Yes, but I also think that they're thinking, "Hey... I got away with [insert crime against humnaity here] and nothing has ever happened to me. I'm completely immune and protected from this ever coming down on me, so I've got nothing to worry about!" or some similar deluded nonsense.
This time, things are different...
"Trump, 78, possibly wary of cameras facing the pair as they sat shoulder-to-shoulder in the pews, cautioned Obama, 63, that they would have to “find a quiet place” later in the day to discuss a “matter of importance,” according to forensic lipreader Jeremy Freeman."
Amen. I didn't get anything either (not that I wanted anything material), but I'm in the process of starting over after leaving my 4-6%er girlfriend and moving back to the other side of the state to live with my son for the time being. Have to find a new job, but that won't be too difficult. Here's to new beginnings, and a bright new future for everyone. Merry Christmas!!
Makes me wonder if he was forced to do that. In any event, "I was just doing what I was told" isn't an excuse.