Yes, It was really HUGE. In fact, the biggest popular manifestation in Brazil.
As Jason Miller, whom was at Brasilia, said: "This is like going to the biggest fourth of July you have ever seen, except its ten times bigger
Yes we! Not "for" Bolsonaro, but "with" him. we are strugglin for Liberty. As our (globalist/communist) Supreme Court members together with MSM dont stop to offend our Constitution. Almost like there in America with President Trump. Now, about the Huge Massive Popular Manifestations on this September 7th, As Jason Miller, whom was at Brasilia, said: "This is like going to the biggest fourth of July you have ever seen, except its ten times bigger"
The Caduceus. Its the Staff of Imhotep, the Greatest Egyptian Genius, the first Great Architect, Builder of the Saqqara Pyramid Complex. He was later worshiped as the god of Medicine and called Aesclepius or Eskulapios by the Greeks.
I believe the Caduceus is the same as the Kundalini of the Yogis. meaning the Illumination. Which is the same objective of the FMs, as they put It: the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple.
The physicist Dan Winter has did some great work breaking down the physics/biological aspects of Kundalini and much more, I highly recomend Dan Winter's Works on Negentropy.
There's also a 8 hours documentary on YT called "OLHO DE HORUS" (horus' eye) where Part 06 is about Imhotep and the Saqqara Complex.
Molecular Biology Clues Portray SARS-CoV-2 as a Gain-of-Function Laboratory Manipulation of Bat CoV RaTG13
- Ariel Fernández*
-Brazil’s Modern Day Slave Owners Don't Want Their Names on the Web-
‘Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is for ever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.’
Romans 1:24-27
American Judges Take Kids Away From Their Parents For Not Wearing Masks
American Judges Take Kids Away From Their Parents For Not Wearing Masks
Fauci Must Explain Why Oversight Bypassed for Funding to Wuhan Lab, Congressman Says.
US Govt Caught Trafficking Fresh Aborted Baby Body Parts For Experiments:
US Govt Caught Trafficking Fresh Aborted Baby Body Parts For Experiments:
US Govt Caught Trafficking Fresh Aborted Baby Body Parts For Experiments:
US Govt Caught Trafficking Fresh Aborted Baby Body Parts For Experiments:
Folks, forgive me for my comment not related to the post, but I have not found another means of contact, please, could someone please tell me why my posts do not appear in the news feed? or is it just not visible for me? thank you for your attention
I didn't knew about these speeches (“War is approaching us” and “War is not far from us and is the Midwife of the Chinese Century") by Chinese former General Chi Haotian about The Takeover of America by the Chinese.. this is real
Yes, the MSM is the Same Globally. With the Same common objective. we Brazilians are strugglin for Liberty. As our (globalist/communist) Supreme Court members altogether with MSM dont stop to offend our Constitution and attack its defendors as our President. Nothing unlike there in America with President Trump.
Now, about the Huge Massive Popular Manifestations on this September 7th, As Jason Miller, whom was at Brasilia, said: "This is like going to the biggest fourth of July you have ever seen, except its ten times bigger" . He also said he would tell President Trump that there is someone in the world who gather bigger crowds than he, lol