by NanaQ45
amani3 2 points ago +2 / -0

He did post on June 2nd. Here is his last post on Telegram yesterday (June 3rd): "Friday June 3 Report Will Be Published On Saturday, June 4"

amani3 4 points ago +4 / -0

Excellent commentary. This battle against dark forces and fight for freedom is beyond borders. Those folks who have lived a semi-free life (within the cabal system) may understand better the plan underway to subjugate and control the human race through fear, division, and lies. But freedoms are not granted by our fellow humans but by God, our divine creator. We are praying for our brothers and sisters in Australia, and around the world. We are allies and friends in this endeavor; we will not stop; we will protect our children.

amani3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a telegram post the other day suggesting another source to purchase baby formula is via Amazon Canada and have it shipped to the US.

amani3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately, I am not aware of any way to waive the filing fee. Creating your board now will make this process easier. (To file the 501c3, you will need their names/positions anyway.) The board should help fundraise the startup costs, including the filing fee, as well as write the mission statement, develop program goals, create the project timeline, create a project budget, work with the program director, and so forth. Do you have any folks in mind who might be willing to serve on your board? Have you clearly articulated your vision for the program, identified the population the camp will serve, touched on why there is a need for Camp Yesu, and provided other relevant information in a written statement. This will be useful in recruiting board members. You do not necessarily need a large board but you will need people who believe in the program, are willing to work, and bring skills and expertise to help your new program be successful. Garnering financial support for startup costs is much easier than ongoing program support which is why a fundraising plan is essential. I wish you the best in your endeavor.

amani3 18 points ago +18 / -0

Thank you for the update regarding part 22. Also, this series was the catalyst for my family's changed thinking and "awakening". The evil of this world is on full display, but so, too, is the love for humanity and the desire of those in the fight to expose the evil and corruption and create a brighter future for our children.

amani3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yet, another example of corrupt journalism. And the media wonders why the public does not trust them.

amani3 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hugh Allen Stafford was one of the highest ranking POWs in Hanoi. He was a prisoner of war for six years. Author Jeff Norman wrote a fantastic book about Stafford's experience in Hanoi and the events leading up to his capture. Back in 2013, Glenn Beck did a story on his television program about Stafford and his fellow POWs. The words below were penned by Stafford on small scraps of paper during his time in prison and are an inspiration to all those in the fight for freedom. Thank you Commander, for your service and sacrifices for this country.

Scrawled on the inside of a cigarette carton, Beck described Stafford's letter as "profound." It reads:

“Don’t dread suffering. It only makes it worse. Anticipate it. Predict it. Even exaggerate it in your anticipation of it. Don’t fight a neurosis or a symptom of one. It may be a friend in disguise, a mere symptom of a deeper disturbance rendered less severe by it. A neurosis may well be a vital protective shield. Detach yourself from it. Predict it. Exaggerate. Laugh at it. It can safely and effectively be ridiculed away but not torn away. Try to find ‑‑ try to find meaning in this every circumstance. Meaning varies with the individual and with every circumstance. With him ‑‑ or with me it may vary by the hour. The meaning for a particular moment may simply be to endure that moment in a manner in which you can be proud of. But beware of false pride. Don’t expect too much. Perhaps in retrospect it will show that it was meaningful enough just to have endured, to have survived, to try. Perhaps at the end of it, it is just as meaningful to look back and say 'I tried' as it would be to say 'I succeeded.'"

Link to the book about Stafford:

amani3 4 points ago +4 / -0

Children have equal rights as delineated in the Constitution.

"Amendment XIV Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia."

