether or not it is akin to mine is one of the healthiest ways to navigate the horrible things taking place all around us. I truly feel sorry for you, and those around you. What a miserable existence you must live.

Witsend 8 points ago +8 / -0

Filthy rich people usually don't get all that bent out of shape about insurance coverage.

Witsend 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are two (occassionally three) plane style drones (big) that fly in the same part of the sky just Northwest of Austin just about every night. For hours on end. I thought they were helicopters for the longest time as they appear to hover in place. Been going on for at least a few years. I finally caught sight if one, I think, last year. Just before dusk. It flew right over me, and I was able to see what it was. I've been meaning to make a post to see if that happens anywhere else.

Edit: If anyone lives out this way look to the West just as you move from Austin to Round Rock on 35 (Pflugervilleish I believe around Grand Avenue). They will be two unusually bright lights not far above the horizon just after dark to at least eleven.

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