ZeroDeltaTango 4 points ago +4 / -0

Or put them on a CNN debate stage against Donald Trump without their meds.

ZeroDeltaTango 1 point ago +1 / -0

IMHO anyone who can watch this video with this girl who's crying (and her mother!) describing this horrific ritual abuse and criticize her is broken inside. They are the adults who disbelieve kids who come to them in tears saying they were molested by someone. Instead of helping they turn the blame back onto the child, hurting that child deeply, permanently.

Their heart has been fractured beyond repair and turned black and cold. They are without compassion, a shell of a human being. A great majority were themselves abused as children, whether they know it or admit it, or not.

moment of silence for them

ZeroDeltaTango 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure. Yet if Pence had sent it back to the state legislatures, or if the Supreme Court had intervened and Trump had been declared the winner in 2020, that was Trump's Plan A:. He would have been happier STAYING in power, not having to build it all back up again from zero.

Of course he and the white hats didn't WANT democrats to seize power in a coup and allow 25 million illegals, including thousands of criminals, terrorists and disease spreaders, into the country. They just had no choice but to settle for that after the events of J6 went down.

They calculated that they just couldn't "make it look like a coup" in retaining power legally—after the democrats had no qualms at all "making it look like a coup" in seizing power illegally.

We're the only side that gives a flying fuck about "optics". They play hardball. We play kickball.

ZeroDeltaTango 3 points ago +3 / -0

The main topic around fighting against transmania should be and mass sterilization of the world, yet it's barely whispered:

Every single transmaniac (or child victim) who undergoes sex change bottom surgery can never experience orgasm again the rest of their life, let alone have children. This fact is hidden from the great majority of them prior to surgery. They'll all find out the hard way.

BTW I had to invent the word transmania to fight the smear against the 99.997% of the population the transmaniacs call "transphobic", as if WE were the ones with the mental illness instead of them.

They are the ones with the psychological disorder known as gender identity disorder. They are maniacal about being transvestites and genital mutilators, and they demand you participate in their bizarre, antihuman, perverted sex fantasy. They are transmaniacs.

ZeroDeltaTango 3 points ago +3 / -0

At least COVID helped wake people up to the fact that medical doctors are mostly just paid pill pushers for Big Pharma

I said mostly - because not all - but close enough

When you get sick, you need to have the mindset that you are fighting against both the illness AND the medical profession over your health

ZeroDeltaTango 1 point ago +1 / -0

We switched to naturally flavored club soda (seltzer) and never looked back.

So damn refreshing

ZeroDeltaTango 43 points ago +43 / -0

As long as I live I will never understand the massive worldwide obsession with sexually abusing children. It's the MOST inhuman behavior conceivable,....and it's literally EVERYWHERE.

ZeroDeltaTango 1 point ago +1 / -0

critical thinking skills

Obviously neither of you knows what that means, since you keep invoking it in a case where it doesn't apply. It's just a catchphrase to you.

No analysis needed: I saw a video of Michael Jackson, pre-deepfake, where he said he slept with children after giving them wine in Coke cans and calling it Jesus Juice. It's just that simple.

Y'all can blaze away at the messenger like Crooks on crack, but it changes nothing. There isn't anything you can do or say to make millions of people forget seeing and hearing that.

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes but it wasn't little kids, it was Michael who admitted in his own words that he slept with children after giving them wine in Coke cans and calling it Jesus Juice

Done with this supermarket tabloid soap opera topic - have a great day

ZeroDeltaTango 10 points ago +10 / -0

I am never abandoning my pets - govt can eat shit

Many people will literally die first, because the living life every day knowing you abandoned them would be worse than death

ZeroDeltaTango 1 point ago +2 / -1

At some point reality sets in

2020 went bye-bye, it ain't getting fixed - steal the diamonds, keep the diamonds

Trump did everything he could but the democrat deepstate stole power

2024 he vows we will not let them rig and steal - this time he must have a plan

We'll see what happens

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hate yourself, your body, and not wasting money? Drink Coca-Cola!

ZeroDeltaTango 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lost me when he included Trump in the cult

If he were one of them they wouldn't be trying so spectacularly hard to destroy him

ZeroDeltaTango 2 points ago +2 / -0

1 million = 400 million now?

This is one dim bimbo, folks. She is seriously too stupid to work any job.

IIRC Trump's father loaned him that money and got repaid WITH INTEREST

ZeroDeltaTango 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is the first thing that leaps out at the viewer, isn't it

OK by me but that's just me :)

ZeroDeltaTango 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL Sorry, keyboard warrior tough guy. Jackson admitted the sleeping with children and Jesus Juice thing on video long ago, and the maid herself attested to the other fact on video as well. Before deepfake.

But at least you got to put your douche-nozzle skills on display. Such a sad waste, really, of what your well-spewed contumely suggests was a good education.

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