YellowEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is this moron still thinking that using this tactic will do anything for his “side”? I don’t get that, it beyond dumb..

YellowEye 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine having the brains and skills to write this, and then either fully not getting reality or just lying out loud. Such a sad way to live..

YellowEye 2 points ago +2 / -0

This stupid rag has been putting up this show for a looooong time. High on my list of people I really don't like.

YellowEye 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why does anyone give a fuck about Nick? Ignore these pieces of poop, it’s all they are.

YellowEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

Through Q we (anons on internet fora) have been encouraged to seek out and extract, rate, index, discuss, link, etc the truth out of a big pile of garbage data that exists out there. What if our behavior has been used to train a certain AI?

YellowEye 4 points ago +4 / -0

Messaging his pedo friends to go hide in Europe’s tunnels/dumbs. Or that the European tunnels/dumbs are down the drain.

YellowEye 3 points ago +3 / -0

If Q has brought me anything, it is Jesus. Every prayer brings resolve. Not completely, but more than enough to carry on with the plan. It’s God’s plan we are living, and His pace is different from ours. Stay strong fren, know that the whole community appreciates your efforts. You are strong, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

YellowEye 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have family living in Israel, really close to Gaza. They claim at least one of the family's friends has died while defending his town, and I have no reason not to believe them. I also know for sure that this was a FF, or better, a planned event that is being milked by the media like crazy. They already tried the "dead babies" thing, I mean come on.. They are desperate. Because it is the Great War they are after. They need to get rid of us, and create chaos for their order.

Not saying it will work though, the part where Israel comes into play is the part we have all been waiting for.

YellowEye 3 points ago +3 / -0

They misspelled “experts” as they clearly mean “the experts that we choose”

YellowEye 18 points ago +18 / -0

No, but the tone of voice that Scott raised to defend his gamble was far from acceptable.

YellowEye 2 points ago +3 / -1

Found this YT short of him wearing a pair of intriguing shoes: https://youtube.com/shorts/iMlWd2gLzeE

YellowEye 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s gonna take more than that to move the normies that actually can be saved, I’m afraid. Just look at history (and the world as it is), we are so fucking gullible, naive and lazy. It’s beyond believe. But it is the way it is. The snowball has to grow, and that is taking a really long time. Not in Gods measurement of course, but my simple human brain can not comprehend.

YellowEye 1 point ago +1 / -0

I fully agree, we are nowhere near the precipice. At least not where I am from. Nobody notices COVID hot topics, nobody cares about the raid being a failure, the steal of yet another election, the weird pacing of the situation in Ukraine. Etc. People are just very vast asleep. Eventually it will happen, the bubble will burst at some point in the future, but this is not that moment. Not feeling it.

Not a black pill, just got used to the pace. Keep spirits up as it is the most impactful force we have!

YellowEye 2 points ago +4 / -2

Goodbye for now

Common man, is that all you could think of? Fake and gay. I remember the last time this was tried, the board posts where in a different timezone, explaining the amazing 0 delta.

Edit: it should not matter at this point (Q back or not), we’ve been Qless for quite some time now and are doing great, just look at all the Q content out there on a daily basis. I’m sure that if Q really wants to communicate with us, there will be a way.

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