Cornell Law School

Everything we do, and will do, should be for the children.

amani3 5 points ago +5 / -0

My mother told me she watched a segment on Tucker about these giant spiders dropping from the sky. Question is, will they be dropped by aeroplane? Really, at this point, nothing surprises us.

amani3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Added to my Rumble subscriptions to watch later (if my fragile heart can take any more). My soul hurts thinking about it. My journey this past year digging for truths and exposing evil and corruption has driven me further into the arms of our Lord. Money laundering, fraud, and corrupt politicians are one thing--but child/human sex trafficking and torture takes things to an entirely new level of evil. If nothing else, we must expose every dark corner. We must protect our children. I recently attended a training on trafficking at a local community church and the presenter (a former sex worker) stated child sex trafficking has surpassed drug trafficking. And the US is at the top of the list.

amani3 3 points ago +3 / -0

According to Biblical scholars, yes, as well as China. Interesting, I seem to recall the US is not a key player.

“And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh” (Daniel 7:5).''

amani3 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you mean? I am in bed now dreaming about frogs, popcorn and lots of strange things. kek

amani3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I totally agree--this vaccine causes injury.

A variable unique to the COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is the lipid nanoparticles/mRNA technology. Also, different individuals in the control group receive different doses and batches. Other components have also been found in the COVID-19 vials such as graphene and unidentified organisms and structures. I believe the intent of this vaccine is known by a small percentage of the world's population, but we can all agree the people are part of an experiment (it's just that many do not realize it).

People are corruptible and so, too, is the science.

amani3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep in mind the CDC website shows there have been less than 1,000 COVID-19 associated deaths for children 0-18 years of age. Contrast this number with 37,660 reports filed, and some of these injuries are permanent. The long-term impact/damage has yet to be revealed as the FDA rushed through the approval process. The vaccine approval for 6 months - 4 years old age group has been temporarily postponed due to inclusive data. On the website, it shows our children (and adults) are participating in ongoing experiments with different children receiving different lots and doses. Example:

amani3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not believe we are there yet. Until we have platforms to freely share and exchange ideas (without censorship), many people will continue getting there information from their "usual sources" or avoid the news altogether. Some folks may remain in denial for many months/years to come. Or it may be that once particular individuals are charged with crimes, tried and found guilty folks might start asking questions. Also, when we (or someone we care about) are directly affected by an event, edict, ruling, etc., we tend to look for answers (e.g., loss of job, vaccine injury, inflation, crime in our neighborhood, etc.).

amani3 2 points ago +2 / -0

And to usher in the digital passports (which will contain your vaccinations data)

amani3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry about that. Yes, my family subscribes to the Epoch Times. See below for the info.

Written by Brad Jones February 16, 2022 Updated: February 17, 2022

"California truckers fed up with the federal government’s endless emergency powers mandating masks and vaccines are gearing up for what they hope will become a Canadian-style “freedom convoy” to Washington, D.C., and are set to roll on Interstate 40 heading east from Barstow on Feb. 23.

A national group, called The People’s Convoy, is organizing the truckers who will hit the road for the nation’s capital city to demand the Emergency Powers Act be lifted, ending the mandates, according to Chris Marston, chairman of the American Foundation for Civil Liberties, a non-profit that advocates for civil liberties issues and is helping coordinate the trucker’s protest.

Though previous news reports stated the convoy wouldn’t depart California until March 7, organizers now say the convoy will leave earlier than planned.

“Freedoms can’t wait,” Marston told The Epoch Times.

The group said it is calling on the American people to join the “call to freedom” in the spirit of “our brave and courageous neighbors to the north—our Canadian brothers and sisters who led the charge.”

The Freedom Convoy in Canada has captured international attention the last handful of weeks as hundreds of truckers have parked in protest outside Parliament in Ottawa, the nation’s capital, demanding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s resignation and an end to mask and vaccine mandates.

A map of the convoy’s expected route will be posted to the group’s website, Maureen Steele, a The People’s Convoy organizer, said Feb. 16 on “War Room,” a streaming political talk show and podcast hosted by former Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon.

To ensure donations for the truckers won’t be frozen or routed to other causes—a problem the Canadian truckers encountered with the crowdsourcing platform GoFundMe—The People’s Convoy is taking donations directly on their website.

Peter Navarro, Trump’s former economic adviser—and a regular on Bannon’s show—praised Canadian truckers for leading the charge against what he called government tyranny.

