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that's how they deal with election fraud. America, are you there?
maybe he let his precious parts removed before he was caught and so he would no longer have been a danger to his fellow female prisoners
well, the western press will give it a twist (as they always do)
blacks can do that, and get away with it with impunity. Whites, on the other hand;;;
those faggots should have been imprisoned the day they came up with their shit.
incredible, the amount of incompetence everywhere.
Germans, yes
that's the difference between 'officially' and 'unofficially'
the "collapse" has been announced at least 100 times recently. So far, we've only seen the opposite happening on the stock market...
america has a 'peace flag'?
their reaction to this might still surprise you
the 'free world' where is that?
yes, the candidates for sex transition are so numerous that they now had to employ skilled butchers to keep up with the demand.
of course, such people never leave with empty hands
how come i didn't read that in the msm... oh, yes, I get it...
they want to reduce the world population, starting with the white countries
but she pledged royalty to Israel...
a non-corrupt politician has yet to be born
they had to find a 'plausible' explanation for the many sudden causes of death of younger people. Of course, the vaccines have nothing to do with it...
no, with what she 'earned' (?) she can go on for another few hundred years
you know, 'reason' these days...
he had 4 years to name names, now suddenly...
yes, Biden is a fascist. He shows strikingly many characteristics of it.
make censorshit great again
the man in charge leaves ruins everywhere
that's how they deal with election fraud. America, are you there?