Much like the British Parliament. They operate inside a Royal Palace which is except from taxation and other laws, they can make laws to suit themselves, and they do. (Another Jeraboam of Bolly your Ladyship? Don't mind if I do)
Its Martin Geddes, a self styled genius and all round expert.
He was involved in the Bossmaker grift from the Netherlands, a organisation to enable you to register yourself under common law. There were never ending modules to buy for a hefty price on this subject, not very spiritual at all.
When the public find out about child murder and what is in their food, when they find out that the aliens they are shown are really demons from hell, when a nuke goes off and when the anti christ reveals itself.
Not forgetting the Wormwood star. (Betelgeuse Supernova?)
How about his role as CIA director? He was appointed to be the CIA White House liason officer in Obummers time. He wasn't an operational CIA field officer and has no operational experience, he sneaked his way into being director soley through his White House contacts, he is nothing but a PR official.
"The communists are stealing my vital bodily fluids Mandrake, this realization came to me in the act of love. The birds are flying Mandrake, the birds are on the wing"
There was a congressman in the 1940's who believed this, its where Terry Southern got the phrase from.