“They are like the Boston Tea Party. They’re the fountainhead of a worldwide movement, which is basically on the right side of both science and economics. And we have to thank those Canadian truckers,” Navarro said.

Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist, immunologist, and inventor of mRNA vaccines, who has been an outspoken critic of the federal government’s handling of the pandemic and mandates, also suggested on the show that Washington may soon see a new kind of “woke”—that supporters have called an “awakening.”

“I think that the truckers, when they hit the Capitol, may well wake up a large number of our representatives and senators that are kind of a little bit asleep right now,” Malone said.

Joshua Yoder of the US Freedom Flyers, a recently formed group of American air, rail, and trucking professionals who believe in “the right to travel freely” regardless of one’s vaccination status, also appeared on the show to support the U.S. convoy.

“These are Americans who want their voices to be heard. We’ve been shut out for so long,” Yoder said. “There’s a lot of average people coming together, uniting … This is people speaking out and voicing their frustrations, and I think the government would do well to listen to us. It’s been far too long,”

Leigh Dundas, a civil rights attorney based in Orange County and known for her fight against vaccine passports in that county, told The Epoch Times she has been working to unite truckers.

“I’ve been keeping the communication channels open between groups … acting as a de facto clearing house between different truckers who wanted to get connected … and do something similar, but also different from what Canada did,” Dundas told The Epoch Times on Feb. 15.

Dundas said she is urging American truckers to keep the U.S. convoy lawful and peaceful like their northern neighbors and to organize in such a way to keep out any “infiltrators,” who could potentially undermine their goal.

“They’ve done a lot of things right in Canada and we should be taking their lead,” she said.

For those involved, they said they hope the planned American convoy will be a turning point.

“For me personally, it’s about our freedoms as Americans,” trucker Mike Landis said on a video posted on The People’s Convoy website. “This isn’t just about us as truck drivers, or a certain group of people or anything. It’s about Americans. … This is for the people.”

Greg Abdouch, who heads up a grassroots group opposed to mask mandates for school children in Southern California’s Inland Empire, which includes parts of San Bernardino and Riverside counties, said in an interview with The Epoch Times that he’s in full support and thinks other groups, like his, will be too.

Though he said he commends the Canadian truckers, he predicts it will be “small potatoes” compared to what could happen in the United States.

“I feel like this is the moment in time where we’re actually making history,” he said. “I think you’re going to have soccer moms … getting in their cars, slapping a flag on the back, and driving behind this convoy,” he said."

amani3 16 points ago +16 / -0

I miss him as well. There is definitely a void in his absence.

amani3 1 point ago +1 / -0

More info. from the Children's Health Defense website:

On February 15, the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) is scheduled to meet to deliberate granting Emergency Use Authorization to Pfizer’s BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for babies aged six-months and children up to five years old despite the lack of safety and efficacy to support its use.

If the committee grants the EUA to Pfizer for this age group, nearly 20 million American infants and preschool-aged children could be at risk of vaccine injury based on the indicators we’re seeing in the published medical literature. There is no COVID emergency for children under five years old. Children have a 99.995% recovery rate from COVID and healthy children are not dying from COVID. Not only is this injection medically unnecessary for this younger age group, but there are clear signals coming from U.S. government sources that the risk to human health is real, and that adverse events to this vaccine are not rare. There’s enough evidence of harm to exercise caution when it comes to these vaccines and we need your help to sound the alarm!

Take Action: Four Ways to Get Involved

We have four different areas that you can participate in to express your opposition to the FDA in potentially granting Emergency Use Authorization to Pfizer’s vaccine for this younger age group. This also bolsters efforts to educate friends, family and people in your community that will extend beyond next Tuesday’s meeting, no matter the outcome.

Letter Writing Campaign Don’t Break our Hearts, Protect our Health! We're encouraging everyone to send a letter of opposition, mailed in red envelopes (to signify urgency and the risk of heart health concerns of babies and young children), to the public health officials and VRBPAC members involved in this decision making process.

