Yohan_Galt 4 points ago +4 / -0

This was my second thought, the first being that he was taken out, maybe he as about to sing. The latter means that it was a planned, coordinated hit, good luck with that.

If this was a victim of his then this person would be at a disadvantage. They couldn't know for sure precisely which room Bob would occupy in advance, if at all. If they paid an employee or by sheer luck saw him leaving the room they still would have to gain entry from the balcony. This means they would have to rent a room on the same row and side that Bob was on.

Who the hell knows.

Yohan_Galt 3 points ago +3 / -0

The outside balconies of the hotel can easily be entered from the other balconies. They need to review footage, if they have it, of the outside grounds. They also need to review footage and the names, of those that occupied the adjacent rooms, and honestly the entire row as someone could traverse the entire balcony row.

Yohan_Galt 10 points ago +10 / -0

Let's be honest, even if they released this information, the brain dead public wouldn't even believe it.

Yohan_Galt 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am with you... that been said, I will eat SPAM and TUNA for months if it means my kids will have a glorious future.

Yohan_Galt 3 points ago +3 / -0

100 percent agree, VAERS is not fact/truth, it is merely data that needs to be compared to against clinical safety trial data to find commonality. My only sticking point is the term vaccine injury, its not used in clinical trials. I do understand why people use the term, to highlight potential Adverse Events that are more extreme. I did enjoy the conversation ;-) Keep up the good work!

Yohan_Galt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do understand what you are saying with regards to VAERS, it is not fact. It is merely a reporting system. What I am trying to explain is that in clinical trials, we do not use the term vaccine injury. If we do, then define vaccine injury? You can't, it does not exist. You keep using this term with virtually no context.

Define Vaccine Injury please, then we both can get on the same page. You quoted VAERS and even VAERS does not discuss vaccine injury. Why, it is a term that is not used in Vaccine Clinical Trials.

I fully know the pitfalls of VAERS, that is not what we are discussing.

Yohan_Galt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I to work in the medical field, and I agree, VAERS alone cannot be used to determine Adverese Events, it certainly has to be taken with a grain of salt. But it cannot be ignored, it has to be compared with clinical trial safety data (PLACEBO) to either confirm or rule out potential Adverese Events.

I have never stated VAERS is indicative of vaccine injury, it is indicative of potential Adverese events (80 percent reporting done by clinicians/nurses/doctors) which need to be followed an compared against ongoing safety trials of said medicines.

There is no such term 'Vaccine Injury' in clinical trials, you as a medical researcher should know this.

Yohan_Galt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Again, there is no such usage of vaccine injury in clinical trials. It falls under Adverse Events. Injury is to subjective, hair loss for a drug to some people is acceptable, but considered an injury to others. Clinical Trials use placebo to help rule out Adverse Events that may not be associated with medications, which in turn are used to compare VAERS data.

Yohan_Galt 3 points ago +3 / -0

VAERS is a reported system that monitors Adverse Events, to include Injury (if the Adverse Event is severe enough). They are not two different terms, you are making them two different terms. I asked you to define 'injury', and you did not, because injury is subjective. A severe stomach ache to someone could be considered injury, but in clinical trials the term is not used, because its subjective.

The real safety data come from clinical trials which uses placebo. Through short and long term safety data (compared against placebo) compared to VAERS data we can get a better understanding of the 'SAFETY' of a medication, short and long term.

Yohan_Galt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Safety Trial Data is used to verify/confirm VAERS Data... comparison. If an adverse event is suspected it, by law, has to be reported. You make a reasonable point that not all Adverse Events are related to the mRNA jabs per VAERS. But in clinical trials, safety, they are compared against placebo, ruling out potential adverse events that are not associated with the mRNA jabs. VAERS in highly underreported, but is still used as a baseline to monitor safety in medications. Over time, long term safety trials will either confirm what VAERES indicates or not. Again, Safety trials compare against Placebo (non drug) which is then compared to safety trials.

Yohan_Galt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Define Vaccine Injury in Relationship to Adverse Events? Is death an injury or is it considered an Adverse Event?

Yohan_Galt 5 points ago +5 / -0

What you are saying is simply not true. Adverse events if severe enough constitute injury. I think you need to define 'vaccine injury' before you continue. There is no listing in a PI regarding 'injury'... they fall under Adverse Events (this includes Infections / Serious Adverse Events and Death)

All medications approved by the FDA have this information, and its robust, and long term. It's Trial Safety Data.

You are trying to say injury is different than Adverse Events, which is ridiculous.

This Adverse Events following these mRNA jabs is something we have never seen before, they are endless. And this isn't even long term Safety Data. VAERS only verifies this.

So I ask you, define vaccine injury in relation to Adverse Events.

Yohan_Galt 25 points ago +25 / -0

Exactly. Putin is going to expose the corruption in Ukraine.

by BQnita
Yohan_Galt 7 points ago +7 / -0

Short answer, Trump. He is still the Commander in Chief of our military. The rest our pawns, either under white hat control or black hat control. Remember, NCSWIC. That means regardless of what you see or hear, patriots are in control. Keep the faith, God is in control, Good vs. Evil.

Yohan_Galt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Keep you friends close, and your enemies closer. Flynn knew exactly what he was walking in to.

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