We want their desks covered in a sea of red envelopes! You can use our letter that we’re sending to the members of the VRBPAC committee from our advocacy portal or you can write your own. Phone calls and emails are important as well. The more contact we can make before next Tuesday, February 15, the better. Have your kids send notes as well — let them hear directly from those who potentially would be impacted by their decision. Let’s keep the pressure on!

To urge each VRBPAC member plus other public health officials involved in the process to deny EUA to Pfizer’s vaccine for infants and young children, join CHD in the Red Envelope Campaign.

Share your letters! To encourage people to join in, post pictures of your red envelopes to social media before you mail them with #DontBreakOurHearts and #SeeingRed and let's get these hashtags trending! Get Set, Get Ready…Tweet!

Take part in our Twitter storm. Follow the CHD Twitter account and re-tweet our tweets that target the FDA, public health officials and VRBPAC members to convince them to vote no at the February 15th meeting. Let’s let them know we are watching and be sure to use the hashtags #DontBreakOurHearts and #SeeingRed.

Convoy for Kids You can Keep on Truckin’ in your own neighborhood. Join friends and neighbors to organize your own convoy. Decorate your cars with red signs and messages, including the hashtags #DontBreakMyHeart #SeeingRed, and drive to the FDA, Pfizer Headquarters, Washington, DC, your state capital, legislative offices, or your Board of Health meetings. Wear red and wave red signs. Deliver handmade “Don’t Break My Heart” Valentine messages and hand out CHD’s Second Opinion educational flyers.

Many parents are not aware of these risks as they are bombarded daily with a different “safe and effective” narrative from mainstream media and the captured agencies. Let’s break through this propaganda with our new educational flyer “Children and the COVID Vaccine: A Second Opinion” that contains the facts about real indicators of risk and harm that are occurring. Informed consent is the basis of all healthcare decisions, and if the general public is not aware of these risks, they’re not making truly informed decisions.

Use this cited and referenced flyer, available in both color and black & white, to educate your state legislators, especially in states fighting bills for mandatory COVID vaccines for school and to educate others within your community, at Board of Education meetings, pediatrician’s offices, pharmacies and more. Create “Defender Days” within your community and go out and do this in teams! Be our army of truth and help get this information out there.

Get Social: Share! Share! Share! Over the next few days, you’ll see a series of social media graphics as well as this video from Mary Holland. Share any content we put out there to combat the censorship and help educate others.

Help us sound the alarm. The science is clear. If the FDA grants EUA status for this vaccine targeting this age group, our very youngest children and babies will be at risk. Let’s do everything we can to stop that from happening. Be a defender of truth, freedom and health!

amani3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for the information. Also, here is a link to the Children's Health Defense site and a few excerpts from the article posted requesting folks to contact the FDA to express our opposition to the vaccines for the 6 months to 4 year olds. I sent out emails several days ago but may fax some as well.

"Pfizer wants its disastrous mRNA shot added to the official schedule for children so that the vaccine maker can have liability protection forever.

The Pfizer mRNA shot in children 2 to 4 years old failed in the clinical trial. But, acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock, likely following orders from the Biden administration, asked Pfizer to submit an application anyway.

So on Feb. 1, Pfizer submitted an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application for children 6 months to 4 years old.

Pfizer and the FDA are proposing to start with two shots in this age group even though that approach has already failed and then they will add a third dose later in the spring if data comes in that supports that use.

The plan is literally — shoot up kids first, get the data later...

In October we generated tens of thousands of calls, emails, and faxes. Our goal in the next two weeks must be to generate hundreds of thousands of calls, emails, faxes, and letters.

The message we need to send to these bureaucrats is — ABSOLUTELY NOT! Every single person who plays a role in this decision needs to get the message that:

We are watching. The clinical trial of the Pfizer vaccine failed in this age group. You must vote NO because this proposed use violates the prohibitions against illegal medical experiments as outlined in the Nuremberg Code